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LPS reshared this.

Earlier today: Claymation Add-on for Blender in Development… #b3d

Original tweet :…


LPS reshared this.

LPS reshared this.

In honor of #AdobeMAX I just want to share some FREE alternatives.



Adobe #AfterEffects

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LPS reshared this.

Anyone want to help define or code an API for Mastodon to talk to a web-of-trust-based moderation server?…

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Not sure what happened, but #friendica feels much snappier than the last time I used it
in reply to LPS

We just updated it to the latest version. Maybe that's what it is!?

Oct 1
Öppen Lodis: Autumnal Hackerspace Pop-up
Fri 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Autumnal Hackerspace Pop-up Fri Oct 1

Friday Oct 1, starting at 10:00 and going on until 17:00 (likely a bit later, too—no guarantees!) the hackerspace Lodis will open its doors to any & all people interested in the space! Feel free to drop by at any time and stay for 5 minutes or 5 hours.


At 12:00 we will be in the building's restaurant Mygel ordering extremely well-made vegetarian (w/ vegan options!) dishes for lunch. After ordering, we will likely bring our plates to eat together at the long dining table on the floor above the hackerspace. For the person on a budget (or with that lunch box you really just have to eat because—is that mold no wait maybe it's just thyme—) there are also freely available microwave ovens.

People staying longer are welcome to work on their projects (as long as it aligns with at least 4/5th of the space's principles, see the principles section at the bottom of the email), sample our tea collection—or just ask questions, chat and hang out. Responsible for this edition of Öppen Lodis (unsanctioned name) will be Jacob and Louise!

...Workshop rumors??

There are also rumors of a lockpicking workshop that will be held during the day—verifying those rumors are, however, left to the reader as an exercise (2x true if biking).


If you need to get in, reach out to either Jacob or Louise! If you lack contact details and want to pop by, just reply to this event and we'll hook you up!


We'd appreciate it if you tried to click attend on this event and let us know how things worked out! (You are also welcome to drop-by the space completely unannounced!)


See map above!



lodis is a space for people who want to

create projects independently...
...and hang out with others while doing so.
work towards a world with greater equality
work on non-commercial projects
explore ideas and see where they end up

See you on the first day of October!

𝓻𝓻𝓪 reshared this.

Sep 27
CodeFest 2021
Mon 5:00 PM - Sun 9:00 PM

CodeFest è il Festival della cultura del codice sorgente, della sua storia, del suo futuro. Organizzato da e da UniTo
Oltre 30 eventi sul codice sorgente, online, completamente gratuiti.

Il Festival è aperto a tutti: al mondo della formazione e della ricerca (studenti, docenti, studiosi), a quello della programmazione (sviluppatori e imprenditori) e dell’arte (hackers, musicisti, dj, artisti visuali).

Ma soprattutto è rivolto al pubblico generale, ad appassionati e curiosi, a tutti quelli che hanno sentito parlare di codice sorgente ma non sanno bene cosa sia.
Registrazione e partecipazione tramite la piattaforma

Open Source Italia :gnu: reshared this.

Ade Malsasa Akbar reshared this.

Sep 25
FreedomBox Install Event
Sat 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM

[Deutsche Version unten]


Please note: BEFORE the event (i) you may need to purchase a Single Board Computer (SBC) and (ii) there are some instructions to complete to make sure you can get the most out of the FreedomBox and the Install Event. See below for more information; see also the Install Event Wiki:…

What is FreedomBox?: FreedomBox is a home server for hosting your digital life, designed for non-experts based on 100% free software. Who needs DropBox to sync across devices when you can use SyncThing on the FreedomBox ... with unlimited storage space? Why let WhatsApp/FaceBook analyze your social graph when you can run a decentralized, federated Matrix instance to chat with friends and family in private? Don't let Google Calendar know what's on your schedule, use Radicale to sync your local calendar! And much more:

Install Event: The goal of the install event is to install FreedomBox. The real work will be at home when making your FreedomBox accessible from your home network, which is the hardest part of the process -- but don't worry, we will help you through it, and it is not that hard once you know what you need to do. A follow-up workshop will take place a couple months later in the late fall or early winter, in which we will explore the many uses of FreedomBox together. Of course, once the FreedomBox is accessible from your home network there is a lot you can already do on your own.

This event is for beginners, noobs, newbies, novices, home-server curious, etc. No particular computer knowledge is necessary: we will do our best to walk everyone through the installation process so they can run a home server and keep their data under their control, at home on their own hardware, using their own internet connection.

Where: Rooms 5003/5005 (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, HTW Berlin, Peter-Behrens-Hallen)

What you need before and during the event: This is described in more detail at the FreedomBox Install Event Wiki:…. In particular, please read through the 'BEFORE' instructions thoroughly. It is recommended to read these instructions well in advance of the event so you have time to ask questions or make changes.

Contact us in the comments below or per email if there are questions or problems. How much you get out of the event depends to a large extent on completing these steps.

