Politics is football
People have transformed politics into a football game. Who wins? Who loses? Let's fight with each other! Be angry, shout, become fanatic!
So everyone loses track of what this is supposed to be about: to organize our species so that we can have a saner society, one that allows us to thrive, feel safe, create, discover.
So fuck the left and right and everything in between. How about the focus is on what we want to do, and make that scientific. Like what makes people less violent? What makes them smarter and calmer? More helpful? Less destructive? Well there are many experts and organizations who can answer these questions, no need for politicians. So bring them forward, let them present their theories and facts. Let's test.
Focus on projects and approaches, instead of individuals and parties.
Like let's make sure people are housed, have access to food and all of their necessities, and then provide them opportunities to do more: become doctors, engineers, smart and good humans. Isn't that going to benefit us all?
Let's make sure people not only have access to relevant and free education, but time to digest it and use it.
This SHOULD BE SIMPLE! We have what we need to create a paradise on Earth.
But the drug of trade that gave birth to companies, interests, businesses, profit, competition, mindless media, and so forth, have completely blinded the humans. No one has a scientific plan for humans, the species. They all focus on short term gains for their own little tribe/group. That brings them more power, more money, more stuff, more opportunities.
#trade #society #war #trump #biden #left #right #capitalism #money #politics