Nos camarades de #LibertäreAktion ont traduit notre communiqué sur la #Palestine !…
Palästina-Israel: Kein Frieden ohne das Ende der Besatzung, der Kolonisierung und der Apartheidç-*
Auf Gräueltaten folgen Gräueltaten. Die Ermordung von mehreren hundert Zivilist:innen in Israel ist eine Tragödie. Diese Tragödie hätte es nicht gegeben, wenn Tausende von Zivilist:innen nicht seit 2008 durch israelische Bombenangriffe unter Trümmern in Gaza begraben worden wären. Man kann nicht ein ganzes Volk unterdrücken, ausbeuten, aushungern und im Freiluftgefängnis Palästina einsperren, ohne Konsequenzen zu erwarten: Das ist der erste Schluss, den wir nach dem Ausbruch tödlicher Gewalt am 7. Oktober ziehen müssen. Der Staat Israel reagiert mit einem neuen Kreislauf von Zerstörung und Massakern. Stattdessen soll er endlich begreifen, dass sein koloniales System unhaltbar ist. Freiheit für Palästina!
Am Samstag, den 7. Oktober, startete die Hamas ihren bisher grössten Angriff auf das israelische Staatsgebiet und israelische Siedlungen. Mit dem koordinierten Angriff zerstörte sie die Mauer um Gaza an mehreren Stellen, nahm mehrere Dörfer entlang der Mauer ein und entführte mindestens 100 Soldat:innen und Zivilist:innen. Die israelische Armee und der israelische Geheimdienst wurden völlig überrascht. Sie begannen jedoch einen äusserst brutalen Gegenschlag im Gazastreifen sowie im Südlibanon nach dem Abschuss von Raketen durch die Hisbollah, die libanesische Verbündete der Hamas. Es gab mehrere hundert palästinensische und israelische Todesopfer.
Die Hamas hatte ihren Angriff in Gaza sorgfältig vorbereitet und einen historisch bedeutsamen Tag gewählt, den 50. Jahrestag des Beginns des Krieges 1973, in dem Ägypten und Syrien Israel gegenüberstanden. Es handelte sich um einen Gegenschlag gegen die kolonialistische Apartheidpolitik des Staates Israel und seiner faschistischen, rassistischen […] und kolonialistischen Regierung, die in den letzten Monaten die Provokationen vervielfacht (Armee auf dem Tempelberg, Vertreibung von Palästinenser:innen, Ablehnung jeder politischen und friedlichen Lösung) und den Siedlungsbau im Westjordanland verstärkt unterstützt hat. Es handelt sich auch um einen Gegenschlag gegen die laufende diplomatische Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen Israel und den Golfstaaten, insbesondere Saudi-Arabien, und die anhaltende Unterstützung des israelischen Regimes durch die USA […] und die Europäische Union. Es handelt sich vor allem um eine Folge der 75-jahrelangen Kolonisierung, brutalen und rassistischen Ausbeutung, Besetzung und Apartheid des Staates Israel, mit Palästinenser:innen, israelischer Araber:innen, Drus:innen, Jüd:innen aus Äthiopien… als Leidtragende. Und eine Folge der Ablehnung jeder politischen Lösung für ein friedliches Zusammenleben, der Aberkennung des Rückkehrrechts der Geflüchteten⋅(auch wenn dies von den Vereinten Nationen garantiert sei), der seit mehr als 15 Jahren andauernden Blockade des Gazastreifens und der täglichen Diskriminierung und Gewalt.
Die Stromversorgung und Lieferung von Konsumgütern in den Gazastreifen wurden von der rechtsextremen Netanjahu-Regierung ausgesetzt. Dabei sind die Bewohner:innen des Gazastreifens für die Befriedigung ihrer Grundbedürfnisse darauf angewiesen. Die Regierung Israels warnte, dass sie sich "im Krieg" befinde und dass der Vergeltungsschlag der brutalste der letzten Jahre sein werde. Was dies bedeutet, wurde klar, als sie die Bevölkerung dazu aufforderte, aus dem (nördlichen Teil) des Gazastreifens (in den südlichen Teil) zu fliehen und zeitgleich die ersten Bombenangriffen auf den Gazastreifen durchfuhr. Diese korrupte Regierung, die in den letzten Monaten an riesigen Demonstrationen von einem beachtlichen Teil der israelischen Bevölkerung kritisiert wurde, führt einen permanenten mörderischen Krieg gegen die palästinensische Bevölkerung und rechtfertigt ihren Machterhalt mit einer autoritären Sicherheitspolitik. Es ist diese israelische Regierung, die die Verantwortung für den Krieg und die Toten auf beiden Seiten trägt. Wie immer ist es die Zivilbevölkerung, die den Preis für die von den imperialistischen herrschenden Klassen beschlossenen Kriege zahlt. Die nächsten Tage werden zeigen, ob die Offensive der Hamas das Ende der Regierung Netanjahus einläutet oder im Gegenteil die Bevölkerung sich im Krieg hinter ihm vereint. Die aktuelle Situation ist jedenfalls ein Beweis für das Scheitern einer Politik, die eine imperialistische und militärische Lösung in Palästina anstrebt.
