Luttes forestières : manifestation nationale à Guéret le 5 octobre
Face aux défis du réchauffement climatique, de l’effondrement de la biodiversité et de la raréfaction de l’eau, la forêt devient un enjeu politique majeur. Nous considérons la forêt comme un bien commun qui doit être protégé des errements capitalistes rêvant de profits à court terme. Le 5 octobre, la Creuse accueillera une grande manifestation nationale contre deux projets industriels emblématiques qui menacent les forêts du Limousin.
Chaque massif forestier a son histoire, ses espèces, ses filières artisanales et industrielles spécifiques. Chaque forêt joue un rôle écologique, économique et social. C’est pourquoi la forêt est, depuis longtemps, l’objet de combats politiques autour des droits de propriétés, d’usages et d’accessibilité.
La forêt possède de nombreuses vertus écologiques et le bois aussi, à condition de limiter les prélèvements au seuil du renouvellement naturel, de respecter l’écosystème en pratiquant une sylviculture douce à couvert continu : un « jardinage » qui permet à la forêt de se régénérer elle même en prélevant petit à petit les arbres arrivés à maturité.
Le bois est indispensable aux papiers et cartons appelés à remplacer le plastique. Il est nécessaire dans la construction et incontournable dans les bâtiments « zéro énergie » [1]. Il est précieux pour un ameublement durable et encore utile au chauffage individuel en zone rurale montagneuse. Pour ces seules fonctions la ressource forestière serait bien suffisante.
Mais le bois est victime de surconsommation dans le cadre de la mondialisation du commerce et des besoins du transport international en container : caissettes, palettes, boites cartonnées à usage bien souvent unique. La plus grande menace, cachée sous de pseudos motifs « écolos » provient des demandes en bois énergie joliment qualifiée de biomasse : un peu dans l’industrie mais surtout dans les chaufferies des grandes villes.
Sans compter les dernières folies qui projettent de faire voler des avions « verts » avec un « bio-carburant » tiré de la forêt landaise en même temps qu’un projet prévoit d’y couper des milliers d’hectares de pins pour installer des panneaux solaires… Bref l’industrie forestière rejoint les maux de l’agro-industrie.
L’humanité a toujours tiré profit de sa forêt proche pour ses besoins élémentaires : se chauffer, se loger, fabriquer des objets de toute sorte. Mais depuis quelques années le processus s’est inversé : les bois traversent la planète globalisée pour y être valorisés selon les critères du marché. Ainsi nos chênes partent se faire découper en Chine pour nous revenir en parquets produits en Pologne. Pire encore ce sont les industriels qui dictent aux forestiers les essences, les caractéristiques et les volumes qu’il faut planter et couper. Avec un double défi : la destruction des forêts de feuillus (chênes, hêtres, charmes…) et des haies d’une part ; l’extension de champs d’arbres plantés (en majorité des pins Douglas) d’autre part.
L’État et l’industrie destructeurs des forêts
C’est sous Sarkozy que la première offensive majeure a été lancée combinant une destruction des missions centenaires de l’Office nationale des forêts (ONF), dont la préservation des forêts, et la coupe massive d’arbres de haute valeur, les très vieux chênes en particulier. Les personnels s’étaient alors courageusement mobilisés pour refuser cette politique et l’abattage des forêts domaniales (25% des forêts françaises) pour renflouer les caisses de l’État.
Une même logique s’installe en forêt privée : les grosses scieries automatisées ne savent plus traiter les fûts les plus gros ou bien juste « différents » et Ikea a tué les menuisiers. Alors les feuillus partent à l’export ou sont réduits en déchets pour les chaufferies. Avec le plan France – Relance, Macron a offert 200 millions aux propriétaires forestiers pour couper leurs forêts et replanter des champs de pins Douglas. Et les coupes rases, désastreuses pour l’environnement se multiplient suivies de plantations qui nécessitent engrais et pesticides avec, néanmoins, un taux d’échec de 50% !
