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TROM II - 2. SOCIEDAD (con subtítulos en español)

A pesar de lo que la mayoría de la gente pueda creer, la sociedad humana, desde China hasta Estados Unidos, desde Europa hasta África, y en todas partes, se basa principalmente, si no totalmente, en una práctica que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Esa práctica dicta cómo los humanos tratan a los demás y al entorno que les rodea. Qué películas hacen, qué libros escriben, qué productos crean, quién y qué les importa y a qué dan prioridad.

Desde la ciencia al entretenimiento, en el día a día, esta vieja práctica es una fuerza de la que todos los humanos son esclavos.

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Divorcing myself from this retarded society

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in reply to Tio

Very good point Tio, and great artworks! Yeah, that's exactly my thoughts, like wtf, they bomb civilians in Gaza like crazy, and it's ok for EU and US, they even help doing this. And people opinions are divided, some are for Palestine others for Israel when in fact all of them committing brutal crimes and one side is no better than the other. Of course Gaza it is like an open prison for many many years already, which is also very cruel and inhumane. I was also quite sadden to see the reaction of EU... But that's politics. Good point, not to trust or even take seriously any politician, it's all corrupted and fake. They twist everything as its more beneficial for them.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

You just pretty much summed it up in this blog post, politics is full of lies and propaganda man..... Every now and then I see these images of the atrocities caused by wars, on the internet, newspaper, etc..... be it in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc.... Does it really matter which place is getting hit? Innocent people are getting hurt, and many die because of these wars..... This is very sad and awful...... 😔

We in fact have 41 people subscribed for 200 for TROM campaign and not 38. See - our system did not work 100% well and we had to fix some stuff. Still fixing some other things. But 41 people are amazing for supporting TROM. A huge thank you! Maybe, eventually, we will reach the 200 goal. We need 160 more people and then TROM will be forever ok :) and we can keep producing more content, more projects. #tromlive

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in reply to TROM

So the donation counter on the website was not working correctly? Anyway, glad to see there are 41 supporters now 🙂
in reply to Rokosun

Yes because some donations were not recorded as completed by our website....there are still some weird things going on but....little by little I hope to fix them.

Just saying that religion in a lot of BS, and creates a lot of conflict.

We are all humans. A beautiful and real story of evolving from little simple things, to big complex things. We are the universe itself, and this is no exaggeration.

I wish people were not so primitive...

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Rokosun reshared this.

I am working to find a cheaper solution for my personal backups that are about 3-4TB. Borgbase is too expensive. I bought a Hetzner Storage Box - 13 Euros a month for 5TB. That's insanely cheap. 3x cheaper than BorgBase. And it supports borg, sftp, webdav and more.

Currently I am trying a new app I found - Kopia - entirely open source and fast as hell. That plus Hetzner via webdav. So far so great. I will make an article after I decide how to move forward with the backups. Could be an interesting article in terms of how I manage to backup some 2-3TB of server files and some 3-4TB of personal files. Millions in total. Daily. Automated and encrypted.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

I have also looked at Hetnzer's storage pods. DO KEEP IN MIND: they don't have redundancy

(by that I mean: yes, they do use RAID but it's all on one server.
If you compare that with Backblaze B2 for example: there it's more distributed across the entire data center)

While an OVHfire type situation would likely destroy an entire datacenter, with Backblaze it's possible that the only the affected area lost some data but not all of it.

in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈

also: don't underestimate social connections: if you have friends who do self hosting things or have a NAS: ask if you could use some.

"Can I store x TB on your server if you get to store x TB on my server?"
Doesn't get much cheaper than that

in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈

Sure if you have that, but I need 4-5TB....hard to find someone with so much diskspace to spare....
in reply to Tio

it's suprising how often someone in your friend group might be an /r/datahoarder and has a ton of storage
in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈

Yeah but you also rely on them, But honestly idk anyone who has so much storage.
in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈

I understand but I am willing to take that risk. Hopefully no one blows up Hetzner datacenters :D. And if they do is ok, these are just backups. My personal files are safe on my laptop anyway and will do new backups.
in reply to Tio

as long as you do 3-2-1 backup
There should be 3 copies of data
On 2 different media
With 1 copy being off-site
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈

I do not. I used to but not anymore. Costs more money and makes you glued to external drives. I need to find a balance between keeping my files safe and myself sane :). Most people do no backups. I do them to an online location and I think that's enough. Even if I lose them all no biggie I have my files on my computer I can start as new. :)

The usual Manjaro Stable updates plus: Theme synchronization madness It is indeed difficult to make a consistent Linux desktop nowadays.

Georgimus Prime reshared this.