TROMjaro 2022.07.07
Usual Manjaro updates plus:
Improving the Theme Switcher code
We have improved the code a bit and added new options. Now, when you select a Light theme you’ll be asked if you want to make the panels light or dark too:
This can be useful for those who may want a light theme, but may not want the panels to be light too. To update the code go to .local/bin/
in your home folder and edit the file theme-switcher
. Remove what is in that file and replace with:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">#!/bin/bash
set_theme() {
# Check for Zafiro icon pack, icon packs won't be changed if Zafiro is not in use
current_icon_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName)
[ "${current_icon_theme%-Icons-Light-Black-f}" = 'Zafiro' ] && Zafiro='True'
if [ "${1##*-}" = 'Light' ]; then
yad --image "dialog-question" --title '' --button='DARK':1 --button='LIGHT':0 --text 'Select the panels theme:'
case $? in
# Enable dark panels
xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/dark-mode -n -t bool -s true
# Use the dark icon pack
[ "$Zafiro" = 'True' ] && xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -n -t string -s Zafiro
# Disable dark panels
xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/dark-mode -n -t bool -s false
# Use the light icon pack
[ "$Zafiro" = 'True' ] && xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -n -t string -s Zafiro-Icons-Light-Black-f
*) exit ;;
# Use the dark icon pack
[ "$Zafiro" = 'True' ] && xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -n -t string -s Zafiro
# Change the main theme to the chosen one
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -n -t string -s "Skeuos-$1"
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -n -t string -s "Skeuos-$1-XFWM"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Skeuos-$1"
notify-send "Skeuos-$1 theme was enabled"
export -f set_theme
yad --no-buttons --center --keep-icon-size --use-interp --title 'Theme Switcher' --text-align=center --text "A Theme Switcher for TROMjaro's default theme-set (Skeuos)" --form --columns 5 \
--field=!"$icons/Blue-Dark.png"!'Blue-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Blue-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Violet-Dark.png"!'Violet-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Violet-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Blue-Light.png"!'Blue-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Blue-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Violet-Light.png"!'Violet-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Violet-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Teal-Dark.png"!'Teal-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Teal-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Orange-Dark.png"!'Orange-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Orange-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Teal-Light.png"!'Teal-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Teal-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Orange-Light.png"!'Orange-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Orange-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Green-Dark.png"!'Green-Dark (default)':FBTN "set_theme 'Green-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Brown-Dark.png"!'Brown-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Brown-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Green-Light.png"!'Green-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Green-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Brown-Light.png"!'Brown-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Brown-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Magenta-Dark.png"!'Magenta-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Magenta-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Yellow-Dark.png"!'Yellow-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Yellow-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Magenta-Light.png"!'Magenta-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Magenta-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Yellow-Light.png"!'Yellow-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Yellow-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Red-Dark.png"!'Red-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Red-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Grey-Dark.png"!'Grey-Dark':FBTN "set_theme 'Grey-Dark'" \
--field=!"$icons/Red-Light.png"!'Red-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Red-Light'" \
--field=!"$icons/Grey-Light.png"!'Grey-Light':FBTN "set_theme 'Grey-Light'"
We’ve also fix something in that before the theme switcher also changed our TROMjaro icon pack from dark to light and vice-versa, in order to have a better consistency and integration with the selected theme. But what if people use their own icon themes? Now we won’t touch that!
All in all, some new improvements to the Theme Switcher.
Replace the Send app
The Send app used to be called warp-share-files
but now it is called warp
. Please remove the warp-share-files
package from Add/Remove software and install the warp
one. You can also install it from here.
That’s mainly it.
Grab it from here.
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TROMjaro 2022.01.07
A new TROMjaro ISO is out. I still hope to reach more stability in terms of releases. Meaning, to release less often and with less changes. But all of what we do is improvement and making TROMjaro better. Here are the new changes:
Rebuild a few packages.
Due to a phyton update a few packages need to be rebuilt. For the current TROMjaro users please find in your Add/Remove Software the following and choose to reinstall: easystroke, mate-hud, riseup-vpn, syncthing-gtk-python3
Disable the dark mode for panels.
Right click any panel, then panel preferences, and in the appearance tab disable the Dark Mode. This is more suitable for when you switch to lighter themes.
Refresh the desktop.
The script for refreshing the desktop got a tiny addition that prevents it from crashing at times. Go to .local/bin
and edit with a text editor the file refresh-xfce
. Remove what is there and add this:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">#!/bin/bash
xfce4-panel -r && xfwm4 --replace && xfce4-panel
Menu icon.
For a better consistency change the menu icon - right click it, then properties, then appearance, then click the icon. Change it to org.xfce.panel.whiskermenu
. Now go and grab our patched icons from here and add all of those icons to your .local/share/icons/Zafiro/apps/scalable/
The awesome and cool TROMjaro layout toggle.