Des pins Douglas qui pourraient produire de magnifiques fûts en cent voir deux cents ans mais qui sont coupés de plus en plus jeunes, entre trente et quarante ans pour alimenter les scieries de bois parfaitement standards.
Les autorités et les gros industriels se défendent avec deux arguments : il faudrait abattre vite les arbres qui vont mourir du changement climatique et la surface globale de forêts resterait stable. Deux mensonges ! La surface reste stable du fait de la déprise agricole en zone montagne mais la qualité des forêts se détériore et le volume de bois sur pieds recule. Quant au changement climatique (dont ils sont responsables) si les tests d’adaptabilité de nouvelles essences menés par l’ONF et les forestiers sont utiles, la forêt se débrouillerait aussi bien sans intervention humaine…
Une lutte unitaire pour les forêts du Limousin
Face au désastre associations, collectifs et syndicats, CGT et FSU, se mobilisent depuis plusieurs années, gagnant une écoute de plus en plus large parmi les propriétaires privés qui font plus de 90% des proprios en Creuse. Un « réseau forêt limousine » rassemble plus de trente structures militantes. Deux projets industriels au nord et au sud du département inquiètent particulièrement pour les volumes de prédation annoncée : À Guéret, 500 personnes se sont réunies pour une réunion publique contre l’implantation d’une usine à pellets de bois pour chaudière, Biosyl cet hiver. Au sud du département, à la frontière avec la Corrèze, 200 personnes se sont rassemblées contre l’extension d’une scierie, Farges-Piveteau, destinée à être la plus grosse de France.
Deux projets gavés de subventions publiques dont les besoins en bois impliquent des coupes sans précédent, la raréfaction de la ressource au détriment des particuliers et des petites scieries qui se maintiennent difficilement malgré le service rendu localement.
Le 5 octobre, la Creuse accueillera collectifs et associations pour un « Appel pour des forêts vivantes » ; une manifestation nationale aura lieu à Guéret contre ces deux projets et pour la défense des forêts, du Limousin comme d’ailleurs !
Jean-Yves (UCL Limousin)
Pour avoir plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur le site du Syndicat de la montagne limousine ou la page Facebook du collectif Plus jamais ça 23
[1] Bâtiment dont la production annuelle d’énergie renouvelable est approximativement équivalente à sa consommation et dont la consommation nette est, donc, nulle.
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The USA’s NSA now has a podcast called “No Such Podcast”
Quite an apt title, and I’m sure no secrets are going to be exposed, apart from those already that have leaked out. But interesting to see some PR from the agency.They state this about the podcast:
“No Such Podcast” will bring people to the table from across the agency to discuss our role as a combat support agency, our foreign signals intelligence and cybersecurity missions, and so much more. NSA is known as home to the world’s greatest codemakers and codebreakers—their stories are now being decoded.
You can subscribe to it from most podcast players (which means you don’t have to visit their site and expose your IP address and other metadata). Just search for the title in your own podcast player.
See nsa.gov/Podcast/
#Blog, #NSA, #podcasts, #security, #technology
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This is a feature request for @PeerTube since last year github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube… and although may not be a priority there is a plugin that kinda fixes it framagit.org/kontrollanten/pee… - but this one is far from perfect and only works for a single account...
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Weekly progress report 5
- Receive new camera housing 3D print
- Fully finish
- gtk3-nocsd-git: fix typos, update SHA256
- Open issue: github.com/sethitow/awesome-pi…
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- Open issue: github.com/InfiniTimeOrg/Infin…
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Any suggestions on finding groups and meeting new people?
Thanks all!!
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Two things scare me the most....
Two things scare me the most, personally. First is death or health related issues. It is normal, if I die I'm fucked for eternity :). I think this is easy to understand for many people.
