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Can you believe this spider here is 40 MILLION years old?! That is so COOL!

Look at this 40 million years old Baltic Amber.
What is cool about this amber is that it has a complex structure that makes it denser, harder and more resistant to external factors. It also makes possible good preservation of plant and animal inclusions. Insects, spiders and even their webs, frogs, crustaceans, bacteria and amoebae, marine microfossils, wood, flowers and fruit, hair, feathers and other small organisms have been recovered in amber. Even small mammals. Here you can see some extinct insect inclusions, such as spiders, ants, fleas, mosquitos, etc.

Oh, and BTW I took these pictures, they are not from the internet :)
#amber #nature #photography #balticamber #insect #insectinclusions

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Georgi

Dont forget to mention that you made these photos haha, else it looks as if you took them from the internet. Our good friend Agata gave us a bag of amber - her father was collecting them, he was a scientists from Poland. We are digging into these now :D - I ordered a microscope so we can look closer and I'd like to make a video about it. Awesome stuff, and hard to believe these creatures stayed there still, for so many millions of years. Such a long long sleep :)

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Oh thank you hahaaa, I edited the post :D
in reply to Tio

Wait waat?! This is so fuckin cool 🤩 I can't believe she just gave you all that, she's so nice it seems, they're marvelous 😻 A part of me wants to become Agata's BFF right now too, haha 😁 jealousss 😄 These gems might even look great in some museum, but better you have it, hehe. Hope you'll be able to raise a dinosaur out of it or something 😂
in reply to Roma

oh she didn't give them all to us, but to look and study them for as long as we want probably haha. she gave a lot to the museums too. when you'll come, in less than 2 weeks (yay :) ) we will show you guys all of them - I ordered a microscope already so we have some fun with them!! and you will get to meet Agata. She is so nice!
in reply to Tio

I see, but "as long as you want" sounds long enough to me, haha 😁 Anyway, it's super interesting to have them close to study 🤓

Oh man, you can't oversell it more to me already, haha. Can't wait! Seems like previously we observed the macroworld through the telescope and now it's the microworld time! 😎 See, this is why I love the TROM tribe, so many of like-minded people, naturally curious and wondering Humans ❤️

in reply to Roma

haha yah! I wish we would do these more often and for longer...and more people would do these. This is part of our story as humans: form micro to macro. Can't wait to meet up again my friend!
in reply to Tio

Me too! Who knows, maybe we will someday 😉 See you all soon 🤗
in reply to Tio

@tio I first thought Georgi maybe went to a museum and took these pictures, didn't realize you have it at home! That is so cool man! 😍 Thank Agata and her father for letting you take a look 'cause those are some precious scientific collection.
in reply to Rokosun

yup. actually Agata's father died a year or so ago and he left behind a lot of amber - Agata took it and donated a bunch to museums. Amber is such a time machine.
in reply to Tio

@tio When you said "Agata's father was a scientist" I thought maybe he retired, sorry to hear he passed away....

Donating amber to museums is the right thing to do, it really is a time machine indeed....
