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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

With the amazing images coming back from Juno's flyby of Io, I finally took a stab at processing some JunoCam images. This image shows Io's north polar region from 2839km distance.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß

#Io #Jupiter #Juno #Astrodon #Solarocks #Space #Astronomy

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in reply to Simeon Schmauß

what are the red in the upper right part of the image? Looks like wind spread it in lines? Oh oh and what is the orange/yellow ring in the lower right part?

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

No, WaPo, climate change has been here long since. This kind of headline oversimplification is not helpful...
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
No trade for profit, no sellers, no bodies, no engagement, no trade for profit... Trade's positive feedback loop...

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

As always, my last post of the year reminder...

Reducing emissions will reduce future climate warming and impacts. The time is now. Visualization made by

Thank you all for following in 2023! 🙂

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Zack Labe

Thanks for sharing the message and all we can is hope that "WE" do something. I suspect we won't as the economy will take a hit worldwide and conceivably trigger a great, great depression. At least that is the fear. So - lip service and hope for a silver bullet?
in reply to Zack Labe

So much of the $$$ backing RW candidates is coming from the #FossilFuel & beef industries.
When you fight climate change you're also fighting fascism & theocracy.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

1000 richest people are approched. "The end of the world is here. Time to go to your doomsday bunker", they are told. The billionaires nodded. They knew this was coming. They were prepared.

So they gathered their loved ones and locked themselves in luxury bunkers. No contact to outside world.

10 years later they emerge. The world has healed. The air is breathable, people are happy. "What was the catastrophy?" they ask the first person they meet.

She screams: "THEY GOT OUT!!!"


With WARMEST Christmas in human history!!! The real celebration! Well done humanity, I am proud of you.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

The Same Color Illusion

Image Credit: Edward H. Adelson, Wikipedia… #APOD


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Astronomy Picture of the Day

ok, there are illusions but they are not arbitrary as your discussion implies. I your example, the brightness, not color, illusion is due to the surrounding intensities and how the visual system emphasizes relative ove absolute intensity. Necessary as most objects only reflect light and relative intensity is what is more important than absolute intensity. So this illusion illustrates a visual strength not weakness.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

🎉 Best News Of The Year! 🎉

Google confirms they will disable uBlock Origin in Chrome in 2024: Finally everyone understands it's time to quit Google. 😎

Here are our favorite browsers alternatives:

Which one did you pick?

🦊 Firefox
🦆 DuckDuckGo
🕵️ Tor Browser
Pale Moon
GNU IceCat

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

warmest year on record

This year has now had six record breaking months.

November had, for the first time ever, two days with a global temperature 2ºC above
preindustrial levels.

These extreme temperatures confirm that 2023 will be the warmest year in recorded history.

It serves as a stark reminder that we need to work together to drastically reduce emissions.

This is why we're pushing for stronger climate ambition, finance, and global energy goals at #COP28

📷: @scottduncanwx


#EU #COP28
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Jacob Urlich 🌍
Because science is not a solution, trade-free is solution.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Parts of the Canadian #Arctic observed temperatures up to 10°C above the 1981-2010 average during the month of November!

Data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis at…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

My photon counter and some counted photons 🔭🧪

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

⚡ For three weeks #Microsoft was sending all emails to spam in #Outlook.

You helped #spread the word so suddenly #Microsoft was able to fix this within one day! 💪

Thank you! 🙏…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Tuta

@lisamelton I miss the leverage Twitter gave people with customer support issues. It’s good to see that hasn’t died.

But I feel about this the way I feel about stories of people donating money for someone’s medical issues. It’s great that worked, but the system is still broken.

in reply to Tuta

I have been messaging you on X and on Mastodon in regards to accidentally deleting my entire account one I was suppose to delete one legendary account, could you please reply to my posts on either here on Mastodon or on X please as I want to keep the email but God rid of the email is this recoverable by any chance please?
I messaged you just over 24hrs ago.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) averaged about 420 ppm in November 2023

10 years ago November averaged about 395 ppm

+ Preliminary data:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Zack Labe

I remember when small experiments to test how high CO2 would affect plant growth used 350 ppm for the “high CO2” treatment. The world has blasted past what we viewed back then as a disastrous number.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Microsoft Outlook is blocking all emails from as spam. @Tutanota is understandably not happy at "radio silence" from Microsoft's support team.…


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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

A new newsletter is out, and we think you'll like it:

#rewilding #restoration #pyrenees #amazon…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

NASA created images of the Blue Marble (earth globe) based on data from NOAA and NASA - Wikimedia Commons Image of the Day:… - What aliens wouldn't give for this view...

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