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Thank you Nate for becoming the 85 supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - - we are almost half way through. We need 15 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to reach half of our goal!


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3 more people have joined our 200 for TROM campaign. Thank you all! #tromlive

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Thank you Lee for becoming the 82nd supporter for our campaign -


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Roma reshared this.

We have raised 40% of the amount of money we need to support TROM forever. We only accept 5 Euros donations from people, monthly, to make it sustainable.

If you think TROMjaro is cool, our TROM books are well made and scientific, the TROM II documentary is important, and the other 20 or so projects are worth supporting, please consider a donation -

This is what we do -

And thank you Paul for your donation and to the other ones who have become monthly subscribers for these past days.

#tromlive #help #campaign #foss #documentary

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Our TROMjaro Theme Switcher issues have been fixed. Everything should work ok now. Please update your TROMjaro. #tromlive

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A reminder that our domain is blocked by Google and thus we cannot send any emails form our domain to any Gmail accounts... We have tried to fix this but so far no luck.

Google is an ad company so better not use Gmail in the first place.

#tromlive #google #gmail #privacy

in reply to TROM

With plenty of good alternatives such as Tuta and Protonmail, among others, there is zero reason to use Gmail if you care about privacy or security.

Thank you Nikhil for becoming the 79th supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign! - we need 120 more people to donate 5 euros a month to support TROM forever :). #tromlive

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Heads-up, the default theme pack we use for TROMjaro got an update and basically some of the variants do not work anymore. These ones do not work:

Problem is, one of those variants that do not work is the default TROMjaro theme....for now change to a working one.

We will look into it and try to fix it soonish.


This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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Thank you Michael for becoming the 78th supporter of TROM - and for the wonderful personal message you sent us. Much much appreciated! #tromlive

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Roma reshared this.

Our TROMsite book reader has been updated after a few years of no updates. Now we also have a search, something we wanted to have for so long...

Also improved how the reader works on mobile screens.

So far so great :). #tromlive

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Thank you so much Eduard for becoming the 77th supporter of TROM! We run a unique fundraiser for TROM in that we need only 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support us for the long run.

Distributed support so that it won't put a big toll on anyone, and a limited goal so that we do not get rich.

If you appreciate the so many things that we do at TROM (see then please consider supporting us.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #documentary #fediverse

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in reply to TROM

„This project argues that trade is the origin of most problems: from climate change to slavery, waste and pollution, corruption, crime, you name it. And if we understand the cause, we have a chance to come up with realistic solutions“

=> what kind of solution could this be? I‘m just curious as I couldn’t find any hint on your website. How could a word without trade look like?

in reply to 💠 Dave No One 💠

Roma reshared this.

Unknown parent


I for one started to care more when my videos started to be banned on those platforms, alongside some of my posts. Videos and posts that were educational and I never made any money off of them. So I, being hurt, started to care more about using other platforms. Thus, pain. That combined with my understanding about how these platforms like ytb, twitter, fb and the like operate, that they are in fact businesses/markets and not "networks".

So I think that's one way for people to start to care about changing some of their digital habits: to be extremely pissed off at those platforms, while at the same time have some curiosity to try something different.

It is very difficult, but from my experience what works is to be an example. I moved and gave no fucks about the other platforms so if anyone wanted to follow our TROM project or me, they had no choice but to move too. I made a bunch of people switch to these other alternatives.

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Since there are still some people who donate regularly via Patreon or Liberapay for our project, we have added that amount of money to our 200 for TROM campaign, as "people" supporting us. In a way that would be around 76 people out of 200 that we need.

Not bad. Almost 40% of the support that we need.

If we'll reach 100% then TROM will be sustainable indefinitely.


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in reply to TROM

Does people on Patreon or Librapay donate 5 Euros too?
in reply to Rokosun

No. Some less, some more. On Patreon 8 on average and Liberapay 6...

Thank you Wilf for becoming the 77th supporter for TROM! - little by little we may be able to achieve the goal. #tromlive

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Massive THANK YOU to the anonymous donation that covers all of our backups for another year! Massive thank you!

This for sure boosts the confidence around TROM, that there are some people out there who can help out when TROM is in need. Hopefully more updates to come the following weeks about the new video series!

Many thanks!


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Roma reshared this.

We are now using the wonderful for our TROM Newsletter. Open Source and awesome! A proper self hosted Newsletter system. You can subscribe here

That being said we have removed the email notifications when new posts are created for all of our websites:,,, and so forth. This was done because the plugin we were using was discontinued for security reasons, but also because it is not a great idea to send emails like that, from a Wordpress website. And on top of this very very few people were using this feature.

All of our websites have a "follow" page where you can follow them via RSS or the fediverse.


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Alexio reshared this.

Thank you Wojmir for the 10 Euros donation! Let us remind you that we desperately need help to fund our backups for all of our projects. We need to raise 300 Euros in less than 2 weeks.

To keep on doing trade-free things in a trade-based world is a fight that requires a lot of struggles, almost like swimming against a tsunami. But what is the alternative? Give up and not do anything? That's by far the easiest solution since the water current will push you into the "normal" direction. But for now we are still trying with TROM. We have reached many thousands of minds and with very little funding required. Thus, if you think TROM is still relevant, consider to support it since I (Tio) cannot push it all by myself.

