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1500 selon les médias, plus de 2000 selon les organisateurs, un dynamique cortège #UnionCommunisteLibertaire d'une 60aine de camarades avec 2 banderoles, 2 mégas, 2 tambours et 500 tracts diffés. #SaintBrieuc est une étape dans la construction d'une #RiposteAntifasciste !

TROM II: Volunteering should be normality…

#volunteering #volunteers #community #people

TROM II: Volunteering should be normality

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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EURONEWS Iinterview

This Wednesday I was taking a part in Euronews TV show "The Road To Green". They travel around and highlight various sustainable initiatives, ecology and conservation projects. But also people behind such initiatives. I am happy that I had a chance to participate.
Here is some info on my Patreon about the experience.
The episode will be aired on 30/04 on TV and later will be available online.…

Roma reshared this.

When @Georgi shared a video from our documentary on Facebook and wanted to tag @Be Brave To Act Facebook page, she had no option but had it appeared as if this was a "paid partnership" with @Dima 's page. haha. Because as I said before, Facebook is not a "social network" it is an ad platform, so they naturally see these "taggings" between pages as partnerships.

#facebook #capitalism #ads #trade

in reply to Tio

shit you uncovered my money laundering scheme
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Dima

busted dude! pay your taxes now!

TROM II: Mountains of Waste…

#waste #pollution #climatechange #ewaste #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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Una constructora vol desnonar dues veïnes de l’edifici Caixers 2 de València…

El passat 11 d'abril el jutjat de primera instància número 5 de València va ordenar executar el desnonament de l'habitatge número 2 de Caixers 2, de València, propietat de la societat Good Capital Investiment SL amb l’objectiu de rehabilitar el bloc per destinar-lo al turisme de luxe.

Quina merda 💩

TROM en Español reshared this.