Second thing that scares me so much is to slip back into the fantasy world that humans created and forget about the amazing reality discovered for the past hundreds of years. To become too normal, even if that can mean to laugh, have fun, enjoy. I am scared of this. I battled this for all of my life trying to inject myself with reality bits and info (atoms, galaxies, evolution, stars and everything real) in the hope that my brain can understand the value of reality. It is hard. It is so hard and it is something I feel not many, if any, understand. It is also something that you can lose very fast, when you "get it".
I wanted to put a printed Hubble image of the Andromeda galaxy on the ceiling in my room when I was in college so that when I wake up it will remind me of how reality is mind blowing and the human invented one is a simplistic, myopic and colorless at best.
Most humans are today as they were 400, 1.000 , or more years ago. Let's have a beer, a chat, get married, fuck, have kids, gossip, have fun or war. Not saying some of these are not good or reasonable, but isn't it mindblowing that not much has changed in the core of our global society and the day to day life of humans for the past 400 years considering in this time we discovered cells, atoms, galaxies, evolution, and everything in between?
To me, this is so odd it creates a turmoil in my head. I think I have an explanation why this is the case tho: an aggressive trade-based society where everyone is a working ant. No time to even know about reality, let alone absorb it.
Reality is shocking, mind-blowing, fabulous, scary, infinitely complex and amazing.
Day to day life in this society is simplistic and almost parallel to reality.
If you don't fee like losing your mind when you think about this contrast, I don't think you understand.
#society #trade #capitalism #andromeda #science #TradeRuinsEverything
I sometimes think of death as an external sleep and it makes it seem less frightening, except the pain of death and health issues ofc - those are still scary.
As for humans not changing in any fundamental ways over many centuries it doesn't feel that surprising to me - isn't this the case for most creatures on earth? 🤔 But yeah I do still wish for some things to change, things like wars and environmental destruction, or the fact that humans are still forced to be like working ants - that sucks because it takes away their precious time.
If you think about it the universe also feels stagnant sometimes, the moon rotates around the earth and the earth rotates around the sun - it has been like that for millions of years. I've heard that the Andromeda galaxy will one day collapse with the Milkyway to create a new galaxy, but the time it takes for that to happen is so long that my lifespan feels insignificant in comparison. Hell most of us don't even notice the trees growing around us because it happens very slowly lol 😄 But the one thing that has had significant changes is our understanding of the universe, we sent humans to space, rovers to mars, etc so that we could study it. We made a giant foldable telescope and sent it into space just so we could see distant galaxies more clearly! 🤓 Hell we photographed a black hole! 😃 So in the end it is still about humanity, the leaps and bounces we make in trying to understand the universe 🙂
Well doesnt scare you the thought that you will never wake up or dream? :D - To me this realization that I will disappear forever is really frightening.
As for humans not changing in any fundamental ways over many centuries it doesn't feel that surprising to me - isn't this the case for most creatures on earth?
No because I am talking culturally/mentally change. No other creature can imagine like humans do. And to find out that you are made up of cells, or atoms, or are other solar systems out there, but not change in any fundamental way how you see your image, is weird to me.
Those missions are not just "humans exploring out of curiosity" - there are many people involved who just "do their job" as an engineer, scientist, etc.. I remember seeing videos from ISS with "scientists" wearing a cross, and being so "christians"....to me that's so weird. Also celebrating the SuperBall and I bet many watch Netflix in space.
My point is that if we were to discover that inside our skulls there is a green little man pushing buttons....and we have photos of that, and so on, but you tell to people about it and they are like "hm, ok, yah" and move on with their life....this is WEIRD :D
Rokosun likes this.
Well doesnt scare you the thought that you will never wake up or dream? :D - To me this realization that I will disappear forever is really frightening.
Yeah it is kinda scary to think that you'll never be able to experience the world again, but once you're dead you're also not conscious anymore and without that you cannot miss what you had before. But yeah ofc it's normal to be scared of death, we all are to some extent.
No because I am talking culturally/mentally change. No other creature can imagine like humans do. And to find out that you are made up of cells, or atoms, or are other solar systems out there, but not change in any fundamental way how you see your image, is weird to me.
