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Updates, updates. And future plans.

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in reply to Tio

That's a total bummer to see you struggling with this fucking world so much, my friend 😔 I hope it'll soon pass for you, even though, you're absolutely correct that our lives aren't that long. I feel myself unmotivated and tired all the time from my job as well and I can't figure out how to squeeze in anything more sane and useful into my life. It's sad we have to fight for it, even though we have so many ideas and real passion to do beautiful things..

But I'm glad to see that you aren't giving up and it gives me hope too 😌 You aren't alone in this and I'll help you whenever I can. Awesome that you're considering a campaign for the TROMhome, I'll gladly participate, you can count on me 😉

Stay strong my brother, and hope this fucking nonsense will end for you soon 💪

in reply to Roma

Thank you my best friend Roma :) - we will pierce through this, us all. For you too this year is going to be difficult, but like with us after the struggle good things may come, finally :) . We will help and take care of each other as much as possible ;).

Patience! You will detach yourself from the BS society soonish I hope. And we will see each other soon! :)

in reply to Tio

It's hard to keep yourself sane when the world is full of such insanities. Sorry to hear these few months have been a struggle for you, hope it passes..... Sending love :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

On a more positive note, that cake looks so cute I hope it becomes a reality :blobcataww:

Does This Rare Photo Show Dolly Parton Without Signature Makeup?

The country music legend is famous for her glamorous, high-maintenance style and is rarely seen in public without full makeup or one of her many wigs.…

Bertrand P reshared this.

Hoy es el día mundial de la ELA

Hoy es el día mundial de la ELA.
En esta #entrevista Jordi Sabaté da a conocer la enfermedad, reivindica más investigación y comparte cómo lidia con la #ELA desde hace 10 años mientras te saca una sonrisa.…
Personalmente su testimonio me resultó impactante, ya que sólo soy un año más joven que él...



I strongly stand behind this analogy with fixing aging.

TROM II: Fixing this society is like fixing aging -

#aging #society #capitalism #money #trade

in reply to Tio

Today is also the ALS day.
Here a Spanish guy reivindacting more investigation and sharing how he deals with ALS for the last 10 years. His story was impacting to me since I am just one year younger than him...…
Un abrazo Tio.

TROM II: Fixing this society is like fixing aging -…

#aging #society #capitalism #money #trade

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Blooming of Tisza River - MAYFLY MADNESS by @Dima…

It is important to remember how interesting the natural world is.

#nature #insects

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Translation: 550 crazy people die while going in circles in 50C temperature.

#religion #idiocracy #climatechange #globalwarming

in reply to Rokosun

For sure, this is a more wise view and I respect it and I usually have that kind of view as well, but at times I feel like saying it as it is: a bunch of idiots. After a while you get sick of these morons :D
in reply to Tio

I don't have any issue with you ranting about it, I just meant that this is probably why you don't hear it presented like that in the news and such.

Last Epic Spaceman video. The micro universe

Awesome (despite the sponsor at the end).

#Banana, #coin, #edge, #tardigrade, #redcell, #bacteria, #goodvirus, #badvirus, #DNA, #atom.…

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