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The ruining of "free" and "donation".

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friendica (DFRN) - Link to source

For one, do not call donations something that you trade. Can I get those "perks" without giving something to those people? No. So this is a trade not a donation. It is clearly stated on their website. As you can see in that image.

Second, they do provide benefits for the software. Permanent username, removal of a possible "annoyance" (donate button), and you get first in line for downloads. These are the things they are selling.

If they would accept donations, then they should not give anything in return for that. Else this is not a donation, it is purchasing. Regardless of what they think of it.

PublicLewdness reshared this.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source

No because we are talking about goods and services being trade-free or not. Saying "thank you" is different from providing features that are intentionally restricted for those who do not "donate".

If the SoulSeek people would send "thank yous" and tshirts or whatever to their donors, then maybe we could consider SoulSeek (the software) as trade free since you get whatever everyone gets, regardless if you "donate" to them or not, in terms of that software. But they clearly restrict some features of the software itself, unless you give them currency, and only then they will "unlock" these features.

in reply to TROM

Instead of the Soulseek app we could use the Nicotine+ app from
in reply to Alexio

Nicotine+ is a graphical client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer network.

It was removed from TROMjaro as well. It has the same "non features" as the main one. You are limited in terms of download queues and such.

There are other trade-free similar apps like or and so on.

in reply to TROM

Interesting..... I thought giving a T-shirt for donations would be considered a trade, but I guess if you only look at the software itself then you can say the software is trade-free while the T-shirt is not 🤔
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

Yes, I'm interested to see what @tio has to say about that.

According to me, if you give T-shirts for donations then its definitely a trade and not really a "donation". But the trade-free label is usually applied to goods/services..... So if someone provides a trade-free software that stays the same for ones who donate and those who don't, but for the people who donate they give a T-shirt which has nothing to do with the software itself, then how do we look at it? 🤔

@Tio @TROM
in reply to Rokosun

in reply to TROM

Yes, I remember reading about it in "The origin of most problems" book. We should be focusing on macro trades, instead of micro trades which are these edge cases.
@tio @utopify_org
in reply to Rokosun

Yeah even the example in this post gets near to the edge case, however it is also clear that they limit the functionality of the software itself if you do not trade currency to them. So the software itself is not entirely trade-free.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

Okay, so if you're really interested in this trade-free movement and want to learn more about it, then I recommend you read the book "The origin of most problems" from

That book specifically deals with this idea and its definition, it'll make you understand the different types of trades there are and how to spot these hidden trades. It also goes a little beyond the trade free concept, with things like VADOSE. You'll definitely learn a lot from it.
@trom @tio

@Tio @TROM
in reply to Rokosun

And keep in mind that its okay to not have a crystal clear definition of what's trade-free and what's not. The truth is that if you put the microscope on any word then it'll look blurry. Scientists are still confused whether viruses are a living thing or not, so we're still not able to define what life is, even though its such a trivial thing. So if you take any word out of context, then it'll start getting confusing. BTW, there is also a book written about language 🙂
@trom @tio
@Tio @TROM
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Yes, reading that book will make you understand things better. TROM is actually more like a mindset that you acquire, that's how I feel after closely following this project for the past year or so. And if you really get into it then you'll never stop learning new things, there's always new documentaries coming up on, new #Tromcasts and discussions, etc. You can even call this an educational project if you want 😉
@trom @tio
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

> Okay, the t-shirt for donors is trade-free, because the main product is the software, which should be free for everyone.

I think it'll be more clear if you look at the T-shirt and software as two separate things, one here is trade-free (software which is the same for all), the other one is not trade-free (T-shirt which only donors get).

But that being said, I think this is an edge case where the line becomes a bit blurry. Like asking if a hyena is a cat or a dog 😁

@trom @tio

@Tio @TROM
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
I really want to know in detail were the line is, because how should I understand something, if there isn't even a detailed definition?

As @Rokosun said we go into more detail in the Origin of Most Problems book. Now, the trade-free idea is an "experimental" one, and we label it as such in the book too, where we started it. To define what is trade and what is quite easy in general, but it can become confusing when you go into these edge cases. But it is fine. Everything is like that. The Open source idea is easy to understand, unless you go into the microscopic world of it and realize it may not be as coherent anymore.

So I think we can push it as far as to the example from this post. But what we care mostly about are those macro trades that we describe in the book.

Unknown parent

friendica - Link to source