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Thank you Georgi for becoming one of the 200 for TROM! - There are 39 people who donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever. In small steps we may reach the goal eventually.

Mind you we only accept 5 Euros donations and only from 200 people so that we keep it small and sustainable. Please consider becoming one of these wonderful people. Of course, if you can afford it.

This month we will do a live TROM-Cast all about the future plans for the next year. Stay tuned!


reshared this

Wow. @emilymbender, University of Washington computational linguist, deconstructs algorithmic tools, aka automation.

“#AI” is a marketing term dating to the 1950s, when it was employed to secure research dollars.

What is being automated?
By whom and why?
Who benefits?
Who is being harmed?
How well does it work?
Who is accountable?
What laws/regulations apply to what is being automated?

Well worth the ~5 minute investment…

@futureisfoss @alex

⚠️ l'interdiction de la manif d'#ExtremeDroite ne signifie pas que les #neofascistes resteront chez eux quartier des Halles, Cathédrale ou Prébendes : soyez prudent·es toute la journée à #Tours et remontez les infos en comm'
#SiamoTuttiAntifascisti #RiposteAntifasciste #9decembre

Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies (2023)

Si estás estudiando #inglés, ¿qué mejor que ver un buen documental de la BBC sobre el universo?

In this mind-bending series, Jim Al-Khalili explores the vast range of size in the #universe, from tiny #atoms to gigantic, interconnected #galaxies.

Magnet link here:…
(con subtítulos en inglés)
AVISO: Los contenidos de #videoneat no están en español.

Newly added documentary on

Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies

In this mind-bending series, Jim Al-Khalili explores the vast range of size in the universe, from tiny atoms to gigantic, interconnected galaxies.

Watch it here:…

Saturn through my Celestron 130 SLT and Pixel 4a:

Not good conditions and Saturn is so difficult to photograph. This is straight out of the phone.

I will get better at this :D