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New Blog: Meeting an Octopus

I wrote about my amazing experience of interacting with a wild octopus-…

He is simply precious :)

I recommend this documentary if you want to understand why I got so excited about this :D…

in reply to Sasha

I loved My Octopus Teacher. That is so wonderful that you were able to have octopus encounters yourself!
in reply to Matt Panhans

I loved My Octopus Teacher too :) and I'm super happy about the encounters :D

Curious Octopus

The most amazing thing happened to me yesterday! And I managed to film it-…

I went for a dip in a quiet rocky bay in the Mediterranean Sea. When I came out of the water I noticed an octopus close to shore, looking at me. I came towards the octopus and it came closer to me, then she/he touched my foot with its tentacle and tried to latch onto me! I was shocked and quickly backed away. The octopus squirted me, then stayed close and continued to observe me at the edge of the shoreline.

Here's our latest TROM-Cast:

This one was about movies, our personal opinions about movies, and the impact that movies have on society.

You can also watch it on Peertube -…

Here's last night's TROM-Cast:
Or on Peertube:…

This one was about "deplatforming" and the implications of it. How a few companies can mute anyone they want and what repercussions that has.

I finished Chapter 24- some crazy stories about hitchhiking through Europe in 2016 :D

I actually didn't realize how much time I spent hitchhiking around the world until I wrote this book :D There are a lot of hitching stories in there. Mostly good ones, but some were a tiny bit frightening too.

I also brought back a section that I had deleted earlier (from Chapter 8) so now the book is a bit over 150,000 words but maybe it's better that way, we'll see.

Now I'll have to make just a few small changes to Chapter 25 (the 2nd-to-last chapter) and then I'll see if I can manage to finish editing the conclusion or if I'll have to mull over it for a while longer.

I finished editing chapter 23, which was about Hawaii. This chapter included a story about the Kalalau, where I took this picture-

This was definitely one of the most incredible places I've ever seen, and the interesting part about this place is that there are a bunch of hippies living in that valley and making pizza :D
I hope to come back there one day and stay for a little while.

I also edited chapter 24 and 25 (Europe and Nicaragua) but I might go over it one more time.
And now I'm on the conclusion! ...And I'm struggling with it.

I'll try to take it little by little, hopefully finish by next week, and then we'll record my part for TROM2 documentary ;)

I made a lot of progress this week. I'm up to Chapter 23 now (page 275) and I think I only have about 4 chapters to edit! But I decided to go with a new strategy- right now I'm working on draft 2 of the 2nd half of my book (which I have never edited before). Once I finish draft 2 I will re-edit that entire section to make a final draft. Only then can we celebrate :D.

Now I just finished a part about Sri Lanka, which I struggled with a bit. I managed to cut out a bunch of pages so now the book is about 150,000 words. I don't think there's much more I can cut out but maybe that's okay.

Here's a photo of the Dambulla cave temple in Sri Lanka :)

I finished editing Chapter 17! Making progress :D
This one was about Cambodia, Thailand, Russia, Bulgaria and Morocco. Random, yes, but it made sense at the time :D

Here's a photo from this chapter-

This is from the Ta Prohm temple in the jungles of Cambodia (part of the Temples of Angkor)

Great TROM-Cast last night-…

This one was about our new project

Great job with this project @Tio and @Alexio I really love it! :)

Alexio reshared this.

I deleted 8 more pages and I've finished editing 200 pages! -So I'm more than halfway finished with my book! :D The next part will be more difficult though... Now I'm getting into the sections that I've never edited before. I'll try to take it little by little and hopefully not have any mental collapses this time :D

I decided to include an entire chapter about climate change in the book. At first, I thought that perhaps it deviated too much from the story, but I think I’ll leave it there because it’s an important topic and it impacted my perspective of the world quite a lot. Besides, the book will be called “Big World small Sasha” so it’s not only about the small Sasha- it’s also about the Big World :D

Here’s a part of what I wrote for that climate change chapter-…
I didn’t change much since I worked on this section a lot back when I was writing it.

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

I finished editing Chapter 13- Sailing in New Zealand. I wrote a little bit about this adventure in a blog a little while ago-…
Now the chapter is complete and I'm making real progress with my book. Yes! :D

I'll post updates about my work here (…) and this automatically goes to my website on this page

Thanks to @Tio for setting all of this up :) TROM Social looks great! - I love it! :)
