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Hey, I like notifications and praise, so just a reminder that if you read a book or saw a painting or video you liked recently, tell the creator!
Share their stuff, leave a review, or even just hit like.
Seriously, we love that shit, it's like pet treats.

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Hawaiian pizza isn't 'Hawaiian' but a colonizer's invention to make tons of money in collaboration with Dole, who helped overthrow our sovereign country, resulting in genocide of Hawaiians, banning our culture, language, and erasing the history. Neither is 'Hawaiian Spaghetti.'

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It's strange to think that there is going to be any sort of rough consensus in the fediverse about federating or not federating with any particular instance large or small.

We've put a ton of effort into making sure the Web doesn't fragment at the protocol/interop level, but the most important part of the entire Fediverse exercise is how that interop level empowers people and communities to make their own choices.

I think that a Balkanized fedi is the best, healthiest possible outcome.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to mhoye

Totally agree, that's how the real world works. Representation at the local level, human scale...think "Monkey Sphere"

@Hank G ☑️

LPS reshared this.

I mean…

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in reply to Patrick 🌎

@FuchsiaShock The juxtaposition of “...spreading misinformation for free" and “journalists need a way to compete.” Heh.
in reply to David Chartier

@chartier lol, like "people are getting it for free, instead of paying us for it"

LPS reshared this.

'Latin America is taking on a pioneering role in this. In Latin America, scientific outputs are considered a public good. Free-to-publish and free-to-read cooperative publishing is supported by non-commercial and publicly funded infrastructure. Ninety-five per cent of Latin American journals are diamond open access: community-driven and collaborative platforms with no article processing charges. Their example shows us that research is a more global and diverse enterprise than is typically acknowledged. By including diverse voices, they contribute substantially to the academic landscape and the accessibility and dissemination of research3. Unfortunately, these journals tend to be excluded by indexing systems, which causes science published outside of the Global North to not receive the attention that it deserves.'

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Reddit perma-banning account promoting Lemmy has Streisand effect

As Reddit's enshittification reaches new heights their attempts to suppress attention for alternatives, like federated Lemmy, has the opposite effect as this Hacker News discussion shows.
in reply to smallcircles

Hilarious that a #HackerNews top voted comment on a post wrt #Reddit censoring mentions of #Lemmy effectively argues that the latter is "too geeky and hard to use" and that the former two won't be displaced because they're well known and easy to approach.

These people have ZERO self awareness. Never mind understanding about the legacy of their forums.

in reply to Osma A

the same will happen with kbin, even tho its interface is hyper similar to reddit. pretty sure that's gonna be another case of "too geeky, unusable, unstable, useless, sh!tty reddit ripoff and bad".

the "useless", as one guy said (not on here) when i mentioned lemmy: "Another sh*tty reddit ripoff? Useless"
in reply to noth

I saw a similar thread on Reddit itself. They had several sources that claimed mastodon had "failed to convert Twitter users", and therefore the fediverse was a waste of time and would never catch on.
I just chuckled because the longer they stay away, the better the fediverse will be (for me).
in reply to DodoTheDev

For everyone.

Reddit just got worse the more people used it.
in reply to DodoTheDev

I remember reddit was sorta seen that way back in the day. The concept of of subreddits that had different sorting features and the like was a lot different than forums way back when
in reply to smallcircles

I'm here because they banned it. Figure if they are threatened by lemmy it must be good.

LPS reshared this.

This is how to treat Billionaires:

"Swiss billionaire jailed over asbestos-related deaths in Italian town

Stephan Schmidheiny found guilty of causing deaths of 392 people in Casale Monferrato in Piedmont"

12 years in jail for a 73-year-old, Italy isn't messing around

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in reply to Pauxlll Kruczynski

More of this!! No fines, take away their freedom and you'd be surprised how fast these criminals/business people change how they operate
in reply to LPS

@lps without consequences nothing will change

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'CURATOR - Animated Short Film' by Ali Hoff

#b3d #blender3d #blenderart #blenderrender #blendercommunity

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Ten years ago, Edward Snowden revealed details about US mass surveillance, including the role of the UK's GCHQ in gathering comms data globally.

Our Exec Director @jim marks the anniversary of the revelations: what they told us then and where we are now.

#surveillance #snowden #NSA

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I want to make a creature design portfolio with really consistent pieces of work using the the workflow of Hardy Fowler, from Digital Painting Studio. I'm just in time for the last day of #Mermay, so here you go: A mermaid/merfolk inspired by an #Oarfish! I forgot to record the creation process, unfortunately. I'm probably going to focus on creature design the coming weeks, so you can expect more of these kinds of work.
#FantasyArt #CreatureDesign #Mermaid #Merfolk

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Unknown parent

Benjamin Brinckmann
@bestiaexmachina Thanks, that's good to hear 😁 I had been staring at it for such a long time that I really started to doubt if it was any good design. Probably need to look at it with fresh eyes in a few days.
Unknown parent

Benjamin Brinckmann
@sml Ah, thanks! It really worked using the workflow of Hardy Fowler. Check out this tutorial if you're interested:

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The new report found that this past year, out of a $1.8 trillion federal discretionary budget, the U.S. spent a staggering $1.1 trillion – or 62% – of that budget on militarism and war.

