Fact Check: Ignore That Pic of Tupac Allegedly Posing with Osama Bin Laden. It's Fake.
The image has circulated online at least since 2008, with endless theories on when and where it was (allegedly) captured.
à #Boston nos camarades de #BlackRoseRosaNegra organisent une série de discussions autour de leur programme politique #TurningTheTide.
Join our Boston, MA Local for a semi-open study group on our recently released political program. It starts later this month!
Sign up here: blackrosefed.org/bosprog
#BRRN #Anarchism #AnarcoCommunism #AntiAuthoritarianism #LibertarianSocialism #LeftLibertarianism #blackflag #BlackAndRedFlag #Kropotkin #Bakunin
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Que penser de Derrière nos écrans de fumée ?
Fact Check: Video Does Not Show Israel's Embassy in Bahrain Being Set On Fire
"BREAKING: Israeli embassy in Bahrain set on fire," one user on X falsely posted.
Tâi Siáu-káu 台痟狗 ㄊㄇㄉ 🇳🇫 台灣國 reshared this.
Why Do Some People Believe Michelle Obama is a Trans Woman?
Snopes has seen conspiracy theories involving the Obamas repeated on popular platforms since the early days of the couple's careers in politics.
Does Decorative Spider Webbing Pose a Danger to Wildlife?
The classic Halloween decor can be a silent threat to furry friends if displayed unsafely.
Fact Check: Is This What a Human Eye Really Looks Like Close Up?
“First thing I thought of was the Westworld intro,” wrote one social media user.
Fact Check: Mel Gibson Posted Israel's 'End' Was Coming, Adding 'That's Why They Want to Destroy Everything in the Way'?
An image of a purported Facebook post with Gibson's face and name was virally shared on Facebook and X in October 2023.
Fact Check: Gordon Ramsay Threw Former US Women's National Team Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Out of One His Restaurants?
"Little did she know that her visit would end with Ramsay himself personally escorting her out of the restaurant," SpaceXMania.com reported.
TROM II - 2. SOCIEDAD (con subtítulos en español)
A pesar de lo que la mayoría de la gente pueda creer, la sociedad humana, desde China hasta Estados Unidos, desde Europa hasta África, y en todas partes, se basa principalmente, si no totalmente, en una práctica que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Esa práctica dicta cómo los humanos tratan a los demás y al entorno que les rodea. Qué películas hacen, qué libros escriben, qué productos crean, quién y qué les importa y a qué dan prioridad.
Desde la ciencia al entretenimiento, en el día a día, esta vieja práctica es una fuerza de la que todos los humanos son esclavos.
Ya disponible con subtítulos en: tromsite.com/documentaries/tro…
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Tâi Siáu-káu 台痟狗 ㄊㄇㄉ 🇳🇫 台灣國
in reply to Snopes (website mirror) • • •Could it be "A bLaCk WoMaN wAs FiRsT LaDy!!!!!! 🤪" Derangement Syndrome? 🤔
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