Die UCL unterstützt den Kampf des palästinensischen Volkes für Selbstbestimmung, Freiheit und das Recht auf ein würdiges Leben in einer multiethnischen, säkularen und demokratischen Föderation. Nationalistische, religiöse und kriegerische Perspektiven, auch wenn sie Ausdruck einer ausweglosen Situation sind, werden niemals eine Garantie für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit im Nahen Osten bieten. Diese Perspektiven spielen Autokrat:innen und intoleranten Rechtsextremist:innen in die Hände. Wir empfehlen die Lektüre des Antrags Pour une Palestine libre, laïque et démocratique, den die UCL im Juni 2020 während ihrer nationalen Koordination angenommen hat.
Wir bedauern die zivilen Opfer, die nicht den Preis für die politischen Strategien des Staates Israel oder der Hamas zahlen müssten. Die Hamas ist eine nationalistische und religiös-fundamentalistische Bewegung, die aus der Muslimbruderschaft hervorgegangen ist und sich historisch auf Kosten der säkularen revolutionären Kräfte aufgebaut hat. Wir lehnen es ab, dass Unterstützer:innen des palästinensischen Widerstands in Europa kriminalisiert und als "Terrorist:innen" bezeichnet werden. Wir wenden uns auch gegen jede Instrumentalisierung der Gewalt für rassistische Zwecke, sei sie antiarabisch oder antisemitisch oder zur Unterstützung autoritärer Regime wie dem Iran, dem Hauptunterstützer der Hamas, [...] die nicht mit dem palästinensischen Volk verwechselt werden darf.
Wir wiederholen unsere Forderungen nach einem Ende der Kolonisierung und Apartheid in Palästina sowie nach der Einhaltung der internationalen Resolutionen (Teilung des Staatsgebiets, Recht auf Rückkehr usw.) als Voraussetzung für eine langfristige Lösung (1). Wir unterstützen den säkularen, demokratischen und revolutionären Widerstand des palästinensischen Volkes und alle antikolonialen israelischen Oppositionellen und Aktivist:innen.
Wir fordern ein Ende der von der israelischen Armee und der Hamas begangenen Gewalttaten, die der Zivilbevölkerung auf beiden Seiten grosses Leid zufügen. Wir teilen nicht die Ideologie der Hamas, der die gerechten Bestrebungen des palästinensischen Volkes nicht am Herzen liegen. Wir unterstützen den palästinensischen Widerstands- und Befreiungskampf. Wir verstehen, dass dieser Kampf manchmal Strategien der Gewalt erfordert, die aus der politischen Blockadesituation entstehen. Wir rufen zur Entmilitarisierung des Staates Israel auf und fordern, dass tatsächlich auf eine Lösung hingewirkt wird, die sich auf den legitimen Forderungen des palästinensischen Volkes beruht. Dies sind die erforderlichen Bedingungen für jede dauerhafte Lösung des Konflikts.
(1) In diesem Zusammenhang sei an mehrere Punkte erinnert:
1- dass die Kolonisierung Palästinas und die Vertreibung der Palästinenser:innen von ihrem Land seit über einem Jahrhundert andauert und lange vor 1948 begonnen hat,
2- dass Israel nie eine der UN-Resolutionen von 1967 erfüllt hat, die es verpflichten, die besetzten Gebiete zu verlassen und das Rückkehrrecht der Flüchtlinge umzusetzen,
3- dass die Friedensabkommen von 1993 (Osloer Abkommen) die Kolonisierung in Wirklichkeit nur noch verstärkt haben,
4- dass die Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser täglich fast einen Toten zu beklagen haben, zusätzlich zu den Wasser- und Stromabschaltungen, dem Landraub und den täglichen Angriffen der Siedler, und
5- dass Staaten wie Frankreich mit Kriminalisierung reagieren, wenn weltweit Solidarität in Form einer friedlichen Kampagne, der BDS-Kampagne, zum Ausdruck gebracht wird.
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“First thing I thought of was the Westworld intro,” wrote one social media user.