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Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware

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“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars, it's where the rich use public transport.”

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in reply to Daniel Moser

ca.2006, eine gute Freundin erzählt mir, wie sie beim Aussteigen in der S Bahn in Bern etwas zu hastig war und in jemanden hineingelaufen ist. Kurze Entschuldigung, dann die Erkenntnis. Es war der damalige Bundespräsident (CH). 2023, Youtube erzählt mir, es gab große Aufregung, weil sich ein Zivilist unter die Bodyguards von Bundeskanzler (D) beim Einsteigen in dessen gepanzerte Limousine gemischt hat. #verkehrswende

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Alexia by Jean-François Dupuis

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I am thrilled to announce that UX and UI designer @menica is joining us to improve Godot and gamedev education!

The expertise of UX designers is unfortunately still often undervalued, so we will try to share her work and show you all the things an experienced designer sees that we often miss or don't even think about.

She will work on making educational content more accessible, interactive, and interesting.
in reply to GDQuest

@gdquest Oh that's a piece of big news! 😍 I really like the work of @menica and I'm sure she'll contribute a lot to make Godot better. Congratz! 👍
in reply to GDQuest

It's so great that your team realizes this, bravo!😀

LPS reshared this.

Private and encrypted messenger SimpleX Chat has released version 5.1, which includes message reactions and a self-destruct passcode, among other updates.

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in reply to AlternativeTo

#simplex is definitely my top pick for secure and anonymous IM...I recommend it to everyone😀. It keeps getting better every release. I'd say it's almost as accessible as signal now.

Mr. G :garfield: reshared this.

in reply to LPS

And it is very easy to install a new SMP server on an AMD64 Yunohost to decentralize the network. A desktop client is the only thing missing IMO.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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The the writers strike already has at least one icon—and she’s not a writer. Lindsay Dougherty is a Teamster boss who heads up Local 399. She said Teamster trucks would not cross picket lines. And she sent a raucous message that rang out through Hollywood: “What I’d like to say to the studios is: If you want to fuck around, you’re gonna find out." HTTPS://
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Unknown parent

Florida Ted
Steves, do you have any skin in the game?
Unknown parent

Florida Ted
Let me rephrase: do you stand to lose anything if wealthy corporations continue to put pressure on wages and benefits for workers?

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It's not possible to protect children by banning their privacy, breaking #encryption or putting a backdoor into online services, which realistically, can be exploited by anyone. That is not protection, it's the opposite.

#onlinesafetybill #uk #cognitivedissonance #infosec

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Project Gold: New Blender Open Movie Announced!

#blender #blender3d #b3d

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The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy says social media is damaging to the mental health of children and adolescents. In a report released today, he details what parents and teens can do about it.

The report:

#SocialMedia #MentalHealth

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Plastic bottles harm human health at every stage of their life cycle

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No one ever asks "how will roads pay for themselves or make a profit". But they do it with the post office and public transit. It's a brilliant messaging strategy to make people forget that their gas guzzling monopoly loses money paid for by taxes, but the other services are held to another standard entirely

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Week highlights: @Blender 3.6 beta is out, @krita gets MLT-based animation player, MLT gets more 10-bit video support, VGC Illustration gets UI update and new tools, DrMr sampler gets a new life in a fork by Peter Semiletov

More info:

Featured #b3d artwork by Gabriel Barral

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"Sponsored posts in the Fediverse should be tagged with the #sponsored hashtag."

#EvanPoll #Poll

  • Strong Agree (75%, 331 votes)
  • Qualified Agree (20%, 88 votes)
  • Qualified Disagree (2%, 9 votes)
  • Strong Disagree (2%, 10 votes)
438 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Evan Prodromou Tim Chambers reshared this.

I'm a qualified agree. As @Jeremiah pointed out, it's required in some jurisdictions.

In other places, I still think a standard tag should be used, although it would be nice to have a language-appropriate tag, such as #publicité on French posts, alongside or instead of a global one.

Hashtags give disclosure and allows filtering. I think they're a pretty good mechanism.

LPS reshared this.

If we priced externalities into the cost of fossil fuels, it’s not a profitable business.

The cleanup costs in California will be triple the industry’s projected profits, and that doesn’t even include cleaning up CO₂ and CH₄ from the atmosphere.

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I'm strongly against AI-art, and a SF zine who is publishing one of my stories has a need for HUMAN MADE ART (this is a paying gig), but the deadline is very tight on this. So I'm putting out my feelers to anyone who is an artist or knows someone interested in doing cover art for a SF magazine (deadline: May 28th).

Email me ( for details. Thanks for sharing!

(image: some art I commissioned for the Solarpunk Futures expo)

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I don't post or boost posts bashing the Republican party not because I support them but rather because those posts perpetuate the myth that we really have two parties. Sure they have some differences on cultural issues, but in the important areas of economic and foreign policy, I challenge people to show me how they significantly differ. #uniparty

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bandcamp won their union! bandcamp won their union!!

i'm so fucking happy for them, and also for the possible knock-on effects of some of epic game's holdings unionizing

their full statement -

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The problem with billionaires is that they’re billionaires.

#capitalism #billionaires

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in reply to Aral Balkan

I thought the correct term for billionair is oligarch?
in reply to Aral Balkan

it is nothing personal. Well, apart from the sociopathy