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in reply to :archlinux: :neovim:

Did you read the post? Here are plenty of trade-free services/stuff - . We also create a lot at and
in reply to Tio

yup but I didn't see the no trade link. Ignore my question
in reply to Tio

so Why there are people and companies accumulating "Trade" in their less taxes/interest banks?
in reply to Tio

I got your message but I think the last of goal of so much companies is sell to get money even if we mock the word money with trade at the end they need this trade to survive or don't sacrifice privileges.
in reply to :archlinux: :neovim:

It is true that most trades translate into "money" in today's society. But increasingly cryptocurrencies are getting more popular. However the focus should be on trade else we lose sight with whats happening online where data ant attention are traded without people realizing it.

The incentive is bad overall, from small to big companies, or individuals. Yes most have to trade to survive, and that is very bad and we should change this situation; it is also true that google and the like are not trading in order to survive, but to thrive in an unequal and ass backwards society.

in reply to Tio

Totally agree, Until the current situation that most of the companies use, for example, tracking methods to get your information only for improve the "sell experience for company". It's good saying "if it's free, you are the product" because if we don't keep alert or we pretend that they aren't the majority, we can't protect us of this kind of abuse
in reply to :archlinux: :neovim:

The entire premise of my original post is that it is not good saying "if it's free, you are the product" since for one it makes it seem like whatever is "free" is not to be trusted, and second it gives google and the like approval for using the word "free" for their trade-based services.

Google is trade-based. Facebook is trade-based.
Nextcloud is trade-free. Friendica is trade-free.

This wording makes a lot more sense.

in reply to Tio

I agree if it's free is not trusted, until the user figures out that is trust. I agree that not all the companies or products are evil or want to abuse to get money but the majority do it. Also there are thousands of user that don't know about the "trade" it's not a real trade if you don't know if it's a "trade"
in reply to Tio

trade is not the same thing as capitalism. it's not trade if it's coerced.
in reply to Inken Paper

Capitalism is a manifestation of trade, and ill defined for that matter.

As for "it's not trade if it's coerced" - we are mostly coerced to trade nowadays. Want food? Trade your time, energy, skills to someone else, get a currency, go trade it for food. Food is essential yet you have to trade for it, you have no other choice. And so it goes for pretty much anything.

Trade is an exchange, voluntarily or not.

in reply to Tio

if you didn't trade consensually, then you were coerced, and that's not trade, that's stealing.

a form of trade exists in capitalism, but trade is not the same thing as capitalism.

all employment under capitalism is coerced, if the choice is between "work or die".

in reply to Inken Paper

You run a business selling food, you have little choice, you have to pay your rent. I need food. I work, make money, then buy food from you. We were both coerced into this game, now who is stealing from who in his situation?

We can have endless debates as to what we mean by trade, but I go with what is generally understood -

I also wrote a book about the evolution of trade -…

"all employment under capitalism is coerced" I would say most employment on this planet, currently, is coerced. From US to China.

in reply to Tio

capitalism is global. there is no part of human society than capitalism doesn't touch.

no one forced anyone to hoard food for profit. that's a choice. no one forced anyone to exploit workers by paying them wages. that is also a choice. no one forced anyone to enclose the commons and demand rent. that was also a choice.

writing a book doesn't mean it isn't full of nonsense. Hitler wrote a book too, as did Ayn Rand, but neither of these people had any ideas worth considering nor do they make any sense.

in reply to Inken Paper

The book that I wrote is digitally available for everyone and every claim is sourced where I claim it. Click and see.

That being said, these isms are a lot of mushy ideas. Also the theory of these ideas can be widely different from their implementation.

And by "no one forced anyone to do this or that", I do not know what you are saying. Of course so many people are forced by others or circumstances. All choices are influenced by external factors: needs, efficiency, fear, etc..

in reply to Tio

@Tio Dude. Are you lazy? Are you lazy?

If not, then do yourself a favor and research. I was 100% sure that after billions of people made posts and videos, that people will believe that Google is a goddamn evil corporation. You can't trust it with your data unless you're insane and you want Google to know everything about you.

Don't take my word for it - do yourself a favor and research!

P.S. Hope that will cure from sickness a little thing in your brain, named "logic". And your brain itself too.

in reply to Expert Plus πŸ€

What in the world are you talking about "dude"? Where did I say you can trust google with your data? I say the opposite.
in reply to Tio

@Tio In your original post, you're justifying corporations violating users's privacy rights without their consent. You're acting like as if it was a rule you have to accept and is impossible to live without it.

Back in 1830s,everyone lived without big tech and guess what? They survived. Surprising, right???

Well now, has anything changed? Nope, it didn't.

In your original post, you were complaining about that it's confusing to see people ranting about Google whenever you're product or not, which caused you to write this big post.

My previous reply was expected for you to reduce that confusion a bit. Does it all makes sense now?

The way big tech (like Google, Meta) do their business today, like making money, is unlawful and consentless. Your post is written as if it was okay to play that way business while in real life its not okay.

Do yourself a favor and research, like I said previously.

in reply to Expert Plus πŸ€

You certainly misunderstood. I did not justify what they are doing, I said what they do is not free to begin with, it is trade-based. This cuts the confusion when people think google and the like are free, and when some say "you are the product". Better say google is trade-based.

I dedicated the past 10+ years showcasing how this is fucked up. How trade is the origin of most problems.

Documentary -…
Book -…

We showcase how we can create trade-free alternatives. And we create/enable a bunch. Just look at and

You got it 180 degrees wrong my friend.

in reply to Tio

in reply to Expert Plus πŸ€

This is so confusing. There are many free things where you are not "the product".*"

If it doesn't has ads and trackers, then yes. Unless it doesn't violates user's privacy.

Thats exactly what I argue there are many trade-free things out there, google aint one. Nor is any that forces you to trade your attention (ads) or data. They are trade-based. BAD

btw learn how to use quotes in friendica.....else it is very confusing....

in reply to Tio

When there is no ads and no tracking, you arn't the product.
Why not install #Yunohost at home or in a VPS?
It's easy to install.
And there is many apps available by one click.

And, you can look at #Chatons where there a lot of services, sometimes free of charge.

in reply to LautreG

@LautreG OK, I agree with you, but disagree with original author. Yes Google isn't privacy-friendly. That has been proved in many cases, articles and videos. Yet people refuse to believe this.
in reply to Expert Plus πŸ€

The original post is all about how google and the like cannot be trusted, since it is a trade-based service.