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The Fat Puppy (microscope) -…

This is one of the cutest little organisms I recorded so far. I am using a cheap digital microscope to record these.

I found this guy in the dirt of a flower pot. Mixed the dirt with water and put some of the water under the microscope.

#biology #microscope #microorganism #life

in reply to Georgi

a puppy! haha. but yah idk wtf it is. i found more will show you

I found this hairy insect in the amber. It is around 40 million years old and I wonder what it is....hairy mosquito?

Bloody interesting...

#amber #nature #photography #microscope

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I got trapped into the microscope world....

Look, this 20-some million years dot trapped in the amber:

It's this fucking insect:

With this fucking digital microscope:

Ain't that insane!?

I spent all day today looking at 1kg of amber with millions of years old insects. I honestly could not stop. This is too fascinating. I want to make a video about it and I will! Whenever I have some time.

And this is my own blood (I can do better but I became a pussy while trying to cut my veins and pour some under the microscope - I'll do better next time!):

#nature #microscope #amber #insects

Rokosun reshared this.

Rediscovering amber!

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Wow that looks amazing! 😃

I remember you talking about buying a microscope a long time ago, is it now that you finally bought it? 😄

in reply to Rokosun

I got one a year ago then returned it back. I wasn't convinced that I will use it. Now I bought a cheap digital one and it is much easier to use and handy. But doesn't magnify as much so am testing a new digital one that's a bit more expensive :D - waiting for it to come. I'd like to have a microscope that's easy to use and also good enough to see cells.