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Here is a wonderful documentary: Solar System with Brian Cox…

Really well made and a lot of new info even for me and I watch a shit load of these documentaries :)

#documentary #astronomy #solarsystem #briancox #bbc #documentaries

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How to reach the public with the venus project/resource-based economy.

Again just the normal Stable updates but this time we switcher to kernel 6.12. For the current TROMjaro users please open the “Kernel” app, go to Kernel find the 6.12 an click install: Now reboot and it should use the new kernel automatically.

Tio reshared this.

TROMhome out in the world :)

New videos coming soon :) - Subscribe here… directly follow on fedi

#motorhome #spain #peertube #fedi #travel

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Love Local

Göte Kildén – 50 år som socialistisk agitator och facklig aktivist

Göteborg: Göte Kildén var under femtio år en av den svenska vänsterns mest framträdande representanter. Han var en av de centrala ledarna för den trotskistiska rörelse som byggdes upp i Sverige.