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Moon and Mars. A few hours ago :)

With a Pixel 4a and a Celestron SLT 130 telescope. Nothing fancy.

#astrophotography #nightsky #mars #moon #sky #astro

We will release a new TROMjaro ISO soonish. I know I know Manjaro pushed a lot of updates lately and we lag behind but we are almost done with our TROMhome earthship :) - been super busy with that. And once that is done, I think next week, all of the TROM projects will get constant love :)

Since I am being asked these days about this and see others wondering, we can setup instances of Mastodon, Friendica, Pixelfed, Peertube and a lot more for a cost, in order to support our trade-free projects and instances.

We do it via - prices range from 30 Euros a month. We do everything: set up any instance, update, and all that. No need to worry about any of it.

#mastodon #fediverse #friendica #pixelfed #webhosting #hosting #fediverse

Went to a darkish place in Romania, took a few photos :)

Many bad things to say about Romania, but the nature here is likely amazing. Fucked up society, wonderful world :)

#nightsky #astrophotography #telescope #nature

You blocked me. That was fast :) Fast and Furious :)

I cannot find a better illustration to depict the insanity of today's world:


#trump #musk #twitter #amazon #bezos #meta #facebook #politics

I think if I'd live 678 years I would never get bored and I would have new projects to do all the time. I feel like I want to do a lot. And I do a lot every day, but the days are too short for my motivation and drive. The weeks, the months, are flying by so fast. The years, still more ahead than behind, but soon they will balance, and then you'll ride the ones ahead. But it's all about making the best of this ride, even tho too short.

This year we have a motorhome, very little money, and a lot of plans.

Make sure you follow us on Peertube… - we will go chase the darkest skies in Spain, meet with some wonderful friends from the project, volunteer, and do a lot.

#trom #tromsite #motorhome #spain #vanlife #exploring #nature #tromhome

hm ok....I see what you mean

Maybe the people from @PeerTube have an answer.

We now have a Wishlist for our TROMhome project because we are broke and if anyone wants to help they can directly do so. Here

For example we need to put a satellite dish (a Starlink Mini) so that I can keep our servers updated, do backups, upload our TROMjaro ISOs from the middle of nowhere, and in general be available online to help with the TROM projects. We need it specifically for my work on TROM.

So if anyone can help we have a GoFundMe for it… (450 Euros). I hate that they are putting satellites into the orbit, but we have no better option in Europe. The monthly fee of 72 Euros is also gigantic for us, but again I need an unlimited Internet access...

If anyone can help that'd be fantastic. If not is ok we will buy it eventually.

Thank you in advance! :)

#trom #tromhome #tromsite #internet #motorhome #spain

To meet people who think Putin and what he does in Ukraine is ok, or to say that Trump is a good choice for the USA, is quite a shocking experience. Almost like seeing Bigfoot. It is one thing to hear about it, another thing to see it.

It is astonishing to me how some people can be so idiotic and brainwashed. Unbelievable.

#putin #trump #usa


You make a video about cleaning up the waste, and that's something important and is done by good people, but then you post on Youtube and they show you first an ad about fast fashion.

Tell me this is not the most ironic thing. Same as selling hard-copy books about deforestation on Amazon.

And this is not to blame anyone, but please if you have other options use those too, like Peertube or making your books digital.

If you are making content about restoring nature we invite you to our Peertube instance - no ads or any bullshit like that.

Let's be reasonable people and at least try. Youtube is an ad-company and if we want to cut down from this insane consumerism we should try to avoid Youtube or at least use adblockers.

#environment #waste #peertube #youtube

@Dima this is how your videos look on Youtube for most people:

Before they watch a video about volunteering, restoring nature, cutting down the waste and so forth, they will watch very attractive ads for buying shit, Big Macs, harmful and wasteful products. I find that beyond outrageous.

So I think we should try to push your Peertube channel more. Maybe you can tell me what format are you saving your videos in so I can look what may be the issue with uploading them to Peertube. We have uploaded thousands of videos to Peertube and everything works great.

We should change these habits too of posting on these ad-network. I get it about the reach, but in parallel we should give these alternatives platforms a try too.


For some reason this depresses me the most. More than reading about Dr. Fucking Oz becoming part of the healthcare system administration in the USA. (source)

USA's healthcare system is a joke in terms of providing healthcare for people. It is a for-profit business, that's all. So making it worse is not something that depresses me that much especially since I live in Europe and I get great free healthcare. But to see NASA being run by those who want to exploit the space....when NASA is by far the leading agency in space, is quite depressing.

The Idiocracy is here, led by no other than the United States of America.

#trump #usa# #nasa

I am trying to do some work from the motorhome for TROM and WebApe...I eat GB like a blue whale eats plankton. :D - I've put 100GB on my phone, using it as a hotspot. I have 50GB left now. After a few days...

This is why when we come back in January and start to live full time in the motorhome we will probably put a satellite internet with an unlimited plan. Mobile plans suck - only available per tribe....and in Europe, living in a motorhome, makes 0 sense.

We've also ordered 260W more of solar panels. We already have 260W on the roof that we put ourselves. Plus a new 1280W lifepo4 lithium battery. We decided to have enough power and be fully broke. It is what it is.

But feels great to get back online bit by bit. Doing my "normal" work. And doing it from here:

#motorhome #trom #tromsite #spain

First 2 days in the motorhome

Welcome to Idiocracy 1.0. It has begun.

Creepy how the world is becoming increasingly idiotic to the point of not knowing what to say about it anymore.

Pretty much all political options people are "offered" are fucked up. A choice between fast and steady decline or faster and more abrupt decline. Now the second is happening.

This world is a joke.

I will continue to do my work for TROM and try to keep myself saner. What else can I do...

#trump #usa #election #health