If you remember we created a TROMjaro Classic at one point. It looked like this:
With a single bottom panel. This layout was more consistent than the default TROMjaro one. But because I am so busy I could not maintain 2 ISOs. Now we have a great and simple solution to bring back that layout. We have created the TROMjaro Layout Toggle. Look at it in action (the video is not that great because my computer is struggling with so many tasks I am giving to him):
A simple layout toggle! To do this on your system, you have to have 3 packages installed (search in Add/Remove Software for them): zenity
, zensu
, xfce4-panel-profiles
. After you install them go to the folder .local/share/applications/
and create a new empty text file. Name it tromjaro-layout-toggle.desktop
and add this inside of it:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">[Desktop Entry]
Name=TROMjaro Layout Toggle
GenericName=TROMjaro Layout Toggle
Comment=Change the layout between TROMjaro Classic and TROMjaro Modern
Next you need the profiles we made for the two layouts. Download the two archives from here. And put them in .local/share/xfce4-panel-profiles/
. If you do not have that folder, create it.
That’s it! You can now find the TROMjaro Layout Toggle in your menu and in the Settings Manager.
The XFCE Panel Profiles, what we use for this, is an awesome little tool that allows you to switch the panels’ design as you desire, and also save your panel configuration. Basically you can tweak the look of your desktop as you wish, in terms of the panels. Add them up, down, sides, add items to them, tweak those items, etc… And then you can save the config and create more. Then switch between them at will. This is the awesome power of XFCE!
NOTE: Our TROMjaro Layout Toggle uses this tool but is more than that, since we also enable global menus for example. So although you may see our layouts in the Panel Profiles, do not use that for it. Else the global menus may not work. So keep that in mind.
Grab it from here.
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TROMjaro Beta 2021.12.17
Another release, a quick one for that matter, to bring you the latest Manjaro Updates + some awesome fixes.
Making dealing with themes, awesome!
- We are happy to let you know that the way we handle the themes in TROMjaro has been improved. And it is better than Pop OS, Ubuntu, Budgie, KDE Plasma, and for that matter most such distros. You only have to change the theme from Appearance and that’s it. Read more about why this is so awesome, here: Dealing with themes (change them, understand them).
Ok, so for the current TROMjaro users you have to do a few things to make your TROMjaro awesome when it comes to dealing with the themes.
- Delete two packages that are not needed anymore:
. - Go to your home folder and edit the file
. Remove the lineexport QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="kvantum-dark"
- Go to your System Files and in the folder
you’ll find a file calledenvironment
. Remove the following lines from it by editing it as ROOT - right click for that option:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gnome"
- Reboot your computer.
- Open the QT Settings. See the video bellow and make the changes similarly (pause the video if needed):
That’s all! Now installing and dealing with themes is a breeze! Read the above article I linked to!
SMPlayer improved a bit!
Our default “Play” player got some tweaks, such as hardware acceleration and such. This can make a huge difference. Again, see the bellow video and try to make your player have similar settings, especially for the Performance tab:
Update the zombie-apps script:
Last time we pushed a release we did not update this script. It was a mistake…so we are fixing it now. This is a script that removes the zombie app icons - the icons of apps that were edited manually (renamed and such) and then uninstalled. Go to .local/bin
and edit the file fix-tweaked-desktop-files
- replace all of what is there with:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">#!/bin/bash
pidof -sq -o %PPID -x "$(basename "$0")" && exit
# Directories where desktop files are stored
detectfiles() {
for file in "$user"/*.desktop; do
name=$(basename "$file") || continue
[ -d "$file" ] || grep -xq "\(flatpak-local\|flatpak-global\|pacman-local\|pacman-global\|snap\)/$name" "$data" && continue
if [ -f "$flatpak_local/$name" ]; then
echo "flatpak-local/$name" >> "$data"
elif [ -f "$flatpak_global/$name" ]; then
echo "flatpak-global/$name" >> "$data"
elif [ -f "$pacman_local/$name" ]; then
echo "pacman-local/$name" >> "$data"
elif [ -f "$pacman_global/$name" ]; then
echo "pacman-global/$name" >> "$data"
elif [ -f "$snap/$name" ]; then
echo "snap/$name" >> "$data"
fixfiles() {
lastmod=$(stat -c "%Y" "$data")
trap 'rm $tmp' EXIT
[ -f "$data" ] && cp "$data" "$tmp" && copied='true'
[ "$copied" = 'true' ] && while IFS= read -r line; do
# shellcheck disable=2015 # To disable shellcheck error here, line below is intended to work this way
echo "$line" | grep -xq '\(flatpak-local\|flatpak-global\|pacman-local\|pacman-global\|snap\)/.\+' && [ -f "$file" ] || { sed -i "${lineno}d" "$tmp" && ((lineno--)) ; continue; }
