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in reply to Tio

It’s always the same argument: power users feel they’re losing access to customization, the rest of the world applauds more coherency and better design.

I still stand in the corner of regular users who don’t theme and don’t use window managers, and thus will have 100% better experience than before the update.

The fact is: if you need to customize, you still can and you know how. If you don’t care, your experience is simpler. It’s a win in my book.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

in reply to Tio

Usability is how an app works and how it’s features are accessible. In that regard, Thunderbird has made strides. Linux apps in general, have made strides.

Supporting every change the user might make on any distro isn’t usability. It’s impossible. It never worked well.
It didn’t work well in 2006 when I started using Linux. It was disjointed, half broken, and completely unstable. It still doesn’t work well today. It never will.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Nick how is a good usability if the window buttons of app X are widely different form the system's window buttons, and a times have more or less buttons or in a different part of the titlebar? Or, if the app X has a completely different theme than the system's theme? Should the user tweak the settings for each individual app if the fonts are too big or too small?

No one said they need to support every change the user wants, let's not exaggerate. They only need to make sure their apps properly define their elements so others can customize them. From my knowledge the reason some new apps like Gnome's cannot use HUD like features is because they do not define their menus properly.

You know I struggled so much to custom theme Calamares. Why? Their elements do not have proper selector. From my knowledge that's one of the main reasons these new apps cannot be properly customized.

in reply to Tio

The system wide features should be implemented by your system. It’s not up to the app to support your window manager, it’s up to your window manager to add a title bar to apps that don’t use one.

It’s up to your global menu to detect menus from an app, there’s no API on Linux to do that, (there are hacks). It ‘s up to your theme to theme your apps, since there’s no API to theme apps on Linux, whatever the desktop you use. Pin this on the desktop or the distro, not the app.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

The system cannot draw a window around an app that does not allow that. When Gnome mushes the titlebars with menus and buttons, probably it becomes very hard if not impossible for the system to do anything about it. I do not know the details for sure, but if you are saying it is the DEs that are at fault here, then are you for sure knowing that or just say that? Because I would be interested to talk to the right people about this.

For example for libadwaita one has to use a fork of libadwaita in order to allow the system to theme these apps. And the fork, form my knowledge, needs to tell libadwaita to not force their own theme. So, is this an issue with Gnome and their library, or the system?

in reply to Tio

For apps, I know for certain that the system can draw a titlebar onto an app: Kwin for example can add a titlebar and window border around an app that doesn’t have one. Davinci Resolve on Linux has no titlebar, Kwin can add one back if you so choose, in the settings.

As for Libadwaita, it was never designed to be themed, but it can be. You can still replace the css with something else. For packaged apps, flatpaks, I’ve done it. It’s just more clearly unsupported ;)

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

what if your desktop environment doesn't need the same window decorations as others? I3 doesn't need close/min/max buttons for example, but when an application adds them instead of relying on the window manager it takes up space on the desktop and makes things look disjointed
in reply to Tio

Expecting a cross platform app to support every feature from every desktop and every OS is pretty weird.

If you want an email client that works with all the features of your desktop, use the email client your desktop has. Geary, Kmail, Evolution, whatever else. Thunderbird was never and probably never will be this well integrated because, let’s be honest, Linux doesn’t have the APIs to allow that.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

You keep on saying that we expect for an app to support DE specific features :) and I never said that. An app has some protocols that OSes can use, such as notifications, or the ability for the system to wrap the app in a window in order for users to resize, close, etc.. I would say exporting the menus should also be on the list. That's what I'm talking about.

Think of websites. I make one with my own design. But people can use chrome or firefox to access it, and their browsers look the way the users wants, not enforced by my website. Now websites have protocols that allow for the visitor's system to theme the website (make it dark or light and even add their accent colors). Is to "allow" not to "provide" more than anything ;).

in reply to Tio

You’re talking about an API, something well defined that works in the same way for each browser.

Linux doesn’t have that for theming or global menus. It has that for notifications, which is why most programs, even cross platform, implement notifications.

