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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

There is a dark, damp, wooded valley near where I have been camped, in the Kirroughtree forest, this week.

The wood is just how I always pictured Tolkien's Mirkwood, dark with all the trees and rocks covered in moss.

#tolkien #mosstodon #KirroughtreeForest

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Quick look at August sea surface temperature trends across the #Arctic, which are warming nearly everywhere that sea ice is not found. We'll have an update on this in our next Arctic Report Card, which will be released in December.

Last year's summary:…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

July 2024 data is now available for both Antarctic sea-ice thickness/volume (…) and global sea-ice volume (…) from GIOMAS.

Last month's global sea-ice volume has fallen to near-record low levels for the month of July in this dataset.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Here's your Monday ice update - #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the 4th lowest on record (JAXA data)...

β€’ about 340,000 kmΒ² below the 2010s mean
β€’ about 1,360,000 kmΒ² below the 2000s mean
β€’ about 2,310,000 kmΒ² below the 1990s mean
β€’ about 2,990,000 kmΒ² below the 1980s mean


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

I was on the Scientific American Science Quickly podcast, complaining (again) about SpaceX dropping space junk on my part of the world. If you're not tired of hearing this story over and over, here's another version:…

"A Close Encounter with SpaceX Debris Teaches an Astronomer about Space Junk"

in reply to Prof. Sam Lawler

if you dropped a sweet wrapper on the floor, you would be fined for littering, why should SpaceX be treated any different?
in reply to Paul Sutton

@zleap I tried! I called the "Turn in poachers and polluters" hotline. They wouldn't touch it!…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Join me in tracking this year's #Arctic sea ice minimum!

Sea ice melt substantially slows every September as solar energy decreases and temperatures drop in the far north.

Follow along with the data at…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Earth Overshoot Day 1st August 2024.

In seven months we’ve used everything our planet can regenerate this year.

For the rest of the year we’ll deplete our children’s future.

#MoveTheDate #ClimateDiary #ActOnClimate #EndFossilFuels #KeepItInTheGround…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Trends in July #Arctic sea ice concentration are more extensive and begin to surround the central Arctic, including areas like the Beaufort, Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara, Barents Seas

[Sea ice concentration = fraction of ice-cover. More info:…]

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Due to anomalous conditions ongoing in the #Arctic and #Antarctic, the total extent of sea ice globally is a record low for the date and nearly *4 million square kilometers* below the 1981-2010 average...

More graphics:…

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in reply to Zack Labe

well this will be end of the planet climate as we know it interesting πŸ€”
in reply to Zack Labe

WHEEE! WHEEE!!! MOMMY GET ME OFF THE ROLLER COASTER! (ps. yes, I'm repeating myself)

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Due to anomalously low sea ice in both poles, global sea ice extent levels are now at a record low for this time of year...

More sea ice graphics available at…

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in reply to Zack Labe

hi @ZLabe

thank you for sharing more important data with us all.
awareness of state is crucial in all this.

a nerd-detail question, if i may?

how did you (or another?) make this graphic.
the subtle depth dimension of the lines on the graph, with current clearly foreground, whilst all data is also clearly on the two axes, is really neat, and adds impact to the information presentation.

thanks again

in reply to bearsong

@bearsong Thank you! I write a bit more about my process here:…. Collectively, it takes quite a bit of time to be honest πŸ˜……

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