Added the description for all of our tromcasts… - Peertube is amazing. I love it. It even supports markdown in the description or comments. Fucking great. Did some tromnews work today and tomorrow I'll focus on my own website a bit. This week we record @Dima for TROM II #trom2. After my website, I'll focus again on to add translations and maybe try to fix the design for the apps for mobile...I hate mobile lets see if I am in the mood to fix the design for that. #tromlive
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I don't think Twitter thing works well on our Friendica...but yah, is not a priority...ok now back to TROM II. I am making a list of questions for @Dima @Sasha @Aaron and @Georgi to "interview" them and see if I will go with this idea of adding more people in TROM II or not. Wanna see how it goes. We should start filming again in a few days. #trom2 #tromlive
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My tasks today: compose a message to be sent to our Newsletter subscribers and a few organizations about our and our podcast tomorrow. Test a bit OBS for tomorrow's stream. Change a bit so that it posts a message about our new project. will be shut down soon. After tromcast I'll update TROMjaro and add some apps to the library, to then next week focus again on #trom2. #tromlive
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I think I am done with Replaced a bunch of links. Of course I need to do the tools page, but that's after I do the website that will host all of our new trade-free tools. @Alexio is helping a lot - he adds all of out VideoNeat trailers on our :) - hundreds and hundreds of them + edits the title and description so you get a link in the description to VN where you can watch these documentaries for free. We did a lot. And we are almost done. I reckon in a few days we should release, the TROM dot Trade-Free project, a precursor to :). As soon as we release we will do a TROMcast on :) - lets test the live! Then I need to focus a bit on tromjaro and add a few apps (around 100) to our curated library, and TROM II baby! Lets finish up with the recordings with Dima, Sasha and Aaron. #tromlive #trom2
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TROM II page is rebuilt a bit with the peertube video - so cool that you can also add subtitles to the peertube player. Continuing... #trom2 #tromlive
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