I made a huge article about how I backup TB of files from 4 laptops for just 13 Euros a month… - and how I discovered an amazing app, Kopia, that makes the backup process such a breeze. :)
NEW BLOG POST:The best backup tool?
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Disclaimer: I only have used this for less than a week but I plan to use this for years to come. My excitement compels me to write an article about it.
Backups. So useless 99% of the time, but when you need them, that 1% of the time, they are crucial. I lost TB of files, twice, by mistake, and I had no backups, so that made me be extremely cautions about securing the survival of my digital files. And the files of my family.
The challenge: 4 laptops, around 3TB of files, and hundreds of thousands if not millions of them. From tiny files to tens of GB in size. I need them to be backed-up daily in at least 1 safe place. Sounds easy? Well…may not be.
Local backups plus file sync.
I used to backup all of my files on external HDD’s that I kept in a shoebox attached with a lot of umbilical cords to my laptop.
I was syncing them with FreeFileSync since I found it easy to use. You have a left side where you can select directories you want to back up, and a right side where you can select where to sync.
But ofc you had to go through some settings and put on some rules about what to do with the deleted files and so forth. Plus you had to create a CRON job to automate the process.
Took me some time to figure that thing out. On top of this some files were not properly copied. This was hardly a backup solution. It was sketchy.Setting this up for the other laptops was not feasible since you would need the FreeFileSync to copy files over the internet from their laptops to my HDD. Ttherefore I used Syncthing to basically sync the files from the other laptops (my family) to my external HDDs. When you need to sync hundreds of thousands of files like that, it is a pain in the ass. Slow, unreliable.
So basically it was difficult, slow, and I was entirely attached to my desk and the drives. No good!
I also tried DejaDup Backups and although super easy to use, it was never that reliable and too simplistic.
Borg, Vorta and Pika.
Before using these I tried a traditional backup method for those who wanna “pay and backup”. Simple as that. Mega. I was paying around 20 € a month for 8TB. Fuckers only provide 2TB or 8TB but nothing in between. I needed only 4TB or so…
Anyway, with Mega it is easy to backup, files were encrypted, they have a good Linux desktop client. I was doing that in parallel with the local backups. But it was not as reliable and would always backup, or sync to Mega. Not every X hours or daily, but ALWAYS. Plus I was relying on them and them only, and their website to go through my files and restore any. And took ages to decrypt my files in the browser to then access them….I felt uncomfortable to use Mega and it was a bit expensive. Plus I could not easily backup the other laptops to the same Mega account.In all, it was not that great.
Borg. A new way to do backups.
Mega is designed for filesharing, but Borg is for backups. They must be good! But the truth is, a bit complicated. Now, to backup with Borg locally you need either Vorta or Pika, since I am not aware of any other tool for the job that is easy to use.
I know there are many people passionate about computers who rsync and restic into ssh sources and daemon-kickstart their backups. I do not want that! I want an app with an interface that I can easily setup for me and my family. I do not do backups because is fun, but because I want to easily backup my files and restore them.
So with Vorta you open it and have to understand how and why they use “repositories”, else you are lost. Repository means….well…hard to explain but you have to select this:
Then choose a folder/drive on your computer where Vorta will create this repository, which is a bunch of files with rules, containing data about your backups. Once you understand this concept is easy. Select a local path then navigate the oldish Vorta interface to select what files you want to backup. Vorta also advertises their, their paid service:
And that does not sit well with me.They also use this “Prune” notion to delete old backups. In all Vorta is quite messy I would say hard to navigate. For me at least.
But it gets the job done. Locally, from what I remember, it took a few days to backup my 2TB files because it is also encrypting them and compressing them. So good that 2TB may transform in less than 1TB in the repository. That’s fantastic!The incremental backups are also fantastic and take only a few minutes. Therefore only the first backup is slow. To access your backups you have to go to “archives”, select one, then either “extract” it – which means you’ll be able to download all of it, or parts, somewhere – or “mount” it which asks you to select a folder on your computer where it will mount it all.
The “mount” part is what Borg introduced me to, and it is fabulous. It basically creates a folder where you can access ALL of your backed-up folders and files. These are NOT on my computer, they are “streamed” from the backups drive into a mounted directory:
Which means I can access how my computer files were 6 months ago, if I have backups for those, and navigate them and copy from it to my computer anything that I want, while being able to preview any file.Stop for a moment to think how useful this is. It is like going back in time, via your file manager, and see your files. Resurrect the dead 2.0!
This is even more amazing when you backup to an online location.
Borg plus Online = Hard.
