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We are going to have a live TROMcast about the war with a focus on the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia. If you have been affected by this war and you'd like to participate, please see this link

And feel free to also get in touch with us


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FreedomBox is a free software home server operating system based on Debian, backed by the FreedomBox Foundation.


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TROMjaro 2022.03.15

The usual system updates plus:

Fix QT apps not starting anymore

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.3)

This is the error. To fix it simply go to Add/Remove Software, click the top right gear icon and refresh the database. After that reinstall the package qt5-styleplugins. Search for it, click it, then click reinstall. Should fix it.

Mate-HUD: not upgrading!

Recently the people behind mate-HUD, the HUD we use for TROMjaro, pushed an update that seems to force an internal theme to be used. This theme is not that good at all, and makes it less functional. See more here…

We decided to not update it for now, until we can fix this ourselves. So we recommend you do not upgrade it from the AUR.

Grab the iso from here.

1 post - 1 participant
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Center for Victims of Torture

The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) is an international non-profit headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota that provides direct care for those who have been tortured, trains partner organizations in the United States and around the world who can prevent and treat torture, conducts research to understand how best to heal survivors, and advocates for an end to torture.


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jEdit is a free software text editor available under GPL-2.0-or-later. It is written in Java and runs on any operating system with Java support, including BSD, Linux, macOS and Windows.


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in reply to TROM

Usually FOSS programs are not so pushy about these things, so its sad to see more services becoming like this.......

I can't really blame them 'cause in this trade based society they are forced to make money to even survive.

Rokosun reshared this.

In this worldwide society, if you do not trade (for whatever reasons - you can't or don't want to), then you are fucked. End up starving, in bad health, or even dying. You are destroyed. Physically and mentally. This alone should make us got at war with this society. Unacceptable! #tromlive

Anmol Sharma doesn't like this.

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Thank you Anonymous for the 10 Euros donation and Java for the 5 Euros donation! Thanks! #tromlive

The main server is up and running now. #tromlive

So a network cable was cut by mistake the hosting company has said....that's why our websites are not accessible. You can keep an eye on the situation here or here #tromlive

Our main server is down for unknown reasons. We contacted the hosting. That includes all websites except

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Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:

Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide (often referred to as Concern) is Ireland’s largest aid and humanitarian agency. Since its foundation 50 years ago it has worked in 50 countries. According to its latest annual report, Concern helped 28.6 million of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people in 2019, while responding to 82 emergencies in 24 countries. Concern aims to help those living in the world’s poorest countries. Concern is engaged in long-term development work, in addition to emergency relief in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. Concern’s core work focuses on health, hunger and humanitarian response in emergencies. The charity works in partnership with small community groups as well as governments and large global organisations. Concern is one of fourteen fully certified members of Humanitarian Accountability Partnership. It has no religious or political affiliations.


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Pencil2D is a free and open-source 2D animation software for Windows, macOS and Unix-like operating systems. It is released under the GNU General Public License and uses the Qt framework. It is used for making cartoons using traditional techniques (tracing drawings, onion skinning etc), managing vector and bitmap drawings.

It allows saving the animations in its own native file format, as well exporting it as a sequence of images in PNG, JPEG, BMP or TIFF format, and also in a video file in AVI, MP4, WebM, GIF or APNG format.


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Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization. Founded in 1933 as the International Relief Association, at the request of Albert Einstein, and changing its name in 1942 after amalgamating with the similar Emergency Rescue Committee, the IRC provides emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by war, persecution, or natural disaster. The IRC is currently working in about 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities where it resettles refugees and helps them become self-sufficient. It focuses mainly on health, education, economic wellbeing, power, and safety.


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