Big thanks to the few people who are still supporting TROM, financially or not.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #funding

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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TROMnews is finally able to update automatically all of the sources! I have debugged and reported the issue to the developers and they pushed a fix. I had to manually update most sources, daily, for the past 2 or so weeks, which was a pain in the ass. Now everything works automagically.


#news #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

Thank you Matthew Bass for becoming the 43rd TROM Supporter! - we still need some 160 more to donate 5 Euros a month but maybe little by little we will reach our goal!


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We need help to pay for our backups. This is a yearly funding campaign that we do, so if you can help us please see here - we only need 300 Euros for a full year of 4TB encrypted backups.

This means everything from our videos and documentaries, books, websites, including (meaning all of the files that users have uploaded to our services - from Peertube videos to Nextcloud files). Everything!

300 Euros to make sure that we have everything backed-up in a secure place.

Please help if you can and thanks a lot for doing that!

#tromlive #opensource #foss #volunteering #alternative

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Thank you Johanna for becoming our new 200 for TROM supporter! - We are diligently continuing our work at TROM and we may announce a new video series soonish :). #tromlive

Georgimus Prime reshared this.

Thank you Toyotis and Doug for becoming our 200 for TROM supporters ! This month we lost a few subscribers but gained others. The next weeks we may start a new video series on our Peertube - so make sure you subscribe. #tromlive

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Roma reshared this.

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Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

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Alexio reshared this.

TROMnews now has a search engine

In time this will become better and more relevant, the more stuff we can collect on the website.


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Friendica (TROM Social) upgrade failed. In truth it went well, but there are a lot of settings and tweaks we need to do, so I had to postpone it for now and so I restored it...



Tio reshared this.

This is one of the best depictions, in one illustration, of what war really is:

Found on TROMnews


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in reply to TROM

oh man that's a good one! Really clever illustration but sadly true.....

Roma reshared this.

For the first time since 2014 we are able to provide access to our own RSS Feeds for TROMnews, for those who want to keep in touch with what we curate via TROMnews, but want to do so via their RSS readers. See


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Roma reshared this.

Now TROMnews has a dark mode :)



This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to tree

I am happy to tell you that yes, now we have that. Check
in reply to TROM


Some issues with TROMnews that we are trying to fix:

- Some news/items do not link to the original source, but to the excerpt on our TROMnews...only a few do that but it is strange why.
- Some sources are not automatically updated for some we have to trigger the update manually...this is not great in the long run and we are trying to investigate why....mainly the Photos and FInteresting are not automatically updated. Luckily the News are.
- The Peertube sources cannot display a featured image and that sucks....we do not know what's a way around it but we will try...

As you can see there are still things that need to be fixed, but overall the new TROMnews is a great source of information!


Georgimus Prime reshared this.

in reply to TROM

Ok fixed the Peertube featured images issue. Will see about the rest....

Why TROMnews is important, and why no one uses it

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to Rokosun

Yah I wish I knew how to do these. But we have so many websites it would be impossible for 1 person to do all of these and not use 3rd party plugins/scripts.
in reply to Tio

@Tio @TROM

Yeah for sure these plugins and stuff makes it quick & easy for you to design websites. You need to know some programming and stuff to manage everything by hand and even then it'll take some time, if I learn enough skills to do this then I'll try to help you with the programming side of things so that you can focus on the content side.

@Tio @TROM

Our TROMnews sources refuse to update after we updated Wordpress to the latest stable version. Needs some more you know... #tromlive

We have a new supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign! - Thank you Darby!

We need some 150 more people to donate 5 Euros a month and support our project forever. Some 20 websites, a lot of trade-free materials and services. Support if you can :)

#tromlive #opensource #trade-free

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in reply to TROM

The counter on the webpage is only showing 46 donors tho, did you forgot to update it? :blobcatgiggle:
in reply to Rokosun

No. That's how many there are. I said we need some 150 more, instead of saying that we need 154 more :)

Alexio reshared this.

We've updated our TROM Videos too. Now Peertube has more cool features like the storyboard - you can hover with your mouse over the seekbar of a video and see thumbnails. Pretty nice!

We are currently generating the thumbnails for all of our videos (may take a while to finish), but any new video uploaded from now one will have this feature.

You can also add chapters to your videos and more. Awesome job @PeerTube !

From now on we will post a "must watch" documentary from VideoNeat on our Peertube's homepage - so make sure you check that out and subscribe to our VideoNeat channel -

This year we will try to focus on the content for our TROM Videos and bring new creators, plus create new videos ourselves too.

So please, if you can, help us here - we only need 160 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever.

#tromlive #peertube #documentaries #documentary

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Updated our TROM Files to Nextcloud 28. Biggish update. We had to remove the following apps tho, since they were not compatible: files_3d, files_markdown, metadata, video_converter, extract. Whenever these are available for Nextcloud 28 we will enable them.

Take advantage of our TROM Files - you get 10GB of storage space and access to better tools than Google's Drive. All trade-free.

#tromlive #foss #opensource

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