For window borders, same, we don’t have one single standard, so the app picks the one it prefers. Here, it’s client side decoration.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

The use similar libraries so elements can be similar and well defined. This is why they can be themed. Yes they do nit have an API for theming or window decorations or menus. I think they should. At least not make it more difficult for others to theme them.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

I am talking about… - Gnome is going full on on that. Meaning the client, the app itself, draws the window decorations and not the system. This is a bad idea as I explained multiple times. It means the app decides the borders, window buttons, titlebar, shadow, and functionalities such as effects and so forth. If you have 100 different ones doing this, you'll have 100 slightly different apps in terms of how they look and behave.
in reply to Tio

It’s actually a good idea because it means it enforces cohesion on how an app works on the same toolkit and with the same HIG. It also gives control to app developers to build apps that work how they want them to, and gives them more freedom for creativity.

It’s only an issue if you see Linux as the app ecosystem, instead of seeing each desktop as its own ecosystem. Linux is NOT the platform. The DE is. It was always the case, 20 years ago, and still today.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

It enforces cohesion withing 1 single app. Or in the case of Gnome within a bunch of apps. That's the best it can be achieved. Which is not good at all. You will, at best, have different themes and different looking apps for your system. An app does not work unless it is within an OS. If the app developers do not care about the OS then they do not care about their app.

At least they can let the system draw the window decorations to provide a sane consistency for the user. So that the user knows that APPS live inside BOXES (windows). And these boxes can be managed by the system. Effects, window buttons and features.

in reply to Tio

Having similar title bars doesn’t make apps look coherent. A KDE app will never look like a GNOME app. It’s fake cohesion. Not the same HIG, not the same theme or look. Skin deep at most.

In the end it’s more confusing for people to have things that look alike and don’t work in the same way, apart from the title bars.

The ecosystem is the DE, not Linux as a whole. Apps fit the DE.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment


GTK3, GTK4, Libadwaita, QT. Which one is which? Coherent theming across all. Unfortunately with a bunch of "hacks" because of Gnome/Libadwaita mostly. And yet Thunderbird is the odd goose.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tio

if your setup ruins the usability of an application that was not tested on your setup, you should pin the blame more on your setup rather than the application that was not expecting your setup to behave how it does, and then fix it

and in the case of themes, i want to point out that even libadwaitia can be themed although its unsupported and you shouldn't report any bugs that result from you doing that

in reply to Dark

App developers should respect the system in regards to some basic functions such as notifications, theming, window decorations, fonts. By respecting I mean to make sure they properly define their elements so that the system knows how to interpret them.
in reply to Tio

@dark It’s up to the system to have interfaces the app can plug into. Linux doesn’t have many of those for the things you’re asking ;)
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

If elements are well defined then the system can work with that. If Gnome decides to mush the titlebar into something different then they are the ones breaking the system. If it was easy for the system to interpret that new approach probably they would.
in reply to Tio

most of that is the job of the framework they are using rather than the application itself

things break because applications aren't expecting the framework to not behave how they expect it to because someone modified the framework by either theming it or changing some other aspect of it

in reply to Dark

I do webdesign. People also use different browsers to access it. The CSS can be slightly interpreted differently by browsers. Plus people use addons. That being said for some the website may look broke, but it is easy for me to force them to say what browser they use and what addons. I do not expect to fix anything for any browser or addon.

Therefore when you make an app let others do whatever they want with it in terms of theming, but all I'm saying is define your elements well so that others can theme these apps. Or at least let the system draw the window decorations.

in reply to Tio

@dark Your system CAN force a theme or a window decoration. You can do it for Firefox, with custom CSS. You can also do it for thunderbird. Just don’t expect the app to give you the tools to completely break it yourself 😂
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

How can XFCE enforce a system side decoration for an app that has client side decorations? No one expects the app developer to do anything more than allowing fr the system to understand where is the titlebar and those window decorations.

In any case, the result is a fragmented Linux environment. You cannot deny it, Simply install a few QT, GTK and Libadwaita apps on any system and you'll see for yourself.

in reply to Tio

@dark That’s because you expect these apps to not look fragmented. They always did and they always will.

I use GNOME apps only, and a few that aren’t specifically made for it. My experience is 100% better today than it was 10 years, or 17 years ago. When I use KDE, I use KDE apps only. Use apps for your desktop. There is no coherency on Linux, there is DE coherency. You’re expecting something that never existed and will never exist.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Try TROMjaro then. You can see that indeed you can have 90-95% of all apps be consistent with the system's theme, fonts, and icons. On XFCE. Unnecessary hard work to do all of these but Gnome is trying hard to make it difficult to continue to do so.

