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Comiendo Nuestro Camino a la Extinción | Documental oficial en Español

Narrado por Carlos Bardem para España:…

Y Marco Antonio Regil para Lationamérica:…

Resto de idiomas disponible aquí:…

#Montpellier #BDS

Notre camarade, militant du mouvement social, a été arrêté hier samedi 6 janvier à 15h30 de manière arbitraire lors d’une action de soutien à la cause Palestinienne. Il a depuis été placé en garde à vue au motif de « participation à un groupement en vue de commettre des violences et des dégradations ». Nous dénonçons cette criminalisation du soutien à la cause palestinienne et plus largement du mouvement social. Nous exigeons la libération immédiate de notre camarade.

Rassemblement ce jour dimanche devant le commissariat central à 14H30 !

A l’appel de BDS 34, CNT-ESS 34, Faucheurs volontaires de l’Hérault, FSU 34, GéS 34, NPA34, Solidaires 34, SUD Education 34, UCL Montpellier


Being new to, I decided to check out TROMjaro. This distro is absolutely gorgeous!
I booted from a live USB just to check it out, because I've had bad experiences with Manjaro in the past, and it's pretty feature packed. Best of all, "proprietary" software isn't completely blocked because of the trade free views of TROM and nature of the distro, meaning that I can install a couple of pieces software that my life revolves around.

Admittedly, KDE is my favorite and preferred desktop environment but with the look and feel of the tweaks pre-applied to Gnome... I could probably get used to not having KDE pretty quickly.

I'll be prepping to install and making it my daily driver on my laptop for a while. Will update with further thoughts in a week or so.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Should I wait for the new ISO to come out before I install?
in reply to Nail Bender

You can already grab it from here - I was about to publish the release notes soon.

Ar galima su akmeniu, kuris yra praeityje, praskelti kitam asmeniui galva, kai abu dalyviai, tiek metantysis tiek priimejas yra dabartyje?

in reply to Snopes (website mirror)

Don't forget…
❝Ex-White House aide: Trump urged removal of #metal_detectors at Jan. 6 rally❞
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“I don’t f***ing care if they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f***ing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f***ing mags away,” Ms. Hutchinson recalls overhearing Mr. Trump saying that day, shortly before he went on stage.
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20 Days in Mariupol -…

Insane documentary.... This is how war looks like. Tragic. Brutal. Terrible.

#documentary #ukraine #russia #PBS

Newly added documentary on

20 Days in Mariupol

An AP team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting atrocities of the Russian invasion.

Watch it here:…

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Départ de manif 11h gare du Nord, retrouvez dans notre pôle rouge et noir nos camarades d' de toute l'Europe !
Sinon vous avez le choix des cortèges dans le bloc internationaliste!
#BijiRojava #AssadAssassin #ErdoganMurderer #ArmenianGenocide #FreePalestine

This photo looks fake, but it is not, and it is taken with a mobile phone. Plus I did no editing:

These are the islands where I live, and the wonderful night sky. You can see the Pleiades in the left top side, and that bright one top center is Jupiter:

4 minutes exposure with Pixel 4A.

#nightsky #astrophotography #nature #islands #photos

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