I came across a neat browser extension today. It looks for "rel=me" links pointing to mastodon profiles, and puts it in a little list for you to review.
In other words, you visit a website, and if tells you if there are any mastodon accounts associated to the website.
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Unpopular opinion: we should normalize black people coming to Mastodon, being safe and speaking their minds.
They might talk about internal discomfort and biases we might hold.
It's not their responsibility to educate us. It's our responsibility to create a place where black people are accepted.
I was looking at the news this morning and I think it's the perfect time to bring this up.
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via charmaineSChua on bird app:
Two autonomous collectives at UCSB & UC Davis have just simultaneously liberated two dining commons: De La Guerra @ UCSB & Latitude at Davis. Both are serving free meals to all until 3pm."Why it is that in the best public university system in the US, so many students are hungry?"
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Fast workers die young—slow down and live!
A message to workers at Twitter facing Elon Musk's new regime and to all workers everywhere.
The pressure to turn a profit is killing you, just as industrial capitalism is killing all of us. Resist and survive.
"Another century like this—another century of work—and our species will be done for, along with countless others. Work—which is to say, all activity that is determined by the necessity to make a profit for someone, rather than chosen on account of its intrinsic value—is precisely what prevents us from fulfilling our needs."
Anti-Work: From “I Quit” to “We Revolt”
How are workplace struggles changing alongside work itself? Strategizing for 21st-century labor resistance.CrimethInc.
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Tesla / Tesly / Scamp / Scampy
His name's Tesla (as in Nikola), but he ends up also going by Tesly, Scamp and Scampy.
Perfect example of his scampishness? Sneaking into my backpack here.
Fediverse Account Lists
Academic Fedi Migration Tips
Academics on the Fediverse
Shaub's List
Fedi Journalists
Philosophers on Fedi
Education Related Fedi Servers
dell cameron (@dellcam)
some cool #mastodon account lists i've found: 100+ privacy, security, tech policy experts: https://liveuclac-my.sharepoint.Nitter
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