The same concept and gymnastics apply when you backup to an online location. Remember, I need to backup 4 laptops not just mine. So I decided to rely mostly, if not only, on online backups.
Online backups.
Look…I’ve heard that people say that you have to backup in 2 different locations and one should be local. But let’s be honest, most people do not do any sort of backups and they are fine most of the time. And backing up to an online location is damn secure nowadays. What can happen? The datacenter may be destroyed? Most datacenters have backups anyway so they can restore immediately, and overall it is so rare for this to happen. Almost never.
Second potential problem: these online providers may close your account for some reasons. But super unlikely. If you do encrypted backups and no one knows what you are storing, why would they? Yes they can close your account if you use their storage locations to store “illegal” files that you publicly share….but else…
So I decided to rely on online backups and also finally detach my laptop form the umbilical cords.
Problem numero 1.
For Borg to work you need to find a hosting that provides Borg backups. The server itself NEEDS to have Borg installed on their side too. Right now I only know 2-3 such provides. So from the get-go this is already very limiting. I chose BorgBase since they seem to be the cheapest and most reliable. But for some 4TB of storage you have to pay around 23 € a month. Mega is twice as cheap.
Problem numero 2.
Fucking SSH keys…
I won’t rant again about them, but it was always a pain to create one on my machine, then add to BorgBase, then add to the repo, then connect the two. At times it won’t connect. In short, it was always uncomfortable for me with the SSH keys and 4 laptops. I am still confused about them. I hate them!
So I ended up setting repositories with BorgBase for everyone and backing up there, daily. Despite being a lot more expensive than Mega, it was a lot more reliable and I felt more comfortable using it.
But I cannot tell my girlfriend, sister, or parents to use Vorta in case they may want to restore something. Because it is too complicated. So I thought to try Pika.
Pika – great and unreliable.
This one is light years better than Vorta in terms of the interface.
Easy! Files to backup, files to exclude, Archives…
Even the schedule is sane:
I can give instructions to my mother over the phone and she can manage it no problem. I cannot say that about Vorta….However…to connect to BorgBase is not something my mother can do.
So I have to create a new repository on for my mother, copy the URL for it, add to Pika. Open the terminal on her laptop and figure out what’s the command for creating an SSH key. Create! Find out the command to display it. Copy the key. Go to BorgBase and add it to the Keys section. Then go to the repository I created for my mother on BorgBase and attach the key to it.Only after that connect to the repository via Pika. I don’t like it, but I did it for everyone.
And guess what, at times this SSH key needs to be “unlocked” with a master password on your XFCE desktop and if you are not prompted for it when you reboot, then Pika is like “I cannot connect there is no SSH key I can use”. So for example on my sister’s laptop the backups with Pika failed multiple times because of this.
Am telling you the SSH keys suck balls 😀
The main issue with Pika. It is slow.
This is something that I reported to the developers. Pika was several times slower than Vorta to backup. So slow I had to use Vorta to do the first backup for everyone, before using Pika to pick it up on the incremental backups. I remember backing up a few hundreds of GB for my sister’s laptop and it was like 10% after several days.
If Pika wasn’t so slow, it would definitely be worth using it. But if you do not have to backup a lot of files, it can be ok. It is a reason why I added Pika as the default backup tool in TROMjaro. It is great overall!
Pika can also mount archives like Vorta and it can even backup to FTP/SFTP sources. And that’s the key for finding out the best backup tool!
Kopia – the best!
We have used Pika and Vorta for the past 2 or so years. Pika was unreliable at times for a few of us. And Borg overall limited in terms of hosting choices and a pain to setup. Plus expensive.A backup tool needs to have a simple interface; to allow you to easily control what to backup and what to exclude; to allow you to manually delete old backups; to make it easy to schedule and to restore. Plus to support different locations: SFTP/FTP, WebDav, S3, local…
Kopia is an app I found a few days ago while I was trying to find out how the hell to move from BorgBase to a Hetzner Box which supports Borg.
Hetzner provides some really cheap storage boxes. Look:
For 13 € a month you can get a 5TB storage, half as cheap as BorgBase. Mega was 20 € for 8TB, Hetzner is 26 € for 10 TB. So Hetzner is almost as cheap as Mega. Plus look how many protocols it supports:
I tried for several days to make Pika/Vorta borg backups work with Hetzner, but because of multiple SSH keys failures I gave up. No more Borg, that’s it! Fuck those SSH keys!So I tried Pika via SFTP to Hetzner. Connecting via SFTP is 100 times easier. You get an URL, a username, and a password from Hetzner. Add that to Pika and voila. Connected!
