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Awesome sunset. I am impressed how the Pixel 4a can capture the real colors. Phone that @Aaron gifted me :D. Even brand new it was 3 times cheaper than most high end phones when it was released.

#photography #nature #landscape

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I took this photo in very low light hand-holding my Pixel 4a. We were lucky to see these goats that late at the castle.

#photography #nature #landscape

Rokosun reshared this.

Wow amazing. Unheard of. So cool. Yah dudes, it is happening, just wait for it.

Historic, unprecedented, unreal. Un-beli-vable.

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Not enhanced. Straight out of Pixel 4A. And that's how the sky looked like in reality.

#photography #nature #landscape

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in reply to Tio

Beautiful, my friend 🥰

Much respect for @Dima -… - he continues to do these really well made and important videos. It is important to highlight the so many volunteers who are trying to fix the natural world, as much as they can.

We build artificial islands for pelicans - here's why

I went to Bulgaria to join conservation project of Dalmatian pelicans. It's international effort to reduce threats and improve their habitat in Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria & Greece.

Project website :
Some footage of pelicans : Damyan Petkov
Thumbnail picture : Maxim Yakovlev

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I have updated my Photo gallery on my website if anyone is curious. These are the best photos I have taken so far.

For example this is not a fire, or exaggerated. It is how the clouds looked one day:

#photography #nature #landscape

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

wow man really cool photos there 😃 BTW, is that a bear chilling on a rock I see? I have no idea how you took that picture 😄
in reply to Rokosun

thanks! well that bear is actually in a zoo-like enclosure where you can go with your car and see them. Not the best environment for wild animals....but I liked that photo....