You keep on promoting the Linux is not a thing, it is KDE, Gnome, and what else? Well unfortunately that's what some of the people behind these DEs are also moving towards, which is terrible. Using Gnome and expecting to mostly install Gnome apps, is a terrible idea.

The trade-free app of the day:


A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux Designed for your brain, but you can install it on a computer.No more ads and trackers consuming you, no ‘free’ trials, noContinue readingHOME

in reply to Tio

a distro applying themes to applications is even worse than a user doing it themself.


in reply to Dark

According to you. We theme the applications system wide and do a good job at it. Tested thousands of apps so far. What's wrong with that?
in reply to Tio

i am done wasting my time and muting this thread
in reply to Dark

Same here. Fundamental misunderstandings about what usability is vs « how the button looks » can’t be explained to someone who just wants to make things look superficially the same. They’ll never be the same, feel the same, look the same. They’ll be confusingly similar, but work so differently its even worse than having them themed differently.

It’s a common misconception that apparently can’t be reasoned with.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

in reply to Tio

Meant Operating Systems not laptops specifically.
in reply to Tio

@dark Beeaks apps. Shipping apps looking and working differently than what the devs wanted. Erasing their brand identity by changing their icons.

Basically not good on all fronts. Screenshots of the app in the store don’t look like the app the user has, help pages don’t look like what the user gets… the list is endless. Don’t theme apps as a distro.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Ok Apple. I understood. We won't theme anything. Give us the icons and the apps, and we will embrace. :)

Even on Mac or Windows, my dear friend, there are themes and icon packs. I am not sure what OS world you want to see, but theming and customization won't go away. We better deal with that in a consistent way, rather than thinking that the solution is to have no customization.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

This apply to web app too. I once tried an extension to force dark mode for consistency. Uninstalled five minutes later. Good UI design is complex and take time.
in reply to pepper1700

Websites are far more complex than apps simply because they have a lot of plugins and addons and modules that have custom css classes. Apps are usually a lot simpler. The share libraries and kits, so buttons, tabs, window buttons, and so forth are likely built very similarly and have similar or the same classes.
in reply to Tio

Except Microsoft Outlook, which I use once a year to prevent account d letion of this spambox I used when I was younger for untransferable account, I can't think of a complex website with a billion ressources to load. Good website take a design language and stick to it. Beside, while esoteric, css is much more powerfull and reliable for customization than most UI libraries. I've seen broken apps, and even if it is a custom UI, people complain to upstream.
in reply to Tio

@dark I don't want to get into this convo but
No matter how many apps you test, you still can't test all of them :3
in reply to Amy 🇹🇭🏳️‍⚧️

@AmyIsCoolz @dark Even testing a single app you develop to perfection is impossible, theming the app AT BEST will introduce no bug.
in reply to pepper1700

@pepper1700 @dark I've seen a lot of bugs created by themes, and yes testing an app to perfection is jmpossible and themes just add more problem :)

(Off topic but your name is so similar to my 10 years old cousin that I moved to Linux (pepper170) and I was like wtf at first)

in reply to Tio

@dark Fake consistency. Apps that sort of look alike but don’t feel part of a whole at all. You can’t make a GTK4 app look or feel like a KDE app.

In a screenshot, sure, in use? No way. It doesn’t work, it never has.
Using GNOME and using only GNOME apps is how you get a coherent system. Or using KDE and KDE apps. It’s how you get a good system. Mixing and matching always results in a crap experience if you care about consistency. No way around it.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Give it a try then see how it is. You seem to talk without trying things. What do you mean "fake consistency"? The apps look and behave similarly. You change the font, it changes for them all. Theme? All! Icons? All, except some that force their own icon pack, which is fine.

I use TROMjaro daily, and probably hundreds others. And I love it. It is very consistent. Are you ignoring the fact that I tested thousands of apps and we have an app library where I post screenshots of these apps?

Maybe you should not discuss these things if you do not want to listen to others who have done a lot of testing and have a custom distro that tries to be as consistent as possible.