Problem is when I tried to backup my 2TB with Pika to Hetzner it took almost 2 days to backup 3%. Terrible. I had to try something else.
Ok, so what’s this Kopia?
Well it is open source, does encrypted backups by default and with compression, does not promote any hosting so it is independent, and it looks a bit oldish or Windows-ish. Those were my first impressions. I quickly found it in TROMjaro Add/Remove Software as KopiaUI. And it looks like this:
Not bad…And all of those are the protocols that it supports. Yes we see Google there and Azure, but well in case people wanna use these to backup….So I like that it is so straight forward from the get go. I go and select WebDav since Hetzner supports it.
3 fields. Completed them and connected in less than 30 seconds to Hetzner! See that Borg? See that SSH key nonsense? 😀And this was the first WOW, fuck I love it! moment. No more BS SSH keys. That’s it. Connected.
You see they also use repositories and now I understand why this is great. Once I connected to my Hetzner WebDav, Kopia created some config files there and from that moment on it will update those files based on the changes I make via Kopia. I will explain later why this is amazing!
Ok, next step. They call backups as “snapshots”. Click and see this:
Select the folder/directory you want to backup. I chose my entire Home folder. From here on can be a bit more complicated but it is totally worth it!Policies!
If they called these “rules” would have been better, because that’s what they are. So in Policies click edit on your snapshot that you have created.
Here you will see a lot of options but here are the important ones.Snapshot Retention (how many backups to keep):
This can be confusing but most backup apps use this approach. I want mine to be kept for 30 days, like imagine the past 30 days I have a backup a day. Then for each week to have 20. So for the past 20 weeks, that can go back some 5 months, a backup a week. 12 a month means the same, basically I could have a backup from june, one from mach, or january, and go back 12 months. Took me a bit to understand what these mean….Then Files is meant to be about ignoring certain files or directories:
I am still unsure if you should add the path with / or without, so I added both. You have to add this manually. Pika is far superior in terms of UI.Next in Compression:
I selected the one that you see there. You have lots of options. Not for casual users, but well…make sure you select a compression so that the size of your backups is reduced.Lastly: Scheduling. To schedule how often to take a snapshot.
Bellow all of those is a save button. Save it!This was the hardest part. Once you learn to navigate that part a bit, that’s it. No more headaches. Trust me this is better than setting up Borg with SSH keys :D.
Now simply go to Snapshots and click: Snapshot Now to create your snapshot.
Keep in mind this app is actually quite simple and efficient. You only have Snapshots, where your backups are. Policies to edit the rules of how your snapshots will be taken, and the rest 2 are for Tasks to see what tasks have been made or, Preferences for a few settings.
It really is not much to it. And that’s fantastic! Except setting up those policies, all is easy.Fast as hell!
2TB of data backed-up in less than 20 hours, and compressed to 1.4TB. Remember, same files, same server, took Pika 2 days to backup 3%. Would take Vorta a few days to backup to BorgBase.
But I was shocked at how fast it is. And it never crashed.
Easy to restore.
Click the Snapshots, then the “path” – basically your snapshot, and you’ll see them all:
Very easy! I also like the retention tags, the colorful ones.Now say I wanna restore from the 17th of October. Click it and you’ll see a list of your directories and files:
What I suggest now is to click the top Mount as Local Filesystem button. And then browse:
And this does what Vorta and Pika do, mounting the backup on your system. Again, this is NOT on my computer:
This is from Hetzner but I can browse it as if it is on my computer. How fucking cool! And Kopia is much faster when it mounts them than Vorta for example. Actually Kopia is instant for me.Icon tray that’s sane!
So simple. Choose to start it on boot, or connect to another repository.Move it anywhere!
So after I backed-up 2TB of data to Hetzner via WebDav with Kopia, I removed all of the Kopia settings files from my laptop, almost like starting Kopia as brand new. Then I moved ALL of the repository files and backups (1.4TB) from Hetzner to another location on the same Hetzner box. So almost like being on another server. Opened Kopia and it was as if I opened it for the first time. No more backups or anything.
Added the WebDav credentials that would point to the new Hetzner location where the repository was, and in less than a minute Kopia brought back all of my backups and settings.
From this:
To this:
In seconds.How cool!
This means that I can move the entire Kopia repository anywhere, including locally on a drive, and simply point Kopia to it and we are back on track in minutes! Tell me this isn’t amazing!
Imagine if I find a better alternative to Hetzner. I can move the repository from Hetzner to the new location and then point Kopia to it, and voila. All back!
I cannot do this with Borg. At least not easy at all.
