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When @Georgi shared a video from our documentary on Facebook and wanted to tag @Be Brave To Act Facebook page, she had no option but had it appeared as if this was a "paid partnership" with @Dima 's page. haha. Because as I said before, Facebook is not a "social network" it is an ad platform, so they naturally see these "taggings" between pages as partnerships.

#facebook #capitalism #ads #trade

in reply to Tio

shit you uncovered my money laundering scheme
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Dima

busted dude! pay your taxes now!

TROM II: Mountains of Waste…

#waste #pollution #climatechange #ewaste #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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Una constructora vol desnonar dues veïnes de l’edifici Caixers 2 de València…

El passat 11 d'abril el jutjat de primera instància número 5 de València va ordenar executar el desnonament de l'habitatge número 2 de Caixers 2, de València, propietat de la societat Good Capital Investiment SL amb l’objectiu de rehabilitar el bloc per destinar-lo al turisme de luxe.

Quina merda 💩

TROM en Español reshared this.

I will delay with the video series I wanted to make for TROM. I am working for a WebApe project/website, so it is what it is. If I had the minimum support that I need (see here ) then I would focus 100% on TROM.

But the video series will come.... ;). That I know for sure!


Here's a crazy documentary about the war in Ukraine - Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods…

War is such a primitive and ugly face of this society. Terrible. And for what!?!

#war #ukraine #russia

Newly added documentary on

Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods

A revealing and moving portrait of lives compromised by war, filmed exclusively by Ukrainian soldiers with extraordinary access to a tightly controlled front line.

Watch it here:…

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Our TROMjaro Theme Switcher issues have been fixed. Everything should work ok now. Please update your TROMjaro. #tromlive

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A reminder that our domain is blocked by Google and thus we cannot send any emails form our domain to any Gmail accounts... We have tried to fix this but so far no luck.

Google is an ad company so better not use Gmail in the first place.

#tromlive #google #gmail #privacy

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in reply to TROM

With plenty of good alternatives such as Tuta and Protonmail, among others, there is zero reason to use Gmail if you care about privacy or security.

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in reply to Tio

I love how you mention the actual scientific history of human beings! Countries and borders are man-made fiction/ideas that we choose to believe in, and they keep changing from time to time - there is a stark difference between that and the actual scientific reality of our world. Science is often a very humbling experience I feel like, think of the famous pale blue dot image and how carl sagan described it......
in reply to Rokosun

BTW, I'm glad to hear @bigworldsmallsasha is finally free to stay there in Spain, that must've been a huge relief after having to go through this much trouble.
in reply to Rokosun

Yeah for sure, don't we all miss Carl Sagan 🥰😊
And thank you, yes it is a huge relief, finally 😅
in reply to Rokosun

"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known." C.S.
in reply to Tio

"I spent my life doing free things for others, never made a profit, but this has 0 value in this society."

Oh yeah, I feel you :D Yep. Welcome to the club xD

Marseille antifasciste les 3/4 mars, 2 jours pour éclipser la flamme

#LePen et #Bardella avaient choisi #Marseille pour lancer leur campagne européenne. En réaction, des milliers de personnes ont défilé contre le RN et participé à un rassemblement antifa…

Here's @Dima story of how he was influenced by this society of trade. How instead of him focusing on his music, he had to start and focus on getting more views, to trade those views for money/stuff.

Watch the entire documentary here -
