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We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source

I am unsure. We are using the default configs for Peertube. No custom profile added to the transcoding. Usually it converts a video in as much time as the video is. So 1h video transcode in 1h. But since multiple runners convert it, that means 2 resolutions in 1h plus auto-transcription. So you think we can get better results with a custom transcoding profile?

We are dedicating around 2 CPUs per runner/server.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to TROM


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in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

Peertube is actually extremely fast am not sure why you may experience slowness. It is many times faster than youtube in terms of loading the interface (website itself). I also cannot see any issues with the font...

The way Peertube renames videos I think is all fine and probably necessary. Why would you need to upload the videos via ftp? That's old, insecure, nonreliable. Upload them via the Pertube interface and let Peertube convert the videos, create thumbnails, even transcriptions. Works wonders.

Framasoft posts regular updates. Follow them on Fedi or follow their News - I think they do great in terms of communication. They also have a wish-list where people can submit ideas and some already got implemented.

in reply to Tio

I'm happy with that reply while some reservations about all the the transcoding/transcribing you have to do for all those #Peertube videos when they could be merely copied since people already have the video file (!!).

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in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

I'm happy with that reply while some reservations about all the the transcoding/transcribing you have to do for all those #Peertube videos when they could be merely copied since people already have the video file (!!) UPDATED THE HORRIBLE GRAMMAR!

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in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
We are actually spending as little as possible since we cannot afford. We clearly do not have a dedicated GPU for any of our servers...
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
No need to apologize. Actually thank you for your suggestion!
in reply to TROM

@Tio If there weren't limitations on the kind of content that can be uploaded, I would have applied for an account on the TROM PeerTube instance.
in reply to Dirk

We have to keep it with a certain thematic else we will be flooded by conspiracy nonsense. That's what we've experience before introducing these limitations. But we are very relaxed when it comes to our thematic. What were the videos you wanted to upload? Our thematic is: science/education/tech in English.
in reply to Tio

Videos I'd create and upload:
- travels and adventures of my wife and me, to link to from my Friendica account
- talks on environmental topics given by experts (not by me)
- if friends need help with Friendica, I might upload a video showing how to get something done

I understand and agree with the need to prevent conspiracy theories from having a platform. Only those who disagree with mainstream science would call me a conspiracy theorist, such as someone who believes climate change is a hoax, or someone who believes that 15-minute cities are an attempt to restrict freedom of movement.

in reply to Dirk

Oh you should for sure post on our instance. The "thematic" we "impose" is to say that we pretty much accept those kind of videos, but the rest that do not fit, we are going to be more lose about and allow them. For sure your videos can be posted on our instance. So feel free to join!
in reply to Tio

Account request was just submitted 🙂