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Les méthodes de reconnaissance du CA

Le secteur des #services est fortement influencé par les disparités entre la #production et la #facturation. Comparé à l' #industrie où l'on observe une relation plus directe et immédiate entre les deux, le contrôle de #gestion dans le domaine des services s'avère nettement plus complexe. Le défi essentiel réside dans le choix de la méthode de reconnaissance du chiffre d'affaires.…

@Aaron gave me his old Pixel 4a 4G and now I am doing the unthinkable: I am changing my phone! For the first time since 2016. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 since 2016 and because I do not use my phone that much I did not care. But now that I have a new-old phone, I will go for it. Especially since my S7 started to crumble.

I have already installed CalyxOS on the Pixel and so far so perfect. I will make a detailed article about it all, but yah....happy to use an unused device and make good use of it! :)

It even has an Astrophotography mode so I can already start with that. Here are some quick samples form not-so-great-days to take such photos:


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Money Game

Since the latest changes and optimizations I did some 2-3 weeks ago for Friendica, our instance became so fast it is unbelievable. Go from one page to another in less than 1-2 seconds, at times it feels instant. Amazing! #tromstuff

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in reply to Anmol Sharma

Well first of all I am using a daemon and not cron jobs via this tutorial…

Then In /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf and add Under [mariadb]:

\#enable the old query optimizer setting
optimizer_use_condition_selectivity = 1
optimizer_switch = 'rowid_filter=off'

You can also add to the same file under mariadb and mysql:
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 20G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 256M
innodb_log_file_size = 1G
innodb_write_io_threads = 16
in reply to Tio

Amazing, thank you for the valuable information.