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Finally the TROM II documentary is done and it was sent to the ones who took part in it for review. From now one there will be no change, unless they notice anything that is REALLY REALLY bad and needs to be fixed. Or typos.

4 parts, some 5 hours long. Soon we will make a post about it and about when we plan to release it.

Stay tuned and follow us on the fedierse or via our updates


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in reply to TROM

Hope is the 4th part. Typo in the screenshot.
in reply to TROM

I cannot promise watching all 4 hours long videos, but I would suggest "beta-testing" it with people in the community already. I could watch one of these mainly yours as I have provided feedback on some of your writings already, but then you did not seem to see value or have time to deal with my previous feedback. Actually some of my feedback, mainly about the health ones, now I kinda agree considering I watched the videos you did with experts on the matter...
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Yuu Yin

Still should referenced more, and had an expert review/co-author.
in reply to Yuu Yin

Unaware of your feedback but I (Tio) try to reply to every single email. Currently I will be busy with releasing this documentary so I may take some time to reply but you can always contact us via the contact page on
in reply to TROM

Not sure how you plan to introduce it, but definitely as you have 4 long vids, I woud suggest an introduction with idk 5 min max, and something way more short like 10-30s for publishing on social media to grab quick attraction.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Yuu Yin

Will see, but we are not here to "grab quick attention". I (Tio) personally am tired of that. I tried to "reach" people with these projects for too many years. Now I do stuff and share them. That's all.
in reply to TROM

> to "grab quick attention"

That was not what I meant to imply (attention economy), sorry. I meant reaching as many people as possible in an accessible way considering the formats people are familiar today, so they would then be more interested in seeing the whole thing, I assume as a non-professional.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Yuu Yin

I clearly say this in a way that would be more effective in sharing the vision of your project which I think is very important to highlight all things leading and maintaining unfair inequality, exploitation, resource and capital accumulation, attention economy (which is what I assume you are tired of just as me). It is your project anyway; that was just a suggestion. I'm already glad you're going to release the vids.
in reply to Yuu Yin

Yes would be fantastic to get more people to be interested in what we talk about. We will see how things will progress after the documentary is released.