I think the discovery of these things actually did have an impact on our culture, but perhaps not as pronounced as it should've been. I remember the first time I learned about atoms as a kid, that was a mind blowing experience for me! And I remember discussing about these ideas with a friend who was also blown away by these things. The crazy thing is that it almost feels like science fiction, and I know people have theorized about this idea centuries ago that maybe all matter was made out of some fundamental particles - those were just theories back then, until we discovered through science that it was actually real! Over time I got used to the idea of atoms and it doesn't excite me anymore like when I was a kid first discovering it, but this is pretty normal - it keeps me wanting to learn new things so that I could feel like that kid again 🙂
Those missions are not just "humans exploring out of curiosity" - there are many people involved who just "do their job" as an engineer, scientist, etc.. I remember seeing videos from ISS with "scientists" wearing a cross, and being so "christians"....to me that's so weird. Also celebrating the SuperBall and I bet many watch Netflix in space.
Religion and science is a weird mix for sure, but I don't know maybe it works in this weird ant worker society we got going lol 😄 Stuff like SuperBall and Netflix could be argued as a waste of time (if someone's spending too much time on it), but at least these are not fundamental beliefs like religion and likewise not as harmful.
My point is that if we were to discover that inside our skulls there is a green little man pushing buttons....and we have photos of that, and so on, but you tell to people about it and they are like "hm, ok, yah" and move on with their life....this is WEIRD :D
Oh yeah I get what you mean, I don't understand people who don't have any curiosity man 😅 It is sad to see people being apathetic to these things. Sometimes when I learn about something really cool and wanna share it with others I have no one around me who could understand it or share that excitement with me, sometimes when there is someone they'll be too busy to have the time for it - experiences like that does make me feel alone sometimes.
but once you're dead you're also not conscious anymore and without that you cannot miss what you had before
The missing part is for the alive ones :P like us. So ofc it is frighting to think about it.
I think the discovery of these things actually did have an impact on our culture, but perhaps not as pronounced as it should've been.
I do not see that impact. People's lives are the same as they were hundreds or thousands of years ago: work, consume, get married, have kids, gossip, and all that. These discoveries didn't even make us feel like one species. We are still divided into tribes.
Sometimes when I learn about something really cool and wanna share it with others I have no one around me who could understand it or share that excitement with me, sometimes when there is someone they'll be too busy to have the time for it - experiences like that does make me feel alone sometimes.
Yeah exactly....as I was saying since people are so busy to trade mostly. It sucks and it destroys curiosity. It really sucks.
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Mmm, depends what you mean by "core of our global society" I guess.
Most people are always going to want to concentrate on things of immediate relevance. I mean, yes, cells and galaxies are wonderful and all, but how does that change anything you can do in your day to day life ? For most people, unless you're a doctor or an astronomer, it doesn't.
On the other hand... a lot less people are involved in manual labour today than they were even 40 years ago, let alone 400. How many people even earned a living from website design 40 years ago ? In some ways the changes have been profound even at the practical level, let alone the subtler realm of world views (which have changed beyond recognition).
In Stephen Baxter's novels he refers to all the accessories needed for manned spaceflight collectively as plumbing : we need to bring along a hell of a lot of stuff just to keep us going. Likewise, what have we learned that prevents the need for sex, trade and beer (not necessarily in that order) ? Nothing, really. We still need to do all that stuff. It's just that now our conversations are about different things and proceed from different assumptions. The shift is subtler than changing our gross behaviours - except where technology or other developments make this unavoidable - but no less powerful for that. You don't find people worrying about miasma anymore, but actually disinfecting things properly.
The other factor is that frequent consideration of our place in the Universe on scales both large and small is likely a quick route to insanity. :)
Most people are always going to want to concentrate on things of immediate relevance. I mean, yes, cells and galaxies are wonderful and all, but how does that change anything you can do in your day to day life ? For most people, unless you're a doctor or an astronomer, it doesn't.
