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First 2 days in the motorhome

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friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
I will do a lot more TROM stuff for sure :)


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in reply to Tio

Never stop being you man! 🙂 You may not have a million followers or anything but at least the videos you post and the blogs you write are honest and down to earth - some of us need to hear that voice and it's hard to find genuine content like that on the internet these days.
in reply to Rokosun

Thank you friend! And thank you for sticking around and helping with stuff.

Two things scare me the most....

in reply to Tio

in reply to Rhysy

Updates, updates. And future plans.

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in reply to Tio

That's a total bummer to see you struggling with this fucking world so much, my friend 😔 I hope it'll soon pass for you, even though, you're absolutely correct that our lives aren't that long. I feel myself unmotivated and tired all the time from my job as well and I can't figure out how to squeeze in anything more sane and useful into my life. It's sad we have to fight for it, even though we have so many ideas and real passion to do beautiful things..

But I'm glad to see that you aren't giving up and it gives me hope too 😌 You aren't alone in this and I'll help you whenever I can. Awesome that you're considering a campaign for the TROMhome, I'll gladly participate, you can count on me 😉

Stay strong my brother, and hope this fucking nonsense will end for you soon 💪

in reply to Roma

Thank you my best friend Roma :) - we will pierce through this, us all. For you too this year is going to be difficult, but like with us after the struggle good things may come, finally :) . We will help and take care of each other as much as possible ;).

Patience! You will detach yourself from the BS society soonish I hope. And we will see each other soon! :)

in reply to Tio

It's hard to keep yourself sane when the world is full of such insanities. Sorry to hear these few months have been a struggle for you, hope it passes..... Sending love :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

On a more positive note, that cake looks so cute I hope it becomes a reality :blobcataww:

Not a TROM meeting, meeting.

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in reply to Tio

Cool, have fun guys !

Rediscovering amber!

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Wow that looks amazing! 😃

I remember you talking about buying a microscope a long time ago, is it now that you finally bought it? 😄

in reply to Rokosun

I got one a year ago then returned it back. I wasn't convinced that I will use it. Now I bought a cheap digital one and it is much easier to use and handy. But doesn't magnify as much so am testing a new digital one that's a bit more expensive :D - waiting for it to come. I'd like to have a microscope that's easy to use and also good enough to see cells.

I finished reading Sasha's book

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Rokosun

BTW, noticed a few typos in your post, just letting you know:

> because it is inane in a few years time

I think you meant to say "insane" here.

> the begging bun (prologue) that

Did you meant to say "beginning bun" here?

A book years in the making

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

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in reply to Tio

Wow thank you @Tio This is too nice, I don't even know what to say :) Thank you again for putting up with everything. It was a lot, I know. And thank you for helping me so much, I couldn't have done it without you ❤️


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Being trapped in the bullet train of nonsense and ugliness

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

I also feel like giving up sometimes, but funnily enough you're the one who motivates me to keep going 😄
in reply to Tio

take some time off... The world will keep falling down, don't worry about that. It's better not to burn out, spent some more time outside with Sasha, travel more. Then you will also have fresh perspectives and new ideas. You don't have to run all the time... You only hurting yourself without any reasonable results, you've done more than enough already.

Adam ruins the social networks conversation

Rokosun reshared this.

Divorcing myself from this retarded society

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in reply to Tio

Very good point Tio, and great artworks! Yeah, that's exactly my thoughts, like wtf, they bomb civilians in Gaza like crazy, and it's ok for EU and US, they even help doing this. And people opinions are divided, some are for Palestine others for Israel when in fact all of them committing brutal crimes and one side is no better than the other. Of course Gaza it is like an open prison for many many years already, which is also very cruel and inhumane. I was also quite sadden to see the reaction of EU... But that's politics. Good point, not to trust or even take seriously any politician, it's all corrupted and fake. They twist everything as its more beneficial for them.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

You just pretty much summed it up in this blog post, politics is full of lies and propaganda man..... Every now and then I see these images of the atrocities caused by wars, on the internet, newspaper, etc..... be it in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc.... Does it really matter which place is getting hit? Innocent people are getting hurt, and many die because of these wars..... This is very sad and awful...... 😔

Best notes app

in reply to Tio

These are amazing features. How do you use them on #mobile devices like #android and #ios?
in reply to Anmol Sharma

No idea...I use this on my Linux laptop. I barely use a phone honestly :D
in reply to Tio

I was looking for a good note taking app. #appFlow looks good. I will definitely give it a try.
I did find another open source app, but it's a bit overkill at first glance.
GitHub - siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.


A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang. - GitHub - siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open sou...

The wannabe activists

Google wants to end adblocking

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in reply to Tio

news for chrome users.....stop using chrome or browsers based on chrome
in reply to Rotfarm

I agree. Unfortunately there aren't many alternatives. I use Firefox for many years now, but except that, what are other options that are not Chromium dependent or dependent on Firefox who receives a lot of money from Google?
in reply to Tio

I just didnt want to say "use firefox" but Oprah?
in reply to Rotfarm

Opera is a multi-platform web browser developed by its namesake company Opera.[11][12][13] The browser is based on Chromium, but distinguishes itself from other Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, etc.) through its user interface and other features.…

in reply to Rotfarm

@rotfarm my knowledge about this is very limited, but from what I understand Google is proposing a method for web developers to verify the integrity of users who visit their websites, so if this proposal becomes a success and people started implementing this verification on their websites then you won't be able to access those sites from firefox, unless firefox also implemented this thing in their browser.

I really hope I'm wrong here and that it won't affect firefox users.....

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral @rotfarm Maybe organizations like EFF would fight against this, that's my only hope now. If you actually think about it what Google is doing here is also anticompetitive in nature, other web browsers should be given the choice to not implement their design, but how can that be with a verification system like this being put on websites we visit.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

@rotfarm Where “a lot of” = ~half a billion dollars every year = if Google stopped paying them tomorrow, they’d be bankrupt the next day = totally dependent on Google for their existence.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral so an important question here that needs to be asked......if there is an absance of alternatives, why aren't people making them? Is it defeatism? No profit? This doesn't seem to stop most FOSS projects from being made, so why not make a web browser?
in reply to Rotfarm

@rotfarm A web browser is a huge undertaking. No reason why the EU couldn’t fund an independent organisation to make one, though. (Apart from lack of political will and a myopic insistence on framing everything through the lens of “The Single Market.”)
in reply to Tio

Webkit browsers. Epiphany, Midori, Safari...

Edit: apparently Midori is no longer among them, switched to Electron.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

How I cool down my laptop and why?

Rokosun reshared this.

Share the waste!

Rokosun reshared this.

It's all about that trade.

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in reply to Tio

Reading that long blog post about your marriage was like going through an emotional roller coaster, I don't know how many people could relate to it but I was definitely able to feel your pain there.
in reply to Tio

i think more fundamental is inequality. As entities only have power over another based on inequality. Trade is a means to raise inequality. And why inequality exists? Well, existing entities use other existing entities (life or not), and thus decrease or remove their existence, to maintain their own existence and prosperity.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Why I hate smartphones.

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Do people have thoughts anymore?

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

in reply to Rokosun currently quite sick but I may have a look once I feel better :D