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Vaccines are generally safe and save lives. They work. The ones against COVID-19 do a great job at preventing severe illness and death. The vast majority of deaths, almost all, are amongst unvaccinated people. There are good reasons to doubt governments and especially companies, but these doubts need-to-be valid and tamed, at least to not let them so lose that you end up not doubting facebook/youtube "gurus" and "concerned moms" who tell you what's the deal with COVID.

When you get sick you go to the hospital and trust doctors. Maybe it is time to apply the same mindset and let them protect your from your ignorance when it comes to vaccination. I am sure they know better.

Anyways..... #tromlive

Hey people, we have added a new cool thing to our TROM Social, the presentation page. Here (scroll down a bit). It is a list of sources we recommend for you to follow on TROM Social. It is as easy as copy paste these sources to your contacts' list. We are adding a lot more so check it out from time to time. The direct link is this

And if you can support the work that we do, please consider a donation


Thank you very much for the 34 Euros donation in cryptocurrency. We accept such donations as well. See more here . Thanks! #tromlive

Wanna join our Matrix Space (chats)? Click this link and join!IfXnJlgQOzoJTYJxQ… . If you want to learn more about Matrix, head over here

We are kinda active there. So, join us. That's all. #tromlive

Latest TROMcast here… - it was a great one! #tromlive

Just a reminder that religion is a pile of primitive ideas:

It is as crazy as flat earthers, qanon, and all of these conspiracies, if not crazier. Unfortunately it is wrapped in a nice package in today's society. But yah, lets not forget that religions are just a bunch of cults, surrounded by crazy people. #tromimg
in reply to johannes

The truth is religion is silly and not real. Yes, we should be nice to each other, but if we are to make fun of flat earthers and the like, then religion should not be on our "exempt" list.
in reply to Tio

As a species we need to overcome the ignorance,and make most of what we already know.Now as for flatearthers,the space age is on its way.My prediction is that after 50 years or so, everyone would finally understand the curveture of the earth and would start thinking about other planets/lifeforms.Just to be clear,we are still in the information age,that will hopefully remove ignorance and stupidity🙂


Did you know that every week we add a documentary to our homepage? Every week a new recommended documentary from VideoNeat that you can stream directly from our platform. Take advantage of that! We just added a new one now. #tromlive

RNLI… a group of volunteers saving lives all around the UK. That's how the vast majority of humans should be: have the time to focus on meaningful work. Let's help each other, improve our society, go explore, categorize, have fun. All we do today tho, is trade. This for that. And "this" or "that" are most of the time useless shit. A crazy trade-race that destroys people's lives, the environment, and kills progress. #tromlive

rayroy reshared this.

Next TROM-Cast will be Sunday, August 22, 2021 - 21:00 Madrid time. With @Michael Vogel and @Hypolite Petovan discussing the topic of moderation on the fediverse. We may open up the discussion for everyone to participate after 30min to 1h of the live. We will see. #tromlive