Calckey on Yunohost does not allow importing follows/followers etc.
I just recently installed #calckey on my #yunohost, but unfortunately I am not able to import my follows.
After a conversation with @Bernard Marx it seems that he's experiencing the same, with the only difference being that he's running an arm server and mine is an old PC.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Unknown parent • •I'm using an old PC, so it's powerful enough...thanks, I'll consider it.
Unknown parent • •LPS
Unknown parent • •After investigating the forums at there don't seem to be any topics at all.
YunoHost Forum
YunoHost ForumLPS
in reply to LPS • •Just a quick update about the #yunohost #calckey issue of not being able to import followers ... turns out that this may be something inherited from #misskey .
I just recently uninstalled #calckey due to this issue (I'm waiting until this is resolved) and tried #misskey in its place ... sadly it is not able to do this either:(
I'm not sure if this has something to do with #yunohost #calckey #misskey or the combination of both somehow
in reply to LPS • •LPS
Unknown parent • •