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TauAs🔞🕱♌💛❤️💚☢️🐍🎭 reshared this.


Economic growth, as it is conventionally pursued, is unlikely to allow us to achieve our social, climate, and biodiversity goals. 
15.000 scientics sign and agreeded , we can't play anymore this TRADE-FOR-PROFIT stupid game.

Wayne Werner reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

““It was an ecological surprise. When I first started with climate change, we thought time scales of 50 years or 100 years, but not three.”
#climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #environment #extinction…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

#Admin #IndieWebSocial :fediverse:

Starting a funding drive for this server! 💰

Firstly, I want to thank our 264 users who are Patreon supporters for this site. If you are one of the 11,100+ users who call this server your social home, can you consider pitching in to help us? Even a $1 a month donation really helps!

Given the chaos continuing at X, we want to have the resources to grow to manage future waves!

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Now averaging across the entire #Antarctic last month shows a record high for the month of September...

See my earlier post today for the spatial distribution of temperature anomalies:…

Data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis:…

Last month observed highly anomalous temperatures across nearly all of #Antarctica - departures exceeding 5°C above/below the 1981-2010 reference period...

Data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis at…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Santiago

@santiago I usually detrend first before applying any standardization methods when evaluating climate data indices.
in reply to Zack Labe

Its almost like a density plot, i kind of close my eyes a bit and see the sigma curves, we are in the 2-sigma departure to say the least 🤣
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

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in reply to Bread and Circuses

According to your analogy, we should just party hard, since there's no way to avoid collapse. The next generation is dead already, no sense trying to limit the ruin.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Due to unusually low sea ice in the #Arctic and #Antarctic, the size of the global sea ice departure is growing to its most anomalous yet this year...

More figures at….

Data from

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in reply to Zack Labe

I was going to say "Nov/Dec" data points will be interesting, but I'm afraid that might not prove to be the right word.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

"This one-hectare rooftop oasis has become one of the largest places for animals to touch down, uninterrupted by chemicals and humans, from Monterey Bay all the way to Marin – a distance of about 190 kilometres.

"Though the living roof is small in comparison to other whole-landscape #rewilding projects, the hidden secrets and history of this patch of green hold inspiration and lessons for small-scale rewilding efforts in cities everywhere."

#restoration #greencities…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) averaged about 419 ppm in September 2023

10 years ago September averaged about 394 ppm

+ Preliminary data:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Edwin Hubble Discovers the Universe

Image Credit & Copyright: Courtesy Carnegie Institution for Science… #APOD


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

#Arctic air temperature rank by month over the satellite era - now updated through September 2023...

+ Ranks: 1=warmest (red), 44/45=coldest (blue)
+ Download visual:…
+ Data from…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Zack Labe

Können wir sicher sein dass diese Zahlen stimmen? Die Lufttemperaturen steigen derart rasant an? Möglicherweise haben wir es doch nur mit einem #Messfehler zu tun. <\#Sarkasmus off>.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

#Arctic sea ice formation remains very slow across the region from the Beaufort to East Siberian Seas. Its current extent is tied for the lowest on record (with 2012) for this time of year.

Map of Arctic:…. Data:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to kelbot ◖⎚∠⎚◗

Fun Fact: Out of all the vinyl in my collection there are only two albums that I can say I have shaken the hand of the rockstar responsible for them. And it is those two albums. :-D
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Oh look, another absurd climate graph from this summer - sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic for every August since 1854... 🥴

Data available from NOAA ERSSTv5 (…).

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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in reply to Zack Labe

Like Chomsky keeps saying, this is a threat to *organized human life*. It may not wipe us (all) out, but we're definitely going to regret not doing something about it.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

The size of the global sea ice departure (i.e., amount of missing ice) is approaching the largest on record in the satellite-era...

More figures at…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Practically no areas of below average temperatures - anomalies over the last month (left), 3 months (center), and 12 months (right) in the Northern Hemisphere...

Data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis at….

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Last month was particularly striking when looking at only the Northern Hemisphere. It wasn't anywhere close to the previous record.


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Trade-free explanation

Trade-free explanation

Trade-free, as the name suggests, refers to a unique form of exchange where neither party is obligated to give or receive anything in return. The trade-free principle applies to all sorts of exchanges, including goods, services, information, and even relationships. This type of exchange is based on the principle of voluntary contribution and complete freedom in decision-making.

It is different from gifting because in gifting, there might still be implicit expectations of reciprocity or a social obligation. Thus, even gifting is not truly trade-free as there may be an expectation of reciprocation, whereas trade-free transactions have no strings attached at all.

For example, open-source software is a good example of trade-free offering because they are free to use and modify by anyone without any strings attached. The developers do not expect any return from the users, making it a trade-free offering.


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

#Idalia #WeatherCam thread update:

I'm going through and replacing the links with ones that are live.

#Idalia #Webcam #Hurricane #FlWx

Here's one that rotates between several local cams:…

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
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Amanda Weaver
@thepoliticalcat I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida and this has always been the way. No matter how bad it was, there were always idiot surfers out there.
in reply to thepoliticalcat

@thepoliticalcat The joke was, the Gulf Coast is usually really bad for surfing. No big waves like the Atlantic coast. So the surfers would always get really excited about hurricanes because it meant they could finally get their boards out and hope to catch a wave.