We have a new awesome service for TROM.tf - TROM READ - read.trom.tf/
Basically you can save any page (with images) to your trom.tf account. You can highlight parts of it, add tags, add collections, even create a sharing link to share it with others. This is an amazing tool for research.
You can read more here readeck.org - and ask for an account if you want one since for now there is no open registration feature, but we can make an account for anyone.
And do not forget to install the browser extension and connect to your read.trom.tf so you can save any webpage faster.
Please consider supporting TROM financially if you can so we can provide more such services - tromsite.com/donate/
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TROM II: Monkeys to Money - videos.trom.tf/w/gnoFzhgVwdzVi…
This is how monkeys became traders. How humans have evolved for the past 200.000 years into what they are today.
#capitalism #trade #evolution #monkeys #society
TROM II: Monkeys to Money
This is how monkeys became traders. How humans have evolved for the past 200.000 years into what they are today. Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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TROM II: People's values need to change - videos.trom.tf/w/bHZxWEXaBVYQW…
#culture #people #humans #capitalism #trade #society
TROM II: People's values need to change
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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TROM II: Cost Efficiency is so Wasteful - videos.trom.tf/w/jaRyJRNuj8ZxB…
#capitalism #trade #money #costefficient #greenwashing #TradeRuinsEverything
TROM II: Cost Efficiency is so Wasteful
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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For the past few months TROMjaro's HiDPI feature stopped working. Now we have fixed it. It means that if you (say) have a 4k screen and want to select window upscaling by 2x via the Appearance, then everything will scale up including the QT apps. That should be the default behavior in XFCE but it is not...if it weren't for this fix you would see the QT apps as tiny small apps with small buttons and fonts. Unusable.
We want to make TROMjaro easy to use and fucking sane. If you scale your desktop up or down, then everything should just work!
#tromjaro #linux #foss #opensource #xfce
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TROM II: How movies influence us - videos.trom.tf/w/oS8UipYdu8LhP…
#movies #culture #society #capitalism #entertainment
TROM II: How movies influence us
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains videos.trom.tf/w/siAiFPohHNrod…
#nature #conservation #volunteering #rewiliding #romania
Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains
To visit hides - https://travelcarpathia.com/ Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/BeBraveToAct Donate via paypal : https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LVQ3AJVTA4WCW Follow : ...videos.trom.tf
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TROM II: What is Trade-Free? - videos.trom.tf/w/d9m2ErH5pACKB…
#tradefree #trade-free #free #foss #opensource
TROM II: What is Trade-Free?
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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TROM II: It's the End of the World - videos.trom.tf/w/d1gcZ8v4nWnWn…
#capitalism #trade #end #apocalypse #money
TROM II: It's the End of the World
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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Many websites are down
We are restoring a snapshot of one of our servers and it is taking quite long. Many websites are down.
Tio reshared this.
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TROM II: Insane how much food we waste - videos.trom.tf/w/6dEGepWZUzAGp…
It is absolutely insane how much food we waste while millions of people die from starvation every year...
Watch the entire documentary here - tromsite.com/documentaries/tro…
#food #waste #poverty #starvation #capitalism #money #trade
TROM II: Insane how much food we waste
It is absolutely insane how much food we waste while millions of people die from starvation every year... Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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Huge thanks to Raffael for the 120 Euros donation to TROM! Much much appreciated! We still accept one time donations despite our 200 for TROM campaign where we basically only accept 5 Euros a month donations. The one time donations are still available at the bottom of the campaign page and will always be made public.
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Have removed all of the popups asking to support our 200 for TROM campaign and replaced it with a small bottom banner for all of our websites. Less intrusive. Once you close that it will stay closed for 30 days.
Removed our "updates" page that was pulling some feeds from our Friendica page. No point in having that. Anyone can follow us on Friendica social.trom.tf/profile/trom - easiest and sanest way.
Did some work on some of our websites: updates, fixes, etc..
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IPCC says we are fucked
‘Hopeless and broken’: why the world’s top climate scientists are in despair
Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandonedAlessia Amitrano (The Guardian)
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TROM II: We learn from mistakes videos.trom.tf/w/ida1aJmAonMoZ…
#humanbehavior #behavior #enviroment
TROM II: We learn from mistakes
Watch the entire documentary here - https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/videos.trom.tf
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Thank you Nate for becoming the 85 supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - tromsite.com/donate/ - we are almost half way through. We need 15 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to reach half of our goal!
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