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Thank you for the anonymous 300 Euros donation!

We will put the money towards buying a satellite dish in order to have a proper internet connection in the motorhome (TROMhome) to be able to manage all of our TROM Projects. If you have no phone signal, thus no Internet, then no one can fix/update any of our websites....but with a satellite internet we can stay connected anywhere basically.

For example when we release a new TROMjaro ISO that is 4-5GB that needs to be uploaded in 2 different places (so around 10GB) and to make sure they upload correctly. So a good and reliable internet connection is a must for us in the motorhome.

We only need 150 Euros more to buy the dish -…

If anyone can help, this is a direct help for TROM. If not, is ok since we will have to buy it anyway one way or another.

This 300 Euros donation is a huge help. Many many thanks!!

#tromhome #motorhome #trom

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This how trade-based society works, i will clean my name by the expense of all planet. I look clean, because i was able to export a huge amount of oil and gas- I am a good boy?? Retarded society 🤣
Still obvious origin of the problem is not seen.

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in reply to Jacob Urlich 🌍

Next step: leave all the oil and gas in the ground. Please find other ways to make money. Also: leave fish in the sea, roaming free. We don't need fish on our plate, we need them in the sea.
in reply to Peter Blok

They can't they need trade for profit to survive in trade-based system. Positive feedback loop. We are going to play this trade-based idiocracy until a total collapse!

Holiday Higher

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In a wold where everyone is tired, the easiest is to fall asleep.

Stay sharp and alert people! It is hard, but it may be even harder to wake up from a deep sleep.

That's what I'm trying with all of the projects I do - - keep myself sane and awake.

Sure, not many people get to read the books I wrote, or use the tools I made, or watch the videos I created. But I do these for me first, and the rest second. That's how I keep myself from not sleeping. Is not easy, but what's the alternative!?

#awake #trom #tromsite #society

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Hello world! I'm #newhere
I like to bother other people with my political quests. I love arts, both as a spectator and as a practitioner. Love DIY. GNU/Linux Devuan user. And so on and so forth...

Relaxing at the river and getting a new carpet -…

Just a relaxing day at the river. Nice, cozy, calm. Nature 😃. We've also bought a big carpet to put in the motorhome to make it cozy and keep it clean.

Follow us at

#motorhome #travel #camper #vanlife #tromhome

Relaxing at the river and getting a new carpet

Just a relaxing day at the river. Nice, cozy, calm. Nature :). We've also bought a big carpet to put in the motorhome to make it cozy and keep it clean.

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I cannot find a better illustration to depict the insanity of today's world:


#trump #musk #twitter #amazon #bezos #meta #facebook #politics

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Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

PeerTube's own Sepia Search is trying to cover having a single search system in one place. It uses a blocklist system to screen out bad content when it's reported.

I'm trying to do my own single place to discover content at but using an allowlist system instead, so I only allow accounts to appear on the site if I manually approve them.

These are the two ways of providing a unified search for discovery, I think there's a place for both?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@jt_rebelo @FediVideo yes absolutely, any friction that can be eliminated probably should be. If the goal is reaching as wide an audience as possible ofc.