Like it or not, no one will use Gnome only with Gnome apps, or KDE only with KDE apps. This fantasy world does not exist.

in reply to Tio

there literally is not a universal API people can just plug into in order to make what you are wanting possible, and i doubt it will ever be made because different application frameworks do different things making it impossible to unify them.
in reply to Dark

Then there should be such an approach. What bothers me is that some people do not seem this fragmentation as important. From a usability perspective is very bad.
in reply to Tio

i don't see how an application that was not developed for your DE not matching it affects usability at all

that's like saying a website is unusable because it doesn't match your desktop theme

in reply to Dark

@dark Yep. It’s like saying an app running in Wine doesn’t use your KDE theme. It’s not supposed to. It’s not developed for the desktop you’re using.

You can run it, but it’s not meant to look coherent.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

So you are saying the appimage, flatpak, or the repo for Thunderbird is not meant for Linux? That was a very bad example. I did not install the exe Thunderbird you know....
in reply to Dark

No, it is like a website would enforce how my browser should look. Beyond me how you guys are missing this point. I am talking about letting the system draw the window decoration as a most important step. The rest is up to the user to theme the app, granted the app does not enforce their own core theme as I think Libadwaita does.
in reply to Tio

window decorations are a part of the application, and an application can elect to have the window manager not draw them if it makes sense for it to do so

and some window managers can actually force window decorations onto an app that requests to not have them drawn (see i3wm)

in reply to Dark

Bad approach to not let the system draw the window decorations. That's what I'm saying.
in reply to pepper1700

A walled garden is when the Gnome apps refuse to let the user control how these apps are themed or managed inside the OS (window decoration wise). I want to control these apps, at least in that regard.
in reply to Tio

@dark But how can you run an app that use a design language so alien to the OS that any attemp to theme it will nuke it, as the "best" example I can think of right now, Vivaldi?
in reply to pepper1700

Sure there are some apps that enforce an own theme for good reasons. So be it. But if you practice that with most apps, or what Gnome is doing with their apps, it becomes a mess overall since the system cannot theme them at all. If you have a few rare apps like Vivaldi then fine, we can't have a perfect world, but when Gnome (the most popular DE) enforces such rules to not allow for the system to decorate their windows, that's problematic.
in reply to Dark

@dark There is such an API, it is called Darth Apple, see that giant wall, Darth Apple built it to imprison his victim.
in reply to Tio

I’d also argue theming and custom weird scripts and WMs are less and less supported, not because developers don’t care about usability, but because they, in fact, DO.

Supporting everything and anything is the best way to have a mess that performs badly, and has a terrible UX. Focusing on one toolkit, one theme, one desktop is how you make good apps. libadwaita made GNOME the best app ecosystem on Linux, hands down. You’re not making Linux apps, you’re making GNOME apps.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Weird scripts are because Gnome and the like stopped working for the Linux ecosystem and focused on Gnome only, making it more simplistic and yet still not consistent. Many GTK apps do not support libadwaita. So even if you use Gnome you'll have a bad experience if you install more than 20 apps.

If you think a fix is to strip away most customization and make 1 theme and enforce it, then it is like removing workspaces, extensions, plugins, and other options and features from a DE and call it a success because now it is more stable.

Supporting everything and anything is the best way to have a mess that performs badly, and has a terrible UX.

Not making it easy to export the menus of an app is terrible UX. Not letting the system draw the window around you app, is another terrible decision. The theming you could argue that it can create inconsistencies, although if elements are well defined in QT or GTK then themes can be properly created.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

And you still can run any Linux app if you need to, and if properly designed , they will not blend with the rest of the system but will still have their own design language.
in reply to pepper1700

If properly designed they should allow for the system to do the window decorations at least. Hopefully they also do not enforce their own theme unless the user wants that.
in reply to Tio

Alexio reshared this.

in reply to Rokosun

in reply to Tio

in reply to Rokosun

in reply to Tio

@Tio @Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Personally I don't actually do much customization or theming on my system, I just go with the default setup of the distro I use without changing much. I also don't care much if an app doesn't look exactly the same as my other apps, as long as they respect these 2 things - dark mode and font size, like I explained before these are accessibility related features that I consider essential. If I strain my eyes by looking at the screen too much then it'll trigger a headache for me, it can get so bad that sometimes I'll have to put an ice pack on top of my head & eyes - so this is almost like a health problem that I could avoid to some extend by using dark theme and bigger font sizes (and limiting screen time ofc, there is an app called safeeyes on linux that can help). So yeah, that's my personal situation, I'm telling this to let you know that not all of us are customization freaks who changes everything on their system, and still we appreciate things like customizability & consistent theming for other reasons that might be personal to us.