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I have added more photos to my gallery :)

Here are a few of them:

While kayaking I took this photo. I love how the rock looks like floating on the water.

Holding a 20 million years old spider:

This is the wonderful Moon and the stars:

And the wonderful Sun:

All of the photos are made with a Pixel 4a. And very little tweaks.

#photography #nature #sun #moon #sky #astrophotography #amber #europe

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I found this hairy insect in the amber. It is around 40 million years old and I wonder what it is....hairy mosquito?

Bloody interesting...

#amber #nature #photography #microscope

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Such a shame the total solar eclipse was not visible in Europe...but well you can see some super amazing photos on :) - here is my favorite:

I love our TROMnews website...I visit it every single day.

#eclipse #news #science #photography #astrophotgraphy

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The Moon and Jupiter tonight:

The image is a composite - I took separate photos for each with the telescope and the phone. The original photo looks something like this through the binoculars:

But you can zoom into the first photo and you can even see Jupiter's moons :)

#astrophotography #nature #moon #jupiter #nightsky #photography #pixel4a

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Another binoculars + phone photo. Zoom on the islands:

And you get this :)

Not that spectacular but still cool :)

#photography #nature #pixel4a #islands

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A perspective photo that I really like. The moon and the bus. This is straight out of my phone - no telescope or binoculars, and no editing.

#moon #nature #perspective #photography

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Another photo I really love.... Pixel 4A.

#Astrophotography #photos #nature #photography

Rokosun reshared this.

Photo of the night sky taken with my phone from within a castle on top of a mountain :)

#Astrophotography #photos #nature #photography

Rokosun reshared this.

Ok here's one more with the binoculars :D because I love these. I was standing here taking this photo with my Pixel 4a phone:

Then I added the binoculars to my phone and pointed here:

And I got this:

True, I enhanced the colors, contrast, etc., but with GThumb in less than a minute. Nothing crazy.

Here are more:

Mind you, this is a phone that was around 350$ new in 2020 that was given to me for free. Plus binoculars that we literally found somewhere. :) Nothing pro, yet the photos look super cool.

#photos #nature #photography

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in reply to Tio

I think I've had some cheap toy binoculars when I was a kid, they looked like that but with much less zoom probably 😄
in reply to Rokosun

Yah they are not toy but feel like :D - it is super cool to use them with my phone because it gives you a cool perspective :P

A photo I took from a castle on the top of a mountain at night. Some stars and the town I live in :)

#Astrophotography #photos #nature #photography

in reply to Tio

Is that two starlink satellites dead center? Nice shot even if it is.
in reply to Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

Hard to say if starlink, but yes probably satellites. And the bright one is Jupiter in the center
in reply to Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

Every time I see a starry sky polluted like that, I assume it's the fault of *that* person.
in reply to Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

yah....I hate it too. Anyone who has any interest in the night sky hates "that" guy.

Here's Jupiter with 4 Moons through Celestron 130 SLT and Pixel 4a taken 4 hours ago:

And closeup:

And another sample without the moons:

#Astrophotography #photos #nature #photography

Here's a photo I just took 2 hours ago of the moon with Pixel 4a and some cheap binoculars:

I love this photo because it also showcases what the stages of the Moon are. Just a part of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun from our perspective, but in fact the entire Moon is visible if you are to look closely.

So amazing!

I will try to take more such photos of the moon in perspective with buildings or other "objects". It looks so cool!

#moon #Astrophotograhy #nature #photography

Rokosun reshared this.

In our town there are ping-pong tables for anyone to use. We play sometimes I kinda like it :D. But yah, so cool they should do more of these in public spaces.

#photography #nature

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I found this cool spider the other day on our terrace :D

#photography #nature #spider

Awesome sunset. I am impressed how the Pixel 4a can capture the real colors. Phone that @Aaron gifted me :D. Even brand new it was 3 times cheaper than most high end phones when it was released.

#photography #nature #landscape

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I took this photo in very low light hand-holding my Pixel 4a. We were lucky to see these goats that late at the castle.

#photography #nature #landscape

Rokosun reshared this.

Not enhanced. Straight out of Pixel 4A. And that's how the sky looked like in reality.

#photography #nature #landscape

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in reply to Tio

Beautiful, my friend 🥰

I have updated my Photo gallery on my website if anyone is curious. These are the best photos I have taken so far.

For example this is not a fire, or exaggerated. It is how the clouds looked one day:

#photography #nature #landscape

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

wow man really cool photos there 😃 BTW, is that a bear chilling on a rock I see? I have no idea how you took that picture 😄
in reply to Rokosun

thanks! well that bear is actually in a zoo-like enclosure where you can go with your car and see them. Not the best environment for wild animals....but I liked that photo....

Take the telescope phone mount and attach it to the binoculars, and then you can take some cool shots with your phone :). Mind you these are tiny binoculars that we got from someone, not some pro-ones.

Here's a photo that's quite nice on its own:

Now point your binocular setup here:

And you get this:

Cool :)

#nature #photography #spain