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in reply to Tio

Reminds me of Sasha's Prison Earth video. I wonder if there'd still be any nationalism left if people were allowed to freely move from one place to another without restrictions. Humans make up these imaginary ideas like borders and then use force to make everyone accept them.

TROM II: Life is not a fucking movie -…

#society #revolution #protest #movies #capitalism

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99% Invisible: Towers of Silence…

Situated right in downtown Mumbai, India is an area of about 55 acres of dense, overgrown forest. In one of the most populous cities in the world, this is a place where peacocks roam freely -- a space out of time. This forest is protected by a religious community. It has survived in a relatively undeveloped state in the middle of this gargantuan city. Importantly, it’s also home to an ancient tradition in crisis -- one that is central to the lives (and deaths) of a particular population.

There’s a certain point in this forest beyond which almost no one can step -- only special caretakers of these grounds can go any further. They go by many names: khandia, nassassalar, pallbearer, corpse bearer. Their work here is holy. They carry dead bodies to their final resting place – atop stone structures that stand gray against the lush green. These buildings are called Towers of Silence.

Rokosun reshared this.

Just a reminder that my Pixel 4a running @CalyxOS is still rock solid after months of use. No issues at all. No ads, no tracking, no bullshit. No need for a new phone for many years to come. Long live CalyxOS! :)

#calyxos #foss #android #pixel #privacy #opensource

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Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@GalacticBox "But people shouldn't take it to an extreme and use an insecure device for years on end"

Years on end? You make it sound like I've been hanging onto this phone for the last 10 years.

I bought the phone at release in August 2020. Google ended support for it in August 2023. Three years is an absolute joke.

My understanding is that Graphene gets the security updates via AOSP. Since Google no longer provides updates to the 4a then there is a definite security risk.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
I a bot on our instance ha?! Convince me you are not a bot in the next 24h or I will delete your account.

A new service was added to our trade-free services at - TROM Draw

A tiny and useful online drawing board providing basic tools for the job. You can also create multi-user drawing boards where your friends can join you and draw together. The drawings can also be saved locally.

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Plus de 2500 ce matin et entre 4000 et 5000 (60aine dans le cortège radical) cette AM à #Tours pour la Pride. L'#UnionCommunisteLibertaire travaille à ce que ces mobilisations s'amplifient sur le terrain dans une optique d'auto-organisation et d'autonomie du #MouvementSocial.

Genocidio en Palestina ¡Basta ya!

Ningún pueblo del mundo debería sufrir un genocidio...
La humanidad está en una fase de adolescencia autodestructiva y algunos temen que no lleguemos a la madurez.
Amor y sabiduría para que todos los pueblos del mundo aprendamos de una vez a vivir y cuidarnos juntos, con el resto de nuestros hermanos no-humanos.
Y podamos disfrutar y cuidar juntos de esta Tierra y del milagro de estar vivos y ser conscientes :)
Seguiremos trabajando por celebrar la vida y no perder nunca la ilusión de vivirla, cuidarla y poder transmitirle esa visión/misión a cuantos más mejor.


G. Gibson reshared this.

Incredible how stupidity has become so popular - it is scary indeed. Millions of people watch these morons...

#stupidity #idiocracy #rogan #joerogan

Gracias Alex Serra

Hacia tiempo que no escuchaba a un artista que me transmistiera tanto con su música como nuestro hermano Alex Serra.

Su música me ayuda a seguir sintiéndome vivo en esta jungla de hormigón:

A veces no se que haría sin música...Sin poder bailar, sin poder cantar, sin poder reír, sin poder llorar, sin poder amar...

"La abundancia vive en la gratitud"

Gracias vida :)

Throughline: Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader -…

Whether it's pesticides in your cereal or the door plug flying off your airplane, consumers today have plenty of reasons to feel like corporations might not have their best interests at heart. At a moment where we're seeing unprecedented product recalls, and when trust in the government is near historic lows, we're going to revisit a time when a generation of people felt empowered to demand accountability from both companies and elected leaders — and got results. Today on the show, the story of the U.S. consumer movement and its controversial leader: the once famous, now infamous Ralph Nader.

Rokosun reshared this.

This man is asking to be killed (assisted suicide) because he will be kicked out of his home and he does not want to end up being homeless and sick -

Just a news from planet Earth where the "only" intelligent species in the Universe lives. Where they, humans, have so much shit (cars and toys, electronics and houses, food and clothes) that they create mountains of waste out of them. And yet, many people suffer on a daily basis because these "intelligent" humans do not realize that they are merely a more advanced species of ants who work all day, but never wonder for what. They trade trade trade....and that's all they do. They are blinded by the fantasy of their system that they themselves created and it is now obsolete.

We can provide for everyone with a decent life, trade-free. Now. Today. Not tomorrow.

#TradeRuinsEverything #assistedsuicide #capitalism #money #trade #slavery #poverty #homelesness

in reply to TROM

The good news is that this man was saved by random people from around the world who donated money to allow him to pay for the house he was living in - but ofc this should not be the case. We need to have a system that takes care of people.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

There are humans out there who can recognize this injustice, the fact that people donated money to this man is proof of that. I hope we can all use our collective will to change the system for good, at least having a safety net for preventing poverty is a must.
in reply to TROM

Yes, they are blinded by the fantasy but we will keep taking veils, opening minds, lending hands and giving hugs when possible :)