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Rokosun reshared this.

The transcript for Part 1 of the TROM II documentary is done! Whew. That was a lot more time-consuming than I expected :D The next parts should be done faster, as I'm getting used to doing them, plus I may get some help from some nice people :)

Rokosun reshared this.

I made another thumbnail for the TROM 2 trailer :)…


Tio reshared this.

in reply to Sasha

This looks great! @tio are you gonna update the thumbnail now?
in reply to Rokosun

the other one looks great too, this one I just made because... I dk, I've been making a lot of thumbnails lately 😂
in reply to Sasha

I apologize for doubting your thumbnail making skills earlier by asking Tio if he helped you make those 😄 And yeah, I agree both thumbnails are great for the trailer 🙂
in reply to Rokosun

I'll leave the default one. That's based on our poster so I'd like to keep it that way. Sasha is a great thumbnailer! :)