Probably "immediate relevance" means whatever they are made to focus on in this society: iphones, gadgets, stupid tv shows, events, consume, drama, etc.. Cells and galaxies and the rest are something one can use to change the way they see themselves and others. Like we are all humans, all connected, no need for artificial separations like borders, nationalities, color of the skin, etc.. These are also wonderful discussion topics and may make people buy a telescope/microscope rather than a new phone. There are many implications resulting from such a scientific mind set.
On the other hand... a lot less people are involved in manual labour today than they were even 40 years ago, let alone 400. How many people even earned a living from website design 40 years ago ? In some ways the changes have been profound even at the practical level, let alone the subtler realm of world views (which have changed beyond recognition).
This has nothing to do with the way people are. A webdesigner today and a house constructor from 600 years ago have a lot in common. Probably both want to get married, have kids, want to buy stuff, trade, not curious about the scientific world, etc..
Yes, but most scientists also want to buy stuff, get married, etc. We don't spend the whole time pontificating on the nature of reality because, as I said, it would drive us mad.
I think the general mindset of the modern world has changed, substantially, from where it was centuries ago. Social attitudes have changed radically from where they were even a few decades ago : compare the role of women in the workplace in the 1950s, or how homosexuals were treated in the 1980s. There isn't full equality yet, but good lord there's been a colossal shift in that direction (interestingly of course, if you go back further through history, you often find shifts in both positive as well as negative directions compared to the modern era, e.g. homosexuality in ancient Greece).
Yes, lots of people use gadgets and whatnot for watching stupid TV shows and the like. But they also use them for watching educational stuff.
I dunno, I just think there's no one right way to live one's life. I'm an astronomer, but I'd no more want to force astronomy on those unwilling to do it than I'd appreciate being forced to, say, play basketball. I honestly haven't got a clue what people get out of playing sports but if that's what they like, so be it.
I do wish we could stop the utterly vacuous stuff though : Keeping Up With the Kardaashians, endless celebrity gossip and the like. But I'm not sure it's possible. We seem hard wired to be very interested in judging each other, and no amount of cosmic mystiwisdom seems able to change that.
It is not about "pontificating" about atoms, galaxies, and what-not, is about how these fundamental truths that were only discovered recently seem to have no impact on the vast majority of people. And that is very strange.
I am lucky to be around people who are excited about these real things so we often talk about these, we go with the telescope and watch some planets, or look at things through the microscope, etc.. I cannot even watch movies anymore, I watch documentaries. Reality is the most mindblowing and interesting and complex thing, so if you get it, you can't be excited by simplistic human-made stories I guess. And we are far from losing our minds :)
I agree some social attitudes have changed a lot, but many have not in my view. The attitude towards work, the notion of family, the view of us as one species (which is scientifically accurate) does not seem to be a thing in this society - I see a lot more division every day. We have the same core trade-based society where the purpose of pretty much everyone is that of trade. To trade themselves or the stuff they have, for something else. The attitude towards consumerism has become more insane, and so forth.
I also agree that anyone should live their lives as they wish to, I am just observing some facts: how for the past hundreds of years mindblowing things have been discovered about reality, and this had almost 0 impact on the day to day life of people. Imagine if we proved we live in a computer simulation and all scientists agree and we can verify. But yet most people would be like "Yeah, cool..." and move on with their simulated life. Wouldn't that be bizarre?
We seem hard wired to be very interested in judging each other, and no amount of cosmic mystiwisdom seems able to change that.
I disagree that we are hard wired for anything really. We become whatever the environment pushes us to be. Even the way we walk or talk is created by the environment we are raised into. And we can change, never forget that.
Georgi likes this.
Well I do agree that we aren't hardwired for anything very much. In large part, I think, we are society; we are our own environment. Yet there are behaviours like family bonds which, if not truly constant, don't seem to vary nearly as strongly. Hence I interpret some attitudes and behaviours, at least, to be hard-wired, maybe not fully so but much more than others.
