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#Gaza #Palestine

Krystal and Saagar discuss a CNN segment where the channel is called out for their coverage of the genocide in Gaza as well as a new report showing Israel using Palestinians as human shields.

The anchor asked panel participant Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan for her thoughts on the matter.

"History books will be written on this and countries will have to reckon—media agencies will have to reckon—with their major role in the genocide," Hassan said.…

✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️

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You know you're being propagandized when there's a flood of the same talking points about or flooding your timeline from multiple accounts.

This is not organic, thinking humans don't do this...sheeple do.

#thinkforyourself #criticalthinking #themoreyouknow #groupthink

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Destroy capitalism

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After ~370 days of Netanyahu indiscriminately bombing Gaza, Blinken & Austin have sent him a letter that if he doesn't stop bombing in 30 days, they might consider withholding some weapons.

Either they're deliberately making empty threats because they agree with his bombing, or they need cover to get through the Election, or both.

Stop arming Netanyahu. End this genocide. Release all hostages. Enough.

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in reply to Qasim Rashid, Esq.

They're definitely trying to get through the elections, and it will work:(

It seems there is no shortage of people that are willing to believe that the US gov is trying to stop a genocide by arming it. That is some unbelievable mental gymnastics!

Sheeple as far as the eye can see apparently: (

in reply to Yogthos

Why did it take this fellow this long to awaken to this truth?

The slaughter of women and children was evident in the first week of retaliation.

Palestine was stolen by the Brits from the Turks in 1920. Then the Brits let the Jews steal it from them by 1947.

In 1920, for every Jew living in Palestine there were SEVEN Mohammadans and also one Christian.

Israel always has been an illegal country at least by 20th century "international law."

The Jew is a menace, world pestilence.

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Want to organize your workplace but don’t know where to start? The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee has some amazing trainings for curious workers coming up:

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The National Endowment for Democracy #NED has appointed bloodthirsty warmonger #Nuland to its Board of Directors.
The NED is just another #CIA propaganda tool and Nuland is a perfect fit for the criminal cabal.

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Running #chatmail servers is <2h effort per month, according to an ad-hoc poll with 10 operators responding. Some have 10Ks of #deltachat users. Typically 300MB ram is used and max 60gb disc space per server. And all interoperate safely based on high security standards (DKIM and TLS enforced, and only no-metadata #openpgp encrypted messages allowed) .... with typically 0.5 secs end-to-end delivery. Who said again that email is insecure, cumbersome and slow? :)

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Unknown parent

Delta Chat
@rohden @werawelt das ist möglich aber es braucht auch den sogenannten "Secret Key", sonst lassen sich die Nachrichten zwar runterladen aber nicht entschlüsseln.
Unknown parent

Delta Chat
@rohden zu einem Delta Chat Profil gehört immer auch ein Schlüssel neben Login und Passwort. Am besten in settings-chats die Option "Export" anwählen und die Datei wegspeichern. Dann ist alles da falls Delta mal deinstalliert wird oder das Telefon kaputt geht.

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The collapsing Empire and its ruthless pursuit of world domination is responsible for the #Genocide.

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Inkscape 1.4 is out with a bunch of rather useful new features, here's the official announcement:…

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If you're vaguely near Glencoe, it's nigh impossible to resist the pull of Glencoe.

But, on this occasion, we made sure to explore other aspects near Glencoe we'd previously glossed over, such as Rannoch Moor's lochs and upper Glencoe. 👍

#landscapephotography #landscape #nature #travel #autumn #fall #glencoe #scotland #uk #britain #highlands

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in reply to Ian Cylkowski

This is not real, these are NOT photos.
I have spent time year around in the Alps, made day-long trips, I have seen no such scenery.

Just my 2c

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