Electric cars and batteries won't change the world-
Renewable energies and electric cars won't change our world by much. Maybe will not change it at all.
Think about this:
Imagine all boats in the world were motor-boats. Now someone comes along and has this brilliant idea of making boats that can "sail". He says "we can put these sails, big ones, on the boats, and let the wind push the boat." He the proceeds with detailing the process and how we can scale it up. "Brilliant!" the masses are screaming! And so a billionaire named Ksum Sozeb invests billions of dollars to make sailing boats, claiming that this will change the face of sea transportation. "No more water and air pollution! No more pollution in the manufacturing of motors! Free energy from the wind!" he says.
People like him and his tweets. He starts the production and soon we start to see more and more sail boats, and less motor boats. Amazing!
He manages to replace most of the motor boats with sail boats. Now we are saved! Or not...
In today's society, not in the imaginary story-world, this is probably the case. Many, if not most boats are sail boats. And yet this does not stop the extreme pollution, slavery and aggressive marketing meant to give birth to infinite consumption, of sail boats. Millions of sailboats are not used, lots are wasted, and the process of manufacturing them, disposing them, maintaining them, is immense.
In this trade-based society if you make sail boats you have to keep on making them. If you stop, you are fucked. You will lose. This alone should be the "aha...yeah" moment that would make us realize nothing is sustainable in today's trade-based society.
And so, if all cars will be electric by tomorrow, nothing of essence will be solved. The manufacturing and distribution of these cars and their parts (plastic, batteries, metal, rare earth elements, and so forth) is still extremely polluting and enslaves armies of young and old people.
Musk and others will have to keep on producing these electric cars at infinitum. And since they compete with others, they will be forced to find the shortest path to profit, and this leaves behind a lot of bad things such as slavery, corruption, waste, lies, etc.. If Musk, or others wanted to help humanity transport from one place to another, in a sustainable fashion, then he and others would invest in public transportation in a non-profit way. Simple! But they do not want that. They want to make profits. Simple!
And renewable energies are a good idea in theory, but insufficient and inefficient in today's trade-based society where it will be used to produce more shit, more waste, more slaves, more nonsense.
Unless we change the game of trade into a game of no-trade, then we cannot fix anything of essence. #tromimg
Alien (A23P)
in reply to TROM • • •aye,
M:E E:P P:(p)W
Where "E"=("E"conomics / "E"nergy "E"xchange) is a an emergent subset of "M"=("M"orality).
"P"=("P"olitics) is an emergent subset of "E"(conomics).
And "(p)"[otential]"W"(ar) is an emergent subset of "P"(olitics)
So long as the base "morality"/"ethics" is "destructive" (it seeks elimination of creative "dynamic"), the ultimate emergent form of "E"(conomics aka "Energy Exchange") is itself going to be one that acts in the pursuit of "death" (that is to say, seeks towards stagnation and elimination of individual dynamics).
Any "profit" motive rooted in "I" scale in volume is going to ultimately seek to both consume AND control itself unto it's own end as it's root moral ethic is one rooted in a base function of maximizing the choice (aka "freedom"/"liberty") of a specific individual (entity) through achievement of nothing but a standing reflection of only that specified individual (entity). There's no achieving "freedom" when a root function is itself "ALL OBEY MY COMMAND".
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