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Numerous key positions to be filled in US election

People from other countries may not realize the number and variety of elected positions, aside from the President, that are on American ballots…

Thank you John for becoming the 87th TROM supporter!

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Así se inundó Valencia: crónica visual del mayor desastre natural de España

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in reply to fionag11

In the USA, you would have to be somewhat suicidal to ride a bike on many of our roads.

This is just pointless and cruel

Mark Longo, who rescued an orphaned squirrel that became a social media star, describes how authorities raided his New York state animal sanctuary and seized the furry creature, along with a rescued racoon. Both animals were later euthanized.…

Conservative Senators block bill that would ban live export of horses from Canada for slaughter in Japan

100 more horses going for slaughter in Japan from Canada's Edmonton International Airport. The horses came from Grover feedlot near Hanna, so besides the time and stress of being loaded onto the trucks and the 3+ hour drive to Edmonton, they now face the loading onto the plane here and then a grueling journey to Japan. All this without food, water and rest.
#horses #animalrights
Bill C-355 banning live export, is stalled in the Senate, largely due to delaying tactics by several Conservative Senators (led by Senate Opposition Leader, Don Plett).

Canadians can reach out to their provincial Senators. Go here to find your Senators…
Then choose Province (Designation) to locate your provincial Senators. Phone numbers and email addresses for each Senator are to be found by clicking on individual names.

That's it, TROMhome is here:

We will make videos about it if you are curious subscribe to our Peertube here…

#motorhome #van

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Share this message if you know volunteers who are coming to Catarroja to help people.

🚮 We remind you that the points to throw the garbage are at:
📍Avenida Murcia -…
📍 La Florida (Cafeteria el Divan) -…
📍El Charco. Residence area -…
📍Health center of Catarroja -…

From left to right: La Florida, Av. Murcia, Health center and El Charco (Residencia).

NOTICE: Those are the official points and the closest one is far away from Les Barraques. People can't take it there (and less the elderly) and are leaving them on the terraces of buildings and in several corners where they lie accumulated. We are not aware that the town hall has set up any other official garbage collection point closer by.

HELP: We need help from volunteers who are well protected to carry garbage from Les Barraques to one of these points.

People's health is at risk.
Thank you very much!

Compartid este mensaje si sabéis de alguien que viene a ayudar a la gente de Catarroja


I've been working on a novel. I've never actually written fiction before so no gauruntee of quality, but it's also free to read & distributed. It's mostly scifi(ish) with some fantasy elements as well.…

I've got an ActivityPub account I put updates on @Untitled Novel but the website also has RSS & other protocols I share new updates on. Web version is ad free and tracker free minus Cloudflare.

My friend @Roma helped our TROMhome project with a massive 1.000 Euros donation. Thank you very much, I cannot say that enough. Tremendous help!

I will keep the Gofundme campaign for a little bit but I have dropped the goal further. Maybe we only may need a bit of financial help to get ourselves "on the road" and eventually be able to make TROMhome more TROM than home :)

We hope that Monday we will have it! And then I can start to make more and more videos for our TROMhome channel…

And slowly but soonishly all of our TROM projects will receive more love :)

Roma, you help so many people! You are such a kind and wonderful human being. Honestly...

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Rafa Peris doesn't like this.

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in reply to Rokosun

Oh Roma is doing wonderful things for his life and his parents. Working on these things for years now. He managed to move his parents from Russia to Spain, just 7 hours from where we live. They all visited us last week. And now he will focus on his life, he wants to take a break from his job eventually and focus on important projects, also come join TROM more and do things together in that regards.

This awesome guy has been helping his family and other people a lot lately. But things are evolving into a wonderful direction. We are so happy for him!

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Tio

Oh wow that's great, happy to hear that 🙂