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Dat ons extreemrechtse kabinet geen enkel probleem heeft met een PVV staatssecretaris die haar master bij elkaar heeft gefraudeerd, dat verbaast niemand.
Maar WTF, waarom geeft Erasmus University Rotterdam haar de kans om een nieuwe scriptie te schrijven?

Dit is geen satire, de helft van haar scriptie bestaat echt uit plagiaat.

Satire is dood in dit land. Hoe valt hier nog een grap van te maken, of iets aan te overdrijven? Je kunt wel proberen om er de spot mee te drijven, maar de werkelijkheid is gewoon nog erger.

Vicky Maeijer schrijft dat het feit dat ze fraude heeft gepleegd (en niet zo'n beetje ook) "een enorme klap voor haar persoonlijk" is.

De Calimero-fasciste schrijft verder dat ze de scriptie graag eh, over wil schrijven, omdat ze toen ze stiekem andere scripties overschreef ook al zo graag haar papiertje wilde halen met "hard werken volgens de regels", alleen eh, had eh, IEMAND daarbij "grote fouten gemaakt". "Een enorme klap"!

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Super impressed with @CalyxOS ! We moved to a new phone and restored the backups - pretty much everything worked great. All restored. Apps and data. All because of how easy it is to use Calyx. Many many thanks for this fantastic trade-free operating system. I love it!

#trade-free #operatingsystem #calyx #android #foss

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#AlternativeLibertaire de mars (n°358) toujours disponible

Silence de #Bayrou, IA, Jeunesse communiste libertaire, les Oiseaux de Fougères, Externalisation de l’Assurance maladie, Grève du #8mars, Coordination féministe, Luttes des gardien·nes de troupeaux, Répression syndicale, Internationale fasciste, Désarmer #Bolloré, Attaque fasciste, Luttes en Corée du Sud, Projet ferroviaire, Normes environnementales, Origines du 8 mars, Histoire de l’ #UTCL…

S'abonner et soutenir boutique.unioncommunistelibert…

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in reply to Dima

Great job Dima and as I told you many times before I am so happy to see you doing what you do now. You are doing a lot of great stuff! And yes I totally understand about the old footage it was the same for me when I made TROM II.

« La réalisation du socialisme ne sera pas possible à moins que la nouvelle ère ne détruise la culture dominée par les hommes, profondément ancrée dans la société. Le socialisme peut être atteint par la libération des femmes. (...) La question des femmes est un problème plus profond que la question kurde. Nous n'en sommes qu'au début. La culture de la guerre et du conflit reste principalement dirigée contre les femmes. Repousser cette culture dans une certaine mesure doit être le moteur de la lutte. »
Message d'Abdullah Öcalan pour la Journée internationale des femmes, ANF News-, 8 mars 2025…


From Rockstar to Street Cleaner -…

A short video about @Dima and how he started to realize what matters...for him, for others. Why fame feels empty, and why helping others, the nature and such, is so important.

Great job Dima! Keep up the great work!

#volunteering #bebravetoact

From Rockstar to Street Cleaner

Short documentary about my life as a musician and nature & wildlife conservation guy.

Support me on Patreon :
Donate via paypal :…

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Many thanks to the Anonymous donor for the 50 Euros donation to our Servers Backup fundraiser… - we need 40 more Euros :)

Many many thanks to everyone!

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I rarely see such articles:

"Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs – show children the magic of real, living animals instead" -…

Congrats. We need more of these! And TROMnews is meant to bring such articles to light.

The real world is many times more mindblowing than any movie, book, or story humans have invented. Not to mention it is real. If we want people to care about it, then they have to know about it. Expose children to real wonders, real stories, real life.

#nature #education

in reply to Rokosun need to know about the society they live in as well. If you mean documentaries for little kids then hm, idk. Maybe. But they need parents to get these documentaries for them so maybe the parents are going to filter them anyway. But we can eventually do that.
in reply to Tio

I feel like most of the documentaries about society are rather depressing or too complex for kids to understand the nuances. I don't want any little kids to get traumatized by watching war documentaries and such lol 😅

And yeah I was thinking of making something I can recommend to parents as well for their kids.

US Threats to Canada

'Defund the poor' post attributed to Musk is fake

Elon Musk, the public face of the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, purportedly posted the phrase on X in early December 2024.…