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The Library of Alexandra

The story of #SciHub and its founder Alexandra Elbakyan in her fight against the global network of academic journals that underlie published scientific research.

#OpenScience #OpenAccess #Podcast #Radiolab

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in reply to Rokosun

Just a reminder that there's an episode of TROMcast with magnificent Alexandra!

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Roma

@esh Oh wow you guys invited her to a #TROMcast ?! Now I gotta go watch that 😃

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Rokosun

Files downloaded from Sci-Hub appear to carry malware allowing capture of passwords and other credentials
in reply to Josh Halpern

@EliRabett that's very unlikely, do you have a source for that? I'm wondering if it's some phishing site pretending to be SciHub, but IDK.....
in reply to Rokosun

My anti=virus software reported an attempted download form Sci-Hub as infected. Also see
in reply to Josh Halpern

Will there be any proofs? Also, those are PDF files mainly you're looking for - what "capture of passwords" are you talking about? :D
in reply to Eugene

@scsmash3r @EliRabett

PDF files can contain malware in them which is why you should never open them if you get a spam email or something with an attached PDF. However I'd be very surprised if SciHub contains any malware like this person says because it's generally considered as a trusted source of information, without providing a valid source for that claim I can only take it as rumor or propaganda at best.

in reply to Rokosun

@scsmash3r @EliRabett

BTW, you can also use tools like @dangerzone to safely open potentially harmful PDFs - it's made for people like journalists who may need to open many PDFs as part of their work.