Before The Event

  • If you do not have one, purchase a Single Board Computer (e.g., FreedomBox Pioneer Edition:
  • Check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) that you have a public IPv4 address
  • Check your home router for the option to enable port forwarding

During The Event

  • For the Install Event bring (i) your laptop and (ii) the Single Board Computer plus cables (e.g., FreedomBox Pioneer Edition)
  • If you are using Mac OS/Windows on your laptop, you may want to install balenaEtcher (Apache License 2.0):


Bitte beachte: VOR dem Event (i) musst du eventuell einen Single Board Computer (SBC) kaufen und (ii) gibt es einige Anweisungen, die du ausfüllen musst, um sicherzustellen, dass du das Beste aus der FreedomBox und dem Install Event herausholen kannst. Siehe Informationen unten; siehe auch das Install Event Wiki:…

Was ist FreedomBox?: FreedomBox ist ein Heimserver für das Hosting deines digitalen Lebens, entwickelt für Nicht-Expert*innen, basierend auf 100% freier Software. Wer braucht schon DropBox für die Synchronisierung, wenn man SyncThing auf der FreedomBox nutzen kann ... mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz? Warum WhatsApp/FaceBook deinen Social Graph analysieren lassen, wenn du eine dezentralisierte, föderierte Matrix-Instanz betreiben kannst, um mit Freund*innen und Familie privat zu chatten? Lass Google Calendar nicht wissen, was in deinem Terminkalender steht, nutz Radicale, um deinen lokalen Kalender zu synchronisieren! Und vieles mehr:

Installations-Event: Das Ziel des Installations-Events ist die Installation der FreedomBox. Die eigentliche Arbeit wird zu Hause stattfinden, wenn du deine FreedomBox von deinem Heimnetzwerk aus zugänglich machst, was der schwierigste Teil des Prozesses ist -- aber keine Sorge, wir werden dir dabei helfen, und es ist gar nicht so schwer, wenn du erst einmal weißt, was du tun musst. Der Folge-Workshop findet einige Monate später im Spätherbst oder Frühwinter statt, bei dem wir gemeinsam die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der FreedomBox erkunden werden. Sobald die FreedomBox über dein Heimnetzwerk zugänglich ist, kannst du natürlich schon eine Menge selbst tun.

Diese Veranstaltung ist für Anfänger, Noobs, Newbies, Heimserver-Neugierige, etc. Es sind keine besonderen Computerkenntnisse erforderlich: Wir werden unser Bestes tun, um alle durch den Installationsprozess zu führen, damit du einen Heimserver betreiben und deine Daten unter deiner Kontrolle halten kannst, zu Hause auf deiner eigenen Hardware und mit deiner eigenen Internetverbindung.

Wo: Räume 5003/5005 (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, HTW Berlin, Peter-Behrens-Hallen)

Was du vor und während des Events brauchst: Dies wird im FreedomBox Install Event Wiki genauer beschrieben:… Bitte lies dir insbesondere die 'VOR'-Anweisungen gründlich durch. Es wird empfohlen, diese Anweisungen rechtzeitig vor der Veranstaltung zu lesen, damit du Zeit hast, Fragen zu stellen oder Änderungen vorzunehmen.

Kontaktiere uns in den Kommentaren unten oder per E-Mail, wenn es Fragen oder Probleme gibt. Wie viel du von dem Event hast, hängt zu einem großen Teil von der Durchführung dieser Schritte ab.

Vor dem Event

  • Wenn du noch keinen hast, kaufe einen Single Board Computer (z.B. FreedomBox Pioneer Edition:
  • Überprüfe bei deinem Internet Service Provider (ISP), ob du eine öffentliche IPv4 Adresse hast
  • Überprüfe deinen Heimrouter auf die Möglichkeit der Portweiterleitung

Während des Events

  • Bringe (i) deinen Laptop und (ii) den Single Board Computer plus Kabel mit (z.B., FreedomBox Pioneer Edition)
  • Wenn du Mac OS/Windows auf deinem Laptop verwendest, solltest du balenaEtcher (Apache License 2.0) installieren:

LPS reshared this.

#NewPipe 0.21.9 released: Preview those thumbnails!…

LPS reshared this.

For anyone using friendica what mobile client are you using?

LPS reshared this.

👉 We recently released an important security fix and advise to promptly upgrade to #YunoHost 4.1.8

The fix is also available in 4.2.x, and was backported to 3.8.x.…

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LPS reshared this.

Sprite Fright - Asset Modeling Live

Join 3D artist Julien Kaspar as he continues to create assets for the Sprite Fright Open Movie, currently in production at the Blender Studio!

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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David Graeber

For the love of David Graeber:)

A new #peertube instance that is collecting man interviews with the late great David Graeber in one place. You can follow it here: #davidgraeber #debt #anthropology #economics #society #trade…

Just wanted to say thanks for the friendica server, I'm new here, I've been using mastodon mostly because most other friendica servers were super slow....this one is snappy:)
in reply to LPS

We hope it keeps on being so. We use quite a powerful server so lets see ;)
in reply to Tio

@Tio @LPS lots of improvements in the last 6 months made Friendica really fast.
@Tio @LPS

Mar 4
Phone Call
Thu 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Alexio doesn't attend.