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in reply to TROM

Just took a quick peek and TROMii looks amazing.
The history behind the rise of capitalism, colonialism, environmental destruction. Creating understanding of how we got here that we might have hope for a more sustainable way forward.
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TROM II: Technology Won't Save Us -…

#technology #renewables #renewable-energy #electric-cars #capitalism #trade

reshared this is now mobile friendly! :) An extremely important website that curates news, videos, photos, and more from hundreds and hundreds of reliable sources.

#news #trom #science #videos #reddit

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in reply to TROM

Oh wow you did it! 😃

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in reply to TROM

Hey I just wanted to say that this donation really came in a time of need and I'll always be grateful for this kindness 🙏

I also have plans to contribute to other TROM projects beyond just TROMjaro Linux, I'm still in the process of learning new things so let's see..... 🙂

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