[ -f "$flatpak_local/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$flatpak_global/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$pacman_local/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$pacman_global/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$snap/$name" ] ||
mv "$file" "$file.bak"
done < "$data"
[ "$copied" = 'true' ] && [ "$(stat -c '%Y' "$data")" = "$lastmod" ] && sort "$tmp" | uniq > "$data"
for bakfile in "$user"/*.desktop.bak; do
[ -f "$origfile" ] && continue
name=$(basename "$origfile") || continue
[ -f "$flatpak_local/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$flatpak_global/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$pacman_local/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$pacman_global/$name" ] ||
[ -f "$snap/$name" ] &&
mv "$bakfile" "$origfile"
while :; do
user_new=$(ls -ad "$user"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
flatpak_local_new=$(ls -ad "$flatpak_local"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
flatpak_global_new=$(ls -ad "$flatpak_global"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
pacman_local_new=$(ls -ad "$pacman_local"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
pacman_global_new=$(ls -ad "$pacman_global"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
snap_new=$(ls -ad "$snap"/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
[ "$user_new" != "$user_old" ] && detectfiles
[ "$flatpak_local_new" != "$flatpak_local_old" ] ||
[ "$flatpak_global_new" != "$flatpak_global_old" ] ||
[ "$pacman_local_new" != "$pacman_local_old" ] ||
[ "$pacman_global_new" != "$pacman_global_old" ] ||
[ "$snap_new" != "$snap_old" ] && fixfiles
sleep 5
We also did a few minor changes such as muting the mic by default, unhide several tray icons that are important to be visible such as the VPN or the updates icon.
That’s all.
This month we plan to get TROMjaro our of Beta, since it is stable and awesome enough!
Grab the ISOs form here.
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TROMjaro Beta 2021.12.13
We want each TROMjaro update to come with as little changes as possible. That would create a more stable and sane Operating System. Speaking of that, this update brings very few changes.
- We renamed a few custom actions in the File Manager. You know when you right click a folder/file or inside of a folder and get options such as “Open in terminal” and so forth. To change these open the File Manager, then go to Edit → Configure custom actions. And edit the name of any as you wish.
- We removed the global menu toggle script keybinding. Because we do not need that. Open “Keyboard” then go to Application Shortcuts to add/remove such shortcuts.
- We improved a bit the script that removes the zombie app icons - the icons of apps that were edited manually (renamed and such) and then uninstalled. Go to
and edit the filefix-tweaked-desktop-files
- replace all of what is there with:
<pre><code class="lang-auto">#!/bin/bash
detectfiles() {
for file in "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/*.desktop; do
[ -d "$file" ] || grep -xq "$file" "$data" && continue
name=$(basename "$file") || continue
[ -f /usr/share/applications/"$name" ] ||
ls /var/lib/flatpak/app/*/current/active/files/share/applications/"$name" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
[ -f /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/"$name" ] &&
echo "$file" >> "$data"
fixfiles() {
lastmod=$(stat -c "%Y" "$data")
tmp="$(mktemp -u)"
[ -f "$data" ] && cp "$data" "$tmp" && copied='true'
[ "$copied" = 'true' ] && while IFS= read -r file; do
[ -f "$file" ] || { sed -i "/^$file$/d" "$tmp" ; continue; }
name=$(basename "$file") || continue
[ -f /usr/share/applications/"$name" ] ||
ls /var/lib/flatpak/app/*/current/active/files/share/applications/"$name" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
[ -f /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/"$name" ] ||
mv "$file" "$file.bak"
done < "$data"
[ "$copied" = 'true' ] && [ "$(stat -c '%Y' "$data")" = "$lastmod" ] && mv "$tmp" "$data"
for bakfile in "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/*.desktop.bak; do
[ -f "$origfile" ] && continue
name=$(basename "$origfile") || continue
[ -f /usr/share/applications/"$name" ] ||
ls /var/lib/flatpak/app/*/current/active/files/share/applications/"$name" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
[ -f /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/"$name" ] &&
mv "$bakfile" "$origfile"
pidof -q -o %PPID -x fix-tweaked-desktop-files && exit
while :; do
local_new=$(ls -ad "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
pacman_new=$(ls -ad /usr/share/applications/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
flatpak_new=$(ls -ad /var/lib/flatpak/app/*/current/active/files/share/applications/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
snap_new=$(ls -ad /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/*.desktop 2>/dev/null)
[ "$local_new" != "$local_old" ] && detectfiles
[ "$pacman_new" != "$pacman_old" ] ||
[ "$flatpak_new" != "$flatpak_old" ] ||
[ "$snap_new" != "$snap_old" ] && fixfiles
sleep 5
- We have removed the package
that is not needed.
Grab it form here.
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