I'm fascinated by how other cultures have interpreted reality in very different ways. The modern scientific world view is really very recent indeed and nowhere near complete, or even wholly accurate. I would agree that this hasn't really changed any of the basics like the need for family, trade, socialising, but on the other hand, why would it ? The big ideas don't filter down to that level much except as nth-order effects. There is a deep-seated need to talk to other people, to have friends, to have material goods... whether reality is the atomic waste of stellar explosions or we're actually all living inside the eye of a giant duck wouldn't make any difference to that. In a way, all conceptions of reality are equally astonishing (Pratchett, as often, said it best).
On the other hand... nobody goes to the local Wise Woman for medicine anymore (well, with some unfortunate exceptions...), or sacrifices a bull to bring the rain. Some basics haven't varied much but differences of detail are huge. The things that don't vary, I think, are the fundamental "plumbing" and likely will never alter very much at all.
And the thing is, discoveries filter through slowly. We have time to adapt; there isn't much "shock value" in most findings. Even when there is, what seemed revolutionary yesterday becomes normal very quickly indeed. We are extremely flexible. Possibly there's a state of maximum excitation beyond which things are so radically different that they just can't be understood at all, but below which pretty nearly everything becomes normal.
I suppose it might be "scary" in the sense that maybe we aren't as humbled as we should be. On the other hand, being in a state of permanent astonishment and surprise would be debilitating. Flexibility has its advantages.
I looked a lot into this hard-wiring "theory" of behavior and I could never find anything of significance especially since humans can always change. So the outside pressures are always the ones capable of changing the behavior.
I would agree that this hasn't really changed any of the basics like the need for family, trade, socialising, but on the other hand, why would it ?
Well take climate change. It is a huge issue. All scientists agree about that basically. But not much is being done because something else overwrites it: the pressures in this trade based society to seek for profit.
In the same way people are more incentivized and made to watch some silly netflix series than say documentaries (due to ads for example), or find it easier to have chit-chats about nothing things than more interesting conversations because most people are tired due to work. And so on. The notion of a family is quite stagnant and promoted by the same media that everyone consumes.
Most boils down to this trade-based society where people are incentivized to promote and consume whatever sells best, where most people are busy and consumers, where reality is not really sold/advertised in any way, and so on.
Why would notions like the family, or the idea of work, and so forth be changed by whatever we discovered so far? Because what we discovered shows us we are one species on one planet, and same as with the climate change we should change the way we do things on this planet because we are not doing so well. And where there is no issue that is uncovered by this reality, like climate change, then the view of yourself in this universe should change if you find something new about reality, no?
There is a deep-seated need to talk to other people, to have friends, to have material goods... whether reality is the atomic waste of stellar explosions or we're actually all living inside the eye of a giant duck wouldn't make any difference to that.
It is so strange to think this way. Are you saying that if tomorrow we discover that all is a computer simulation, and everyone agrees, wouldn't it be weird if people would have the same lives as before?
I do not think there is a "natural" excuse for this state of numbness about reality. Whenever I show others the Moon or other planets through my telescope they don't even have a clue what these are. And they are fascinated when I tell them. I think the information doesn't reach most people to begin with. You can't be curious if you don't even know.
We could be very different beings if we were to take reality more seriously.
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Well, the notion that we live in a simulation is essentially Berkelian idealism, which has been floating around for at least a couple of centuries and arguably a lot longer (certainly everyone has wondered at some point, "what if it's all a dream ?"). We've already had plenty of time to get use to the idea, so if it was somehow thought to be actually true, nothing much would happen.
Same as discovering aliens. When we actually do detect an alien signal or some microfossils, or even actual living microbes, I predict the reaction will be... not much. We've been writing stories about it since basically forever - it isn't a revolutionary concept anymore. Shock value is extremely hard to maintain. Sure, discovery of aliens would cause a big press hoo-hah. But unless we actually get an alien spaceship landing on the proverbial White House lawn (or equivalent), it isn't going to change anything fundamental on the long term. Anything we can't actually interact with becomes an abstraction.
