Avaricia sin fin - la lucha contra las corporaciones globales | DW Documental
Avaricia sin fin - la lucha contra las corporaciones globales | DW Documental
Le han declarado la guerra a los consorcios transnacionales. Tres mujeres valientes de Perú, Honduras y Brasil luchan, arriesgando sus vidas, contra los Gobi...YouTube
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Fact Check: Is This a Real Photoshoot of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt from 2005?
Titled "Domestic Bliss," the 60-page spread was a turning point in the Pitt-Jolie-Aniston saga.
The Moon on the Rock, taken tonight with 2 different exposures (pixel 4a):
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Fact Check: Video Behind ‘Most Terrifying Photo’ Shows First Untethered Spacewalk?
A clip shared on Reddit showed an astronaut seemingly floating freely in space.
The Whole Truth About 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer'
Unraveling some unsolved mysteries surrounding the 1964 animated TV special.
Want to see a cool video of the moon from tonight and raw reactions to this beautiful beast? :) Here videos.trom.tf/w/iArtM7RGsCaXV…
And here are some photos:
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We have a new supporter for our 200 for TROM!! Thank you so much. 43 people are currently supporting! If you can support, please do it here tromsite.com/donate/
We have more plans for the next year that we will discuss in our Saturday's TROMcast Live on the 30st. Stay tuned ;)
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TROMcast Live: Plans for the next year
Saturday 30st, 21:00
I (Tio) will do a live for several hours to talk a bit about my plans for TROM for the next year(s). I may allow others to join in but since this is a special TROMcast about some specific updates I want to talk about, it may only be me streaming. I will post the Peertube streaming link on the same day :).
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Coordonner, rassembler, construire, lutter !
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This is what I have to put up with with my driving exam in Spain, in English:
The correct answer is A....even tho it is the same exact meaning as B....
And then you figure this out:
Because the correct answer is C....
Unbelievable. Such a mockery. I will make a blog post about my experience and I will create interactive quizzes for anyone to play with, that have the exact questions and answers from the Spanish Government in English. So you understand the level of retardation.
Anyway, I will announce the TROMcast Live date/hour later on tonight. A lot of things to talk about :).
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Abonnement boutique.unioncommunistelibert…
Soutien unioncommunistelibertaire.org/…
#PresseLibre #MediaLibre #10000euros
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Fact Check: Was a Colorado Supreme Court Justice Who Ruled Trump Ineligible for '24 Ballot Arrested?
The article claimed Colorado justices had been accused of "contorting" the 14th Amendment to "fit an agenda."