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TROM II: Waking Up -…

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Youtube is doing its best and most aggressive lately to protect their ad platform. Third party services that allow you to watch youtube videos without ads or being tracked are suffering. Invidious, Newpipe, Freetube and the like.

Now Peertube is being affected and users cannot synchronize their youtube account with their peertube one. Basically a peertube instance has an IP, and google sees that this IP is trying to grab videos from their ad platform. So they blacklist the IP. Unfortunately we can't do much.

Nothing will change until we are brave enough to move to peertube entirely or similar platforms.

Therefore our is currently unable to import videos from youtube. And we may not be able to fix this.

#peertube #youtube #privacy

in reply to TROM

Smartube for Android TV is trying to patch everyday, but Google has 1000s of engineers full of tricks.

At some point just a rule-based filter won't be enough.

in reply to TROM

> Youtube is doing its best and most aggressive lately to protect their ad platform

Youtube is doing its best to not run a free video hosting service because video hosting is EXPENSIVE.

> Nothing will change until we are brave enough to move to peertube entirely or similar platforms.

Every time I use peertube I'm reminded why the existing solutions exist: video hosting is hard and expensive, and if you want it to work well you need a global CDN at a minimum. And your data needs to be hosted on mulitple continents so the backhaul to the origin isn't painful.

I tried to use the Peertube hosted by @jerry the other day and I took forever for a video to even start playing. I don't have a lot of confidence this is a problem we'll solve, at least not in a way that gives us an equal experience as we get when using the centralized platforms. Maybe in 10 years.

in reply to feld

@feld strange. When I moved the videos to about a year ago, it has always seemed lightning fast for me. @trom
in reply to feld

Youtube is doing its best to not run a free video hosting service because video hosting is EXPENSIVE.

That's why they make a lot of profit and the ones running youtube are rich. They do not run a "free" video platform. It is trade-based. You pay with your attention (ads), data, or for premium with currency.

Every time I use peertube I'm reminded why the existing solutions exist: video hosting is hard and expensive, and if you want it to work well you need a global CDN at a minimum. And your data needs to be hosted on mulitple continents so the backhaul to the origin isn't painful.

We run an instance. 1,381 users, 2,622 videos, 972.2 GB. We pay some 20 euros a month. With p2p the bandwidth can be shared. Peertube runners allow you to use peopleś computers for transcoding. It is doable.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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