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in reply to Union Communiste Libertaire 37

Les féministes ne connaissent que trop bien ce genre de situation. Elles sont des machines à broyer.
Je suis heureux d'apprendre que vous avez su vous entourer. et isolé.es, il est beaucoup plus dûr de tenir face à ces administrations (et ces groupes politiques) qui cherchent à tout prix à nous silencier.
Bravo à vous de tenir bon! Vous avez tout mon soutien!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Union Communiste Libertaire 37

Maintenant que l'affaire est publique, prenez du temps pour vous poser et vous demander ce qu'individuellement vous voulez encore donner à cette lutte.
Vous ne devez rien à personne. Ni aux compagnons qui vous ont soutenu, ni aux autres victimes.
Vous avez le droit de quitter la barque, de passer le flambeau. D'autres s'en saisiront sans aucun doute.
Votre vie continue, et elle ne se limitera pas à cet engagement. ;-)
Bon courage pour cette nouvelle année scolaire!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Disney World Adding Tampon Machines in Men's Bathrooms?

The "Restrooms" page of the Walt Disney World website does not explicitly state men's bathrooms in the section listed under "Menstrual Products."…

TROMjaro Gestures -…

Did you know that TROMjaro comes setup with a few basic and very "handy" :) gestures for the mouse, touchpad and touchscreen?

#linux #foss #tromjaro #xfce

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Weekly progress report 3


- Tweaked camera housing 3D print, sent for reprint
- Added image of device
- Merged contribution: Removed blue glow from device image
- Added backplate model
- Contacted laser cutting companies for the backplate model


- Added blender-breezedark-theme-git, yt-dlp
- Added Syncthing to autostarted apps
- Replaced wallpaper


- Create issue: Remove goto statements


- Review contribution: Windows compatibility improvement


- Open issue:…
- Open issue:…
- Open issue:…

Contributions, donations welcome.

TROM II: The Bullshit of Sustainable Business -…

#greenwashing #capitalism #money #TradeRuinsEverything #trade

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When I post a photo on my Pixelfed account it automatically goes to my Friendica account, and then also to our TROMnews Photos :) - the power of activitipub and RSS. That's how the internet should be!

#trom #activitypub #pixelfed #rss #fedi #fediverse

Rokosun reshared this.

Many thanks to Raimondas for the 113 Euros donation! Much appreciated!

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Could a £2-a-day basic income be the key to protecting rainforests?…

Well, of course that if you are poor you'll cut down trees to trade for some food! Everyone should be helped. A basic income without any strings attached is the most basic thing humans can provide now, for everyone!

We need to decouple people from this trade-based society!

#ubi #basicincome #universalbasicincome #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to uoou (moved to

Outfuckinstanding! With so many of us havin twelve unused accounts on different platforms here, findin folks can be a bit scavenger-hunty anyway, why not lean into it. \m/

The story of Alberta's endangered boreal #caribou

There is no political will to curb the resource extraction (oil and gas we should never burn) in what's left of the caribou's habitat. So instead a brutal wolf cull keeps the herds alive for now, while millions of dollars are spent on research and data gathering to give the appearance of concern.…

Thank you so much Fiona for becoming our new supporter! We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to support our TROM projects forever. :)

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