Kopia + Hetzner
I will give you more info about how I set it all up. Remember, 4 laptops need to be backed-up.In the Hetzner Storage Box panel you can create sub-accounts. These accounts have access to only the folder you give them access too. Like in the example bellow, Sasha only has access to the folder Backups/Sasha and cannot access the other folders:
When you create such a user Hetzner gives you a username and password. Save them. For example when I created the user for Sasha I saved the username (different from Sasha, unique to this storage box), and password. She needs those plus an URL like:
.That’s all. She can connect to it via Kopia WebDav in seconds.
Side-note: you also have a MAIN admin user for the entire Hetzner box that you can find in the panel. That user has access to all of the folders for all of the users. I used that admin user to connect in the same way to my Nextcloud account via TROM Files. Simply go to Personal Settings and then External Storage and add a WebDav connection:
Now I have extended my Nextcloud storage to 5TB :D. And I can access the entire box. That’s how I created the folders for the other users. So yeah, you can use the Hetzner Storage Boxes to expand your TROM Files storage to massive amounts.So yeah, basically you can easily create new sub-accounts on Hetzner and give WebDav access to whoever you want. That’s how I now do the backups.
Hetzner also allows for automated snapshots of the entire storage box:
And these snapshots take very little storage space:
Imagine if by mistake you delete your backups from Kopia or who knows how. You can restore them via the Hetzner snapshots. Neat! Double the safety!Conclusions.
13 € a month for 5TB, 4 different users with access to WebDav, plus Kopia on individual laptops.5TB should be enough for many years to come, so it is totally worth it.
Kopia is not as nice looking as Pika, and their “Policies” can be a bit confusing, but else it is so to-the-point, fast, flexible, and reliable. And it is way more than what I presented. See here.
I feel much better now when I know that I can move my backups anywhere and still have them work with Kopia in less than a minute.
Plus doing all of my backups online makes me more free to use my laptop as a laptop. Fuck those cables, I got sick of using them for so many years. I need to keep a balance between security/safety and comfort/mobility.
Download FreeFileSync 13.7. FreeFileSync is a free open source data backup software that helps you synchronize files and folders on Windows, Linux and
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An image of a purported Facebook post with Gibson's face and name was virally shared on Facebook and X in October 2023.
⚠️ rassemblement #Palestine ce vendredi à #Tours interdit cet AM par arrêté préfectoral, l'état de la mobilisation ne permet pas d'autres formes immédiates de mob', réunion interorgas la semaine pro
Appel de l'intersyndicale #palestinienne…
Communiqué de presse
Réponse à l'interdiction de la préfecture d'Indre et Loire
Suivant à la lettre les instructions du ministre de l’intérieur, le Préfet d'Indre-et-Loire a pris ce jeudi 19 octobre, dans l'après-midi, un arrêté d’interdiction du rassemblement auquel nous appelions pour le vendredi 20 octobre à 18h. L’appel était :« Pour le respect du droit humanitaire et international, Halte au massacre de la population civile à Gaza. »
Nous prenons acte de cette décision.
Il s’agit d’une atteinte grave à la liberté d’expression qui vise à museler le mouvement de solidarité avec la Palestine. Nous la dénonçons avec force.
De plus, les termes-mêmes de l’arrêté sont graves : "... la tenue d'une manifestation de soutien au peuple palestinien constitue en elle-même, une atteinte à la dignité humaine et un trouble à l'ordre public " .
En France, contrairement à d’autres pays européens, Espagne Grèce, Suisse, Angleterre, les manifestations de soutien au peuple palestinien sont interdites, même quand elles sont appelées par des organisations humanitaires comme la Ligue des Droit de l’Homme, Amnesty International… Ces interdictions ne nous feront pas taire! Nous continuerons à rappeler, que « la cause première de l’attaque du 7 octobre est le blocus illégal et inhumain auquel est soumise la population de Gaza depuis plus de 16 ans. La responsabilité des gouvernements israéliens successifs est totale dans cette violation constante et délibérée du droit international. Aujourd’hui ce sont des crimes de guerre massifs, voire des crimes contre l’humanité, que commet l’armée israélienne à Gaza par ses bombardements sur les populations civiles, la coupure de l’eau, de l’électricité, du ravitaillement, l’attaque contre les structures sanitaires. Nous dénonçons le soutien total accordé par le gouvernement français au gouvernement israélien ; les interdictions de rassemblements de protestation contre le bombardement de Gaza en sont une preuve manifeste. Nous sommes plus que jamais aux côtés du peuple palestinien menacé dans son existence.
Nous renonçons à appeler à ce rassemblement et nous appelons à une réunion toutes les organisations démocratiques.