Climate change is also a good example. Here's the rub : what can any of us actually do about it ? In the case of aliens or simulations, nothing. I can't see why that would make me like or dislike my friends and family any more than I do already : what bearing would it have on anything ? I'm stuck with the reality I have before me. Knowledge of what it "really" is doesn't change anything at all for me : I still experience the same pleasures and pains, so I can't see what difference it would make practically (this is not at all the same as saying I wouldn't find it hugely interesting, however !).
(In the case of climate change, this is a bit tangential, but the answer is still "not much" individually - real differences require different power generation, farming techniques, societal structures, etc. none of which any individual has any real influence over)
It's not numbness, or even indifference. It's just that these things are orthogonal. I think you're taking it for granted that knowledge of reality should fundamentally change behaviour, but I cannot really see why this should be the case. Atomic theory hasn't altered family dynamics - I think it would be extremely strange if it did !
Culture changes enormously, as I said, and I agree that this is largely due to external factors : I'm not disagreeing with you on that one significantly. I further agree that the world would be a better place if more people were more concerned about the bigger issues than the humdrum superficial stuff. It's disappointing and, yes, even a little weird that they're not. But I can't see why any sort of discovery would, or even should, change something as fundamental as the nature of friendships and families. Material concerns could and should be mitigated, but I would think the chain of thought from "what is the nature of reality ?" to "how many eggs do I need to buy today ?" is so convoluted as to make these essentially unrelated questions. Likewise, why would knowing that you're made of atoms or dreams affect whether you fancy someone or enjoy playing tennis or having a beer ? I can't see why it would.
It is one thing for fictional ideas to be around for ages, another to prove one of them is real. The example was to show how a shocking discovery should shock people.
Shock value is extremely hard to maintain.
I am talking about the initial shock value that does not seem to happen to begin with in many cases in regards to the contrast between reality and society.
Anything we can't actually interact with becomes an abstraction.
I bet is not about interaction as it is about stimulation. There are many people in awe and shock about galaxies, or cells, or biology, or maths, or other parts of reality, as they are about celebrities, movies, fantasy stories and other things they cannot touch, interact with. It is all about what you stimulate people, culturally, to be interested in.
Like climate change, there are many who react to this bad piece of "news" and are active about trying to do something about it. Where is that motivation coming from since they seem to have no impact on the course of it anyway? It comes from whatever these people have in their heads. That motivates them.
If you don't feel like doing anything about the climate issue then it is all because you may not realize the importance of it or whatever makes you think is not worth your energy. But in the end is all about what we have in our brains, and that comes form the environment (culture). And this culture/system is a lot, if not most, about consumption and stupid things, so that's what people have in their brains. Of course they cannot get too excited about galaxies or atoms, but they get a lot of excitement when Prince H marries with Princess A, or about some fictional TV show. These are advertised to them a lot.
Atomic theory hasn't altered family dynamics - I think it would be extremely strange if it did !
People used to get married with their cousins or even closer relatives not long ago. It was normal. I think even Darwin married his cousin. Now because of some cultural shits and knowing that it is a bad idea (genetically speaking) to mate with closer relatives, this notion seems disgusting for many. Discoveries, bits of reality, can change and should change the way we think about mundane things.
Knowing that we are all made out of atoms should make us rethink our culturally inherited values such as fictional borders, human behavior, man made laws, and so forth. Why? Because we are part of a greater story and we are all part of the same system. A planet, an ecosystem, dependent on nature, and so forth.
But I can't see why any sort of discovery would, or even should, change something as fundamental as the nature of friendships and families
Simply because there is no nature about these things.
Even today there are tribes where children are raised by the entire community and have no notions of parents. Or their relationships are vastly different from the rest of the "civilized" world.
Humans are like plasticine molded by their environment. It is simply that our culture/system is the same for thousands of years: trade, have jobs, mate, have kids, retire, die. Humans are busy at least 8h every day, and when they finish work/school they are so tired that at the best they can chew is simplistic and dumbed down media produced by the same system of trade (workers) trying to sell stuff. It is a self propelled idiocracy that makes people unable to know and digest the complexity of reality that science is discovering. I think that's a better explanation of this situation.
Imagine you take a fish from the sea and the fish could suddenly talk and understand you. You explain to him about the world, the planet, the water, the evolution. If they fish is not even curious, let alone shocked about what you enlighten him with, then I think we should probably consider the fish as non-intelligent, or incapable of understanding. No?
You put the fish back in the sea and he goes on about being a fish for the rest of his life. Why would anything change for him no?
To me this makes the fish look "stupid". Primitive. Incapable of grasping a greater reality.
With humans is different since we know they have the capacity to wonder about greater things that they cannot touch or even see. They are capable. So when they are not touched by mindblowing discoveries about reality, then it is a different explanation as of why that is, rather than "it is normal" or they are "incapable" of grasping. Again, looking at the system of trade, this society we live in, I think we can understand, as I explained, why they are not touched much about reality, but are very touched about all sort of things: fictional stories, movies, consumerism, etc..
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Pour faire plier Macron, renforçons l’autonomie populaire, communiqué UCL 03/09
Il est temps de zapper l’interminable feuilleton « Qui siégera à Matignon ». C’est dans la rue que notre avenir se décidera, avec un premier rendez-vous de mobilisation le 1er octobre 2024.
Macron, en cherchant à contourner le résultat d’un scrutin bâclé qu’il a lui même provoqué, franchit un pas supplémentaire vers l’autoritarisme. Une tendance toujours plus inquiétante dans un régime présidentiel parmi les plus « monarchiques » d’Europe, et où l’extrême droite est aux portes du pouvoir.
Pour maintenir la politique néolibérale et procapitaliste qui est la sienne, Macron prend tout son temps. Pendant que l’ensemble des partis politiques défilent à l’Élysée pour réclamer Matignon, les ministres d’un gouvernement démissionnaire poursuivent la casse des services publics et l’austérité au titre de la « gestion des affaires courantes ». Spectacle ubuesque d’un système politique et économique à bout de souffle, ce mépris de la volonté populaire sera-t-il celui de trop ? Cela dépendra grandement de la capacité du mouvement social à faire entendre sa voix.
Les élections sont passées, place à la lutte sociale
Constatant le déni présidentiel, certains partis du Nouveau Front populaire appellent à manifester le 7 septembre pour obtenir ce que Macron nomme une Première ministre issue du NFP. Mais quel sens cela a-t-il de manifester pour réclamer un gouvernement social-démocrate dépourvu de majorité parlementaire ? Si l’UCL a appelé à voter NFP en juillet pour faire barrage au RN, c’était bien « sans illusions ni scrupules ».
On n’en attendait rien de plus, comme on n’attendra rien du gouvernement technique que Macron va finir par désigner.
Le répit obtenu face à l’extrême droite, cette situation d’immobilisme institutionnel, il faut aujourd’hui les mettre à profit pour faire entendre nos revendications sociales, renforcer les outils de l’autonomie populaire, comités de quartier et syndicats de lutte en tête. Les révolutionnaires doivent faire leur possible pour que le mouvement social avance et grandisse en imposant une ligne antifasciste et antiraciste claire, quel que soit le Premier ministre qui atterrira à Matignon. C’est là le vrai rempart contre l’extrême droite, contre son arrivée au pouvoir, et contre sa politique si elle finit par s’en emparer.
Alors toutes et tous en grève et dans la rue le 1er octobre 2024, à l’appel de l’intersyndicale CGT-FSU-Solidaires, pour augmenter les salaires, abroger la réforme des retraites, redéployer les services publics sur tout le territoire. Ce sera une première étape déterminante pour mesurer la combativité de notre camp social dans l’année qui s’annonce. Nous travaillerons partout où c’est possible au succès de cette journée d’action.
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Tom Grzybow
in reply to fionag11 • • •Wow - worse there than in the USA.