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Lots of server work these days...many webape servers to update to the latest Yunohost plus debian. And I am failing to update our main server because of dependency issues....pretty bad situation. But this is what I'm doing these days: server work plus making video for TROMhome in parallel.

Rokosun reshared this.

Why would people not have their headlights on when driving in fog?

Seriously, why? Don't they want to be seen. Is there a downside I'm not understanding?

I drove through fog today and followed vehicles that were like ghosts with no taillights visible.

We took out the cassette toilet and found rotten wood :/…

We will explain why we decide to go for a "dry" toilet instead of a cassette one in another video, but taking this toilet out revealed the nightmare for motorhomers: rotten wood. Water infiltration. But we fixed it! 😃

#motorhome #spain #van #vanlife #toilet :)

Living Utopia | The Anarchism and the Spanish Revolution

in reply to Rafa Peris

As someone being born and raised in Valencia, Spain, watching this documentary has been very meaningful to me.

This is a part of our history and identity that has been hidden to us, the ones who feel the opression of the system on a daily basis.

I was at awe listenning to the people that appear in the documentary and that probably are all dead today, but who really lived the anarchist revolution until their genocide.

For me it is just astonishing how well can express themselves compared to most people of their age and economic class today here in Spain, (since they could not get access to any good education when the fascist dictatorship).

I would be able to communicate more with my grandma today if she had been raised like that. But she just understands hierachical power, money and religion. No science, no critical thinking. I love her anyway, but I have to use Christ analogies to have her attention :)

Happy Anarchristmas!

Je change de compte , un peu tristement , mais les délais de réception des posts étaient passés à plusieurs jours sur mon instance précédente.
De ce fait, je redemande pas mal de monde en contact .
Désolé pour le dérangement. 😉


in reply to Alastor "El Pouleto" Mysterio

Hello @Wiltur .. ben oui t'es plutôt sur Mastodon je crois .. je vais te trouver là bas alors.
Aux chouineurs occitans : vous étiez déjà dans mes contacts .. faut suivre un peu.

G is for Goodbye Google

in reply to fionag11

re: browser, I SMH at how many people think the Chrome-forked Brave protects privacy 😒
in reply to fionag11

People, more than often, become prisoners to conveniences.


You make a video about cleaning up the waste, and that's something important and is done by good people, but then you post on Youtube and they show you first an ad about fast fashion.

Tell me this is not the most ironic thing. Same as selling hard-copy books about deforestation on Amazon.

And this is not to blame anyone, but please if you have other options use those too, like Peertube or making your books digital.

If you are making content about restoring nature we invite you to our Peertube instance - no ads or any bullshit like that.

Let's be reasonable people and at least try. Youtube is an ad-company and if we want to cut down from this insane consumerism we should try to avoid Youtube or at least use adblockers.

#environment #waste #peertube #youtube

reshared this

That's how I spent my year 2024 in nature & wildlife conservation. In this video is overview of all projects, events and activities I participated and volunteered. I think it was a good year. What about yours ???

Tio reshared this.

@Dima this is how your videos look on Youtube for most people:

Before they watch a video about volunteering, restoring nature, cutting down the waste and so forth, they will watch very attractive ads for buying shit, Big Macs, harmful and wasteful products. I find that beyond outrageous.

So I think we should try to push your Peertube channel more. Maybe you can tell me what format are you saving your videos in so I can look what may be the issue with uploading them to Peertube. We have uploaded thousands of videos to Peertube and everything works great.

We should change these habits too of posting on these ad-network. I get it about the reach, but in parallel we should give these alternatives platforms a try too.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tio

Personally I'm also worried that these adblockers will stop working one day, especially now that YouTube is trying hard to get rid of them. So it's a temporary solution at best.
in reply to Rokosun

That's another issue indeed. Google Chrome will not work with adblockers anymore, or not well at all, after that manifest v3 bullshit.