Rassemblement #pourGaza non déclaré à #Tours vendredi 18h Pl. J. Jaurès : texte unitaire relativement loin des positions #UnionCommunisteLibertaire mais sans céder à la panique il était difficile de ne pas appuyer cette démarche après l'adoption de notre motion fédérale sur le renforcement de la #CampagneBDS.Pour le respect du droit humanitaire et international en Palestine.
Les organisations listées ci-dessous appellent à un rassemblement vendredi 20 octobre à 18h. place Jean-Jaurès Tours.
Union Juive Française pour la Paix UJFP 37, Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France PCOF 37, Mouvement Boycott Désinvestissement Sanctions BDS 37, le Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste leNPA 37, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL 37, Solidaires Etudiant-e-s.
Des bombardements intensifs de l’armée israélienne ravagent la bande de Gaza nuit et jour depuis le 7 octobre,
- 700 000 Palestiniens du Nord de la bande de Gaza se sont réfugiés dans la partie Sud du territoire
- Les morts (plus de 3000 aujourd’hui) et les blessés, dont une majorité de femmes et d’enfants, se comptent par milliers, et leur nombre ne cesse d’augmenter chaque jour. Les hôpitaux sont débordés et manquent cruellement de fournitures médicales et de médicaments.
- Israël poursuit le blocus du territoire, alors que les besoins élémentaires de la population regroupée au Sud ne peuvent être satisfaits (eau, électricité, carburant, nourriture, …).
L’asphyxie est totale.- Les destructions de bâtiments résidentiels, écoles, universités, lieu de culte et d’infrastructures sont massives, des quartiers entiers sont dévastés.
L'offensive terrestre que l'armée israélienne prépare contre la bande de Gaza "pourrait mener à un génocide aux proportions sans équivalent". Les vies de nombreux enfants sont menacées par l’action vengeresse d’Israël.
Le nettoyage ethnique à petit feu s’est transformé en génocide assumé.
Alors qu'Israël se prépare à une invasion terrestre dévastatrice et génocidaire de Gaza, nous demandons :
1) Un cessez-le-feu immédiat
2) Une aide humanitaire sur place
3) La protection de l'ONU pour les Palestiniens de Gaza maintenant !
4) Libération sans condition de tous les otages civils aux mains du Hamas et des prisonniers palestiniens civils détenus sans jugement dans les prisons israéliennes.HALTE A L’OCCUPATION, LA COLONISATION ET L’APARTHEID
Le processus de colonisation se poursuivre en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem. 60 morts depuis le 7 octobre, du fait même des colons armés.
Tout peuple colonisé a le droit et le devoir de se défendre : fin de l’occupation militaire, de la colonisation et de l’apartheid.
Fact Check: Gordon Ramsay Threw Former US Women's National Team Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Out of One His Restaurants?
"Little did she know that her visit would end with Ramsay himself personally escorting her out of the restaurant," reported.
Fact Check: After Jada Pinkett Smith Admitted She Loved Tupac Shakur More, Will Smith Filed for Divorce?
Shakur and Pinkett Smith met and befriended each other as teenagers in Baltimore, Maryland.
Fact Check: Ukraine Is Preparing to Legalize Porn Production to Raise Military Funding?
Viral posts mischaracterized a legislative proposal to decriminalize pornography in the country.
Fact Check: Uber Partnered with the Palestine Children's Relief Fund?
A Facebook ad on Uber's official page announced a partnership with the charity to "address the immediate needs of Gaza's population."
Fact Check: NFL Referees Ejected 4 Players For Kneeling During National Anthem?
The players were removed for “unsportsmanlike conduct,” an article claimed.
Fact Check: Riley Gaines Wins $10M ‘Defamation Lawsuit’ Against Whoopi Goldberg?
We've previously fact-checked other satirical reports that have connected Gaines and Goldberg.
TROM II - 2. SOCIEDAD (con subtítulos en español)
A pesar de lo que la mayoría de la gente pueda creer, la sociedad humana, desde China hasta Estados Unidos, desde Europa hasta África, y en todas partes, se basa principalmente, si no totalmente, en una práctica que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Esa práctica dicta cómo los humanos tratan a los demás y al entorno que les rodea. Qué películas hacen, qué libros escriben, qué productos crean, quién y qué les importa y a qué dan prioridad.
Desde la ciencia al entretenimiento, en el día a día, esta vieja práctica es una fuerza de la que todos los humanos son esclavos.
Ya disponible con subtítulos en:…
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Did Fugitive Black Slaves Use Secret Codes in Quilts on the Underground Railroad?
Whitewashed romanticization of escape or unacknowledged oral history?
Divorcing myself from this retarded society
I need to divorce myself more from the society/politics/conflicts part of our world. It is insane what it has become. When Russia put hundreds of thousands of troops on Ukraine's border and were accused of preparing an invasion, they said that's entirely false. Then they invaded, then they called the war against Ukraine as a "special military operation".
They bombed hospitals and schools and residential or public spaces, killing so many innocent people...
UK, USA, and EU were "horrified" at these atrocities, while China was "on the fence" and Iran and the like were kinda cheering up for Russia and helping them.
Day by day, people dying, politicians lying. People were crying...
And now Israel drops thousands of bombs on Gaza, killing again so many innocent people. Creating a total disaster.
So much suffering, just like in Ukraine. And yet USA, UK and EU are cheering up for Israel.
Even helping them...
Suddenly there is no more genocide....
Israel says they only kill the bad people, despite the videos and photos showing the contrary. They say they are saints and are fighting against evil, because you see Hamas killed over a thousand innocent Israeli people and that's EVIL, so they must go and kill thousands more innocent people....because that's GOOD!
Not to mention what Israel has done to palestinians over the past decades....trapping them in an open prison basically...
Then Russia is like: Oh my god, this is genocide! Unbelievable! To drop bombs on hospitals and kill entire families. This is terrible!
And China speaking up against what Israel is doing, more than what Russia is doing. And Iran talking about "human rights"....
And Ukraine not putting any blame on Israel for doing what Russia is doing to them....
Add to the mix the Hamas and other groups that create a lot of misery and terror, and the values of the so called "Arab countries" that are full of shit, and the primitivism of religion overall.
Ukraine is also not an angel, or any other tribe for that matter. Politicians are lying, propaganda is a daily news, and people continue to suffer while at the same time we have problems like cancer killing so many people, tuberculosis that is treatable killing the poor by the millions; diseases, climate change, pollution....
But the thing is, many of these situations are still a result of our trade-based society. The destruction of our environment, enslaving people, making humans into consumers, and so on, are a result of this society.
But even when it comes to wars they are a result of boiling trade-interests on a high flame. Where politicians say all sorts of stupid things, create propaganda through social (ad) networks that also rely on trades, promoting nationalism and patriotism to get more votes, to then have these politicians rule over others, and have luxurious cars, do all sort of businesses, and gain more power.
In other words do you think the "head of states" really care about their tribe when they are almost always caught avoiding taxes, doing shady businesses, and stealing form their tribe?
They care about them and their families, but then they start to promote "patriotism" and "us the tribe" stupidity, to gain votes to be elected as "heads of states". And they use these platforms that care mostly about you paying them to promote your posts. The cycle of vomit.
The thirst for power comes mainly from humans being trained to trade to acquire, because the more you have the more power you have, and vice versa.
And then starting wars is part of the power thirst and the need to get more "support" from the "nationals".
A mix of rich people who lie and have power over others, and the others who are confused patriots, busy workers, and idiotic consumers. Going at war is easy.
And these things are not new at all. For thousands of years these things have existed. From the Roman empire to the Iraq war....
This is a totally insane society, full of lies and idiots. A horror carnival. And I think the sanest way for me is to force myself to ignore this side of our society. Ignore everything that any politician says (I already do this anyway), ignore these conflicts that I cannot do a thing about and are wrapped in propaganda and misery; ignore this society and focus more on the natural world.
I want to try and do astrophotography to reveal what my eyes can't see. To go more in nature, to grow TROM and its many positive projects, to live a less stressed life, because the society is too retarded and chaotic to even make sense of it, let alone do anything about it.
#Israel #Palestine #ukraine #TradeRuinsEverything #astrophography #war
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Fact Check: Nevermind the Internet, Clint Eastwood Isn't Dead
The false rumor circulated in October 2023. We’ve previously fact-checked other death hoaxes about Eastwood, including in 2017 and 2022.
Fact Check: Viral Video Does Not Show Pro-Palestine Penn Students Chanting 'We Want Jewish Genocide'
A video of an October 2023 pro-Palestine demonstration at the University of Pennsylvania was shared far and wide on social media.
We in fact have 41 people subscribed for 200 for TROM campaign and not 38. See - our system did not work 100% well and we had to fix some stuff. Still fixing some other things. But 41 people are amazing for supporting TROM. A huge thank you! Maybe, eventually, we will reach the 200 goal. We need 160 more people and then TROM will be forever ok :) and we can keep producing more content, more projects. #tromlive
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Unknown parent • •What is the r word? haha
Edit: uh you mean "retarded